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Personal Statement: Never Give Up

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I learned to never give up and that I’m capable of doing anything. After high school, I want to be in an environment where it is normal to be different and weird, where I’m able to freely express my ideas without being judged, and where it’s normal to go above and beyond. This is why HOWARD is perfect for me.
At times I doubt myself, but I learned to not let self-doubt control my happiness. I love student council, but sometimes I put a lot of pressure on myself. After student council puts on a program for our school; my underarms are wet, my feet hurt, I’m a little dizzy from running everywhere, and i’m thinking about what everyone is thinks of me and the program. It’s also hard for me sometimes because another member has tried to prove me unworthy since I took my position. She even tried to tell our advisor that she should be president instead of me. Unfortunately, this is not the only instance where I’ve challenged my abilities. I’m also a majorette in the marching band and it can be …show more content…
In my sophomore and junior year, I ran for vice-president in Spanish Club and unfortunately did not win. Despite both of my losses, I finally won my senior year! I’m glad that I didn’t stop trying or I would’ve never been Vice-President. I’m also glad I didn’t stop being a part of Women Empowered. I was elected the social media chair for women empowered my junior year. Unfortunately, the girls on the board were rude and didn’t include me in any of the decisions. I’m glad I didn’t quit because I get along with the new board members much better. I’ve had a lot of people try to hold me back from doing the things I love and made me question my abilities. However, I’ve realized that I shouldn't let them stop me and I’m capable of doing whatever I set my mind to. I want to better myself while helping others do the same. In saying that, I believe that going to HOWARD will help me achieve that

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