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Later Adulthood Research Paper

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Later adulthood brings about many changes in a person’s life. Then adulthood is considered to be the significant segment of the life span, which was said by Zastrow and Kirst Ashman. People who are in this part of their life are experiencing and dealing with enormous amounts of emotions and feelings. Being that there are numerous areas affect in later adulthood. You have work life, health, marriage, living situation, family relationships, and social relationships are all involved you are in your later adulthood.
Older people can do most of the same things that younger people can do, but they just do it at a slower pace. Later adulthood your physical appearance changes, you get wrinkled skin, your speed slows down, you’re not as steady on your feet, your hair begins to thin out. With physical appearance, you also have senses that affect your later adulthood. The sensitivity to touching things; warm or cold temperatures that has a lot to do with the way your skins ages. Your ability to hear things is gradually deteriorating. Some elderly people have to wear a hearing aid. Your vision is not as sharp, and you may be prescribed a stronger prescription of glasses, or …show more content…
Having a job provides not just your money, but a lifestyle, independence, purpose and friendships. An individual may get depressed now that they don’t have anything to do as they once did when they were working. But if you have carefully planned for retirement is more than likely to be a positive experience. Being retired is not the end of working; you can do volunteer work or take up hobbies to keep you occupied. One of the most common problems associated with retirement is adjusting to a reduced income. With the financial aspect that can also be turned into a positive situation we have a financial budgeter on site, and they will sit with you go over the housing cost and how much is left for you to spend. The good thing is we always work with your

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