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The Color Run Analysis

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Almost everyone from young children to older adults is familiar with the concept of a city race. Events like this are essentially open to the public and anyone interested in participating, including athletes and non-athletes, who are willing to pay for a spot. However, there are some twists on the basic ‘run’ depending on where you look to sign up. Some of those twists incorporate fun and exciting factors into the race itself, such as crazy costumes, bubbles, and numerous other ideas. However, the focus of this report is on the races labeled ‘color runs’, wherein colored powders, deemed safe enough for human skin and inhalation, is tossed onto participants as they make their way through the course.
The organization I will be analyzing is, indeed, titled The Color Run, which was founded in 2011. This company hosts running events all over the United States, and even in different countries all around the world. According to the organization’s ‘about’ page on their public website, The Color Run is focused on their mission to “bring people together and make the world a happier, healthier place. By creating …show more content…
Any event manager will be hesitant to admit that there are flaws hidden behind the scenes or swept under the rug. Sometimes, these flaws are found anyway and pointed out by news organizations or by the general public, and these flaws typically have to do with the ‘minor’ details others would be less likely to think about. The flaw I would like to point out with The Color Run would be their lack of risk management. According to Masteralexis, Barr, and Hums (2015), risk management is “the function or process by which an organization identifies and manages the risks of liability that rise from its activities”, which can refer to a multitude of matters such as personal injury, financial loss, and loss of trust from customers. In The Color Run’s case, I believe the loss of trust should be the main

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