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What Makes College Useful

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College: Useful or Useless

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 69.7 percent of all 2016 high school graduates attended college. This means that there are a great amount of high school students going to college. College isn’t for everyone. Before attending college, certain factors must be considered, including a desired field of study, financial and debt costs, and no guarantee that a job will be available upon completion of college. Due to the challenges of higher education, not everyone should attend college.

One of the most salient factors that should be considered is the financial obligations and sacrifices that occur with college. Some high school students believe that paying for college will be a detriment to their future. The students may also believe that the vast cost of college will be a distraction in their daily lives which could lead the students to believe that college isn’t really worth it. “ According to the Institute for …show more content…
If a student goes to college immediately, they will have very little money to pay for their education. This doesn’t necessarily mean that students need to stay in the workforce. The students always have the option to attend college after they acquire money from their current job. Elevator installers, postmasters, and even power plant operators don’t require a college degree. Although, in the end, a college graduate will make more than a student worker without a college degree. Another important factor that should be considered is college debt. According to, the average debt costs in a public college was about $25,550. In many cases, the amount borrowed is considerably higher. This is a large sum of money that must be repaid. For many, the sheer cost of attending college may prevent some people from pursuing a college

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