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Tenant Move Out Research Paper

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Tenant Move-In and Move-Out Property Checklist
Tenant Move-In and Move-Out Property Checklist serves multiple purposes. For a landlord it is a definitive form of keeping track of the property and inventory associated with it. This list helps the landlord to demand damages due to the act of the tenant. This checklist saves the tenant from undue claims and payments towards it. The checklist has various sections requiring inputs about the real status of the property and its allied components like living room, kitchen, bedrooms, bathrooms, dining room, porch, and hall. Use key & abbreviations specified in the Tenant Move-In and Move-Out Property Checklist to describe the status of each section and subsections. In addition, both the landlord and …show more content…
Please enter the appropriate key & Abbreviation for move-in and moving out as well as cost for each head for following sections of the property.

Living Room - Specify correct key & abbreviation for listing from the floor through light bulbs.
Kitchen - Please enter the correct key & abbreviation values from Sink through electric fixtures.
Refrigerator - Specify the status of inside/parts through light for describing the status of the refrigerator.
Stove/Oven - Describe move-in, move-out, and cost for each item listed under stove/over from outside to drip pan.
Bedrooms - Please ensure to give accurate requested description for items listed for each bedroom separately from floor to light bulbs.
Entrance/Hall - Similarly, provide accurate status of items under Entrance/Hall from floor through light bulbs.
Dishwasher - Please specify the condition of inside, outside, parts, and controls of the dishwasher in this section of Tenant Move-In and Move-Out Property Checklist.
Bathrooms - Please proceed with providing accurate status of all bathrooms separately. Highlight condition of bathroom aspects from the floor through light bulbs on a separate

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