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Radiation Therapy Research Paper

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Radiation Therapy Schools in North Carolina
Radiation therapists play an important role of providing radiation therapy services to patients with various illnesses, including cancer. Radiation treatment often goes hand in hand with chemotherapy and surgery. Most radiation therapists work in general medical and surgical hospitals, oncology centers, colleges and universities and medical and diagnostic laboratories. To become radiation therapists, you need to complete an accredited radiation therapy program. Students can undertake a one year Certificate program, an Associates, Diploma or Bachelors degree in community colleges, 4-year universities and hospitals. In most states students need to obtain licensure and a pass in a prescribed national certification.

Students who have graduated from accredited training programs can take a nationally recognized exams in order to earn an R.TT certification. There are no state mandated requirements to work in the radiologic technology sector in the state of North Carolina. However, most employers …show more content…
In 2010, the college was ranked the third best 2-year college in the country by the Washington Monthly. The college offers more than a dozen healthcare programs including radiation therapy and nursing. Some of the courses undertaken under the school of medical imaging radiation therapy include; Oncology Nursing and Patient care, Dosimetry, Radiation Therapy Practicum and Treatment Planning. The course includes introduction to advanced imaging techniques such as magnetic resonance imaging (IMR) and sonography. Clinical instructions are offered at the Levine Cancer Institute, one of the largest cancer care centers in the south. Radiation therapy graduates from the college have traditionally achieved 100% pass rate on professional examinations. The program is JRCERT

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