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Clinical Practicum Placement

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What is a clinical practicum placement? In my understanding it is an opportunity of a life time for any student nurse at the early stage of personal and professional growth. This comes through developing practical skills, using theoretical knowledge, understanding the profession, embarking with care for patients, establishing therapeutic relationships and reflecting on experiences in the clinical settings. Gibb’s (1988) Reflective Cycle is one of the models of reflective writing that will be used in self evaluation placement journey. Venus is a student nurse in the second week of the practicum placement on a medical ward with her co-students and their mentor. They have just finished analysing the handover and have been assigned to work for a period of five hours of time with the registered nurses. She was looking after Mrs Smith (pseudonym) who has just moved from another ward and needed assistance with the shower.
Venus was excited to assist the patient with the shower and utilise her communication skills she observed earlier as well as …show more content…
During the conversation Venus has discovered that Mrs Smith has a shower at home once a week. Offering a couple of options Mrs Smith chose to have a shower. By motivating the patient to move at their own pace using a walking frame promotes mobility. During the shower the patient was assisted by Venus where it was necessary. Mrs Smith thanked her for the shower and said “that she was feeling better”. Being concerned for the patient’s safety Venus put the bed rails up before leaving the patient seating comfortably in bed. She noticed that Mrs Smith had a red spot on the big toe of the left foot and reported to the registered nurse. She went back to reassure Mrs Smith comfort and needs by doing this she showed that she cares about the patient as an individual and not just another number in the ward. Venus was feeling great by achieving her task. It was a normal busy day in the hospital

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