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Celebration Of Discipline Analysis

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Kyle Edens
Dr. Wilson
THE 103
16 September 2014
Celebration of Discipline – Summery, Evaluation, and Integration “Celebration of Discipline,” by Richard J. Foster, was an interesting read that explained twelve spiritual disciplines and how we should follow these disciplines in order to achieve success in our lives. Foster splits these twelve disciplines into three different groups, as to make it easier for one to understand what all the disciplines mean exactly. The first group of disciplines that Foster talks about is Inward Disciplines. The Inward disciplines, as listed by Foster, are meditation, prayer, fasting, and study. This section was interesting to me because I think that I am somewhat lukewarm in my walk right now. I try to meditate as much as I can on God and I pray often, but I have never fasted nor do I feel I study Him much. I pray that I can get back to a better place with God, for I know how dangerous it is to be lukewarm. The second …show more content…
These disciplines are listed as follows: confession, worship, guidance and celebration. The final section was good and I especially enjoy the idea of celebration, because I feel as though I do love to celebrate God and that I have the discipline of a joyful spirit, for the most part. Confession is always a tough discipline to do but I feel like I am good confessing to God anything that might be wrong. I believe that it is reliving that we have a God that we can confess to and that he loves us no matter what. I love to worship and I believe we are in a generation of worship. A lot of Christians I talk to particularly love to worship more than any other form of interacting with God. When it comes to guidance it is very hard to hear God sometimes and I try to follow God to the best of my ability but sometimes I cannot seem to follow the right path. Hopefully once get my Inward Disciplines in order I will be able to hear God

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