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Small Town Girl Research Paper

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A small town girl from Iowa. No, that is not a very thrilling opening line but it is completely true. Always tell the truth, something that was important to my parents as they were bringing me up. Small towns in the midwest are known for their good old fashioned values, strong political views, and strong religious opinions. Everyone has an opinion in the midwest and most are very stubborn. Children even at a very young age know that some things are just done because that is the way it is, no questions asked. And, it will never again be like the good old days. To this day, I have never been able to figure out what time period they are talking about. Nevertheless, if one of my elders says it happened in the good old days, then by golly that is the way it was.

Most families in small towns consider family history to be very important. Which is true on all sides of my family except where it concerns my …show more content…
The entirety of my academic career I was homeschooled. The three younger of my siblings are also being homeschooled.
After I tell people I was homeschooled, I find it easiest to go ahead and answer the first three questions I know people are going to ask. Starting with no, I am not anti social; yes, I still had to do homework (because technically it was all homework); finally, being home schooled is like organized chaos and light bulb moments all at the same time.

Growing up in the midwest with lots of very close friend and family (sometimes too close) was good for me. With miles upon miles of corn and bean fields, small town gossip that was almost too much for a person to handle, and everyone knowing who you are and all your relations even if you did not even know them. In no way was it the most exciting childhood, even though it was always busy (hard work is expected in all endeavors.) It is the life I was made to live and taught me the lessons I needed to know. Small town girl, solid midwestern

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