Smoke Signals To Say Phoenix, Arizon Movie Analysis
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Comparing “Smoke Signals” to “This is What it Means to Say Phoenix, Arizona”
In the more recent times our understanding of literature has changed. It has engulfed our lives more than it did in the past. In the twenty first century the acquiring of information has become easy by the advent of new technology. Technology such as the Internet and the use of it on the smart phones has made it easier to access information. Due to this advantage it has become seamless to include important forms of literature in many aspects of life. For example, things from the billboards on the side of the highway to the coffee container in the house use very unique styles and forms of literature.
Alongside this the world of entertainment is not as it was a centaury…show more content… They are not as closely bonded, as they seem to be in the film. In the short story the two characters are friends from childhood, but the kind of friends who don’t really get along too well. As they both go on a trip to phoenix, they learn to tolerate each other. In the movie when they both take the trip to phoenix to collect the items from his dead fathers trailor, they appear to have become much closer to each other. this is accomplished in the movie by the use of the camera angles and the use of the tight setting. When reading something from a piece of paper, sometime it becomes hard to actually feel the emotions behind. But while watching a movie we are able to actually feel the emotions growing and elevating. Thus relating our personal lives to the instances happeining in the lives of the charecters on the screen. The author of the short story Sherman alexie does a wonderfull job in presenting a bond of the two character through trible similarities. The both of them victor and Thomas builds –a- fire are very similar yet they are both very different. Thomas likes to tell stories that no one wants to listen to. He is portrayed as loving and caring. In the movie we even see him taking care of his grandmother, which