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Bedside Education

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There are two main types of schooling implemented in hospitals around the States today. One option is to have a teacher work with students individually going from bedside to bedside, while the other is to have a hospital based classroom where the children can go to work with the teacher and be with other students. The way children are educated in these two settings is actually very similar, they would learn the same material. Bedside education involves the teacher working one on one in the child’s hospital room, using either school work transferred over from the child's previous school or a customized education plan made by the hospital teacher. The traditional classroom setting divides into two subtypes. In hospitals such as The Children’s …show more content…
Healthy children spend their days interacting with each other at school, but even with hospital playrooms, more should be done to encourage socialization between children, and this is where teachers in the classroom setting can help. In Adapting Creative and Relaxation Activities to Students with Cancer, Jenko and Stopar look at cases and explain the benefits of having the hospital teacher also teach creative and relaxation activities that encourage socialization and sharing along with the other educational school work. The studies were on children with cancer in order to evaluate how effective these activities were in helping their stress levels and quality of life. After each activity the children rated from 1-11 with corresponding pictures how happy they felt and were also asked to explain why. They found that the children reported feeling more positive after these activities and found that the activities “reduc[ed] the adverse effects of treatment in children with cancer, e.g. fear of pain, loneliness, mood swings, feelings of guilt, anxiety, depression etc” (Jenko & Stopar 5). These activities help regarding mental health and stress relief by encouraging communication, proving socialization is very important for a hospitalized child to have, however, we also have to account for the reason the child is in the hospital in the first …show more content…
While in school to get a bachelors in teaching it is required that you shadow different types of classrooms. These potential teachers get sent to private or public schools in rural, suburban or urban locations, so that they can learn what different classrooms look like. However, there is no such shadowing or training program for future hospital teachers. A person may think they possess the characteristics to work with sick children, but it is really impossible to determine this without having experience working with sick children. Many hospitals such as St. Louis Children’s Hospital, have volunteer programs where people can get experience being around these children (“Volunteering”), however a more effective solution is to make a program requiring this experience. As a part of the educational process a program should be made giving the potential teacher the opportunity to shadow at a hospital instead of a different school classroom. This would require collaboration on both the university the teacher is studying at, and a local children’s hospital. However, because many universities with graduate programs such as teaching have medical graduate programs with hospitals, this communication would not be too large of an obstacle. The potential teacher could then get first hand experience working with these children to see if it is a good fit, see how current

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