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Alcohol Abuse In The Navy

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It goes all the way back to the founding of the Navy, both the civilian and military sectors know that there is a large stigma to the US Navy where alcohol is concerned. The use of illegal drugs and substances also lends its hand to the dismissal of many officers on a yearly basis. As a junior officer in the service, we have the ability to combat the use and abuse of these substances amongst our peers in the wardroom. We can do this by being vigilant in looking for signs of abuse, making sure that everyone understands policies, and using the referent base of power to contest the use and abuse of substances and alcohol. Unfortunately, having a sit down with a buddy of yours in the wardroom can be awkward and possibly not work. Because of this, …show more content…
It is becoming increasingly common for sailors that are cited and charged with Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol (DUI). Lt. Pastell, a former Academic Advisor and Assistant Professor of Naval Science at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, cited several examples of shipmates of his that were ticketed for alcohol related charges (2013). Lt. Pastell explained that he had a friend that exited a bar and started the ignition in his car to warm up his car while waiting for a taxi. The sailor was ticketed for a DUI and was eventually relieved of duties and upon the end of his contract was not given the opportunity to resign and continue his service. The Navy has very strict policies that it enacts to be sure that it retains only those people that are the best for the Navy (Pastell, 2013). The last, and arguably most effective way to combat the use and/or abuse of drugs and alcohol is by using your referent power as a shipmate in the wardroom. The referent power gives us the opportunity to have a personal connection with those that you are leading (Hughes, 2009). By establishing a friendship, our followers have a considerable amount more buy-in into what you as a leader are trying to do (Hughes, …show more content…
Lanham argues that most importantly must lead the way. He says that “leaders [must be] credible, trustworthy, and competent in everything [they do] or the likelihood of being believed in any significant endeavor will be challenged from the beginning” (2012). As an informal leader you must set the example and conduct yourself in a manner that portrays confidence and demands credibility. In the wardroom a leader must be vocal about the potential dangers of drugs and alcohol to the other members in the command. By doing this you are proving to others that you have set standards for yourself and you live by them (Lanham,

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