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Drunk Driving Research Paper

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As the laws for marijuana consumption continue to cross over to the right-wing, the line of legal and illegal consumption is becoming blurred. We all know driving under the influence of alcohol is illegal, however, the rules with marijuana are not as black and white. This article will briefly outline the laws and police powers regarding operating a motor vehicle under the influence of marijuana.

Firstly, driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs are subject to the same penalties. However, driving under the influence of marijuana is not as easy to define. Unlike alcohol, which can be easily measured by a breathalyzer, people metabolize THC (tetrahydrocannabinol, the active ingredient in marijuana) at different rates, therefore impairment can vary widely from person to person making it hard to determine if a person is impaired. Due to the inability to …show more content…
If a substance has impaired your ability to operate a motor vehicle it is illegal for you to be driving, even if that substance is prescribed or legally acquired. Under the Criminal Code S. 253(1)(a), “everyone commits an offence who operates a motor vehicle or ... has the care or control of a motor vehicle... whether it is in motion or not, while the person’s ability to operate the vehicle ... is impaired by alcohol or a drug.”
For a First offence, impaired drivers face a fine of not less than $1,000, a mandatory driving prohibition of 12 months and a possible jail sentence of up to 18 months. A second offence leads to a mandatory minimum of 30 days in jail and a two-year prohibition from driving. For third and subsequent offences, the penalty is imprisonment for a minimum of 120 days plus a three-year driving prohibition. Impaired drivers who cause an accident face a maximum 10-year period of incarceration in the case of causing bodily harm, and a life sentence in the case of causing

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