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Change Analysis


Submitted By asmeeks4
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Change Analysis Paper: “Vision.”


The company that I work for, Picker & Associates, CPA’s, does not have a Vision Statement, Mission Statement or even a Strategy that is outlined. Even though we are a small company that most of the time works well together, developing these three items will help the organization focus better as a whole. Over the next few pages, I will develop a Vision Statement, Mission Statement and Strategy for Picker & Associate’s, CPA’s. I will also explain how these statements would impact the company both positively and negatively.

Change Analysis Paper: “Vision.”

I had never really given it much thought before, but I think that creating a Vision Statement for Picker & Associates, CPA’s would be a great idea. If the task of creating one were given to me, I would present something like this:

Within the next three years, Picker & Associates, CPA’s will become the premier accounting firm for condominium and homeowners association audit work by providing timely and efficient results.

I think that the number one way that this statement can be valuable to the company is by helping us focus. Because of the economy, our organization has become very reactive and scared. I believe that by creating a vision statement for the company, we will be able to refocus and get back to what we do best. Whenever I did think about the three statements that my company does not have, the mission statement was always the one that came to mind first. After careful consideration, the following is what I came up with:

More than 35 years ago, Ralph Picker founded this firm with a clear mission: to empower individuals and corporations to take a leadership role in their financial lives, free from the conflicts and high costs of traditional accounting firms. His vision – to provide the most ethical, cost effective and useful accounting services in the Chicago land area - continues to define our values-driven approach to client service, community involvement, employee development and growth.

Picker & Associates, CPA’s can use the fact that we are a small firm as a good point for us with current and potential clients. The firm will be with the clients every step of the way and will be assigned an associate that can be directly reached whenever there is a problem or a simple question needs to be answered. Most of the larger firms are more concerned with volume and turnover instead of relationships and building trust. The final statement that I really never had given any thought to was the Strategy one. Until this class, I was not aware that these were important to other organizations. After reading the text and giving it a lot of thought, this is the Strategy Statement that I came up with:

To give each client a personal relationship, cost effective results and attentiveness every step of the process.

The more that I think about the Strategy Statement, the more I realize that our company does a really good job at building a maintaining personal relationships with our clients. I have heard personally from a lot of my clients how happy and impressed they have been when they had to work with one of my colleagues. It is a wonderful feeling to know that the organization is doing a great job at giving out value added service to the clientele. When looking at the three statements and how they can drive change, I think the most important way that comes to mind is to change the mindset from reactive to proactive. We do a lot of things very well that our competitors cannot do and a lot of our clients have told us that. We need to focus on our strengths and continue to build and strengthen the relationships that we have with our clients. By doing that, the organization will be able to increase and grow the business for years to come. The way that the Statements can limit the organizational change is due to the expanding of the personal relationships with the current clients. While it will be a great way to keep the current client, it will not give the organization extra time to go out and build new relationships or to find new clients. What makes our current clients happy and helps us stand out from our competitors may ultimately be the number one thing that hurts us the most.

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