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Breastfeeding: The Four Stages Of Child Development

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As humans, we develop constantly throughout our entire lives. The four stages of development are prenatal and newborn, infancy and childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. Each individual may develop in a way unique to how they function as a person, but overall there are many strategies humans can follow or enforce in order to develop in what psychologists consider a healthy way. These strategies can include acts such as breastfeeding, exposing children to enriched environments and the “just right” parental style, participation in volunteer work or service learning, and last but not least, maintaining a healthy diet along with exercise. This paper will highlight these strategies. Breastfeeding has many known benefits to the development of children in their prenatal/newborn stage. When compared to formula-feeding, breastfeeding has been found to prevent infection, chronic disease and allergies in the child, enhance their …show more content…
During this period, it is absolutely necessary for children to learn certain abilities so they may be used later in life. In order to fulfill this critical period, children should be raised in an enriched environment, hopefully under an authoritative parenting style. Enriched environments serve for faster neurological development. Parents should expose their children to language early on and provide nurturing care to ensure connections are being made and the child is developing. It is also recommended that parents take up the authoritative parenting style which has been deemed the “just right” parenting approach by psychologists. Lastly, parents should avoid spanking their children because it has been found to be ineffective. Rather, parents should approach their children with positive reinforcement. These strategies will provide for a more securely attached child and therefore a better relationship in the child’s

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