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Big Mac Research Paper

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A few years ago, a 56-year-old diabetic and double heart attack victim filed a class-action lawsuit against McDonald's, Burger King, Wendy's, and KFC, claiming that his illnesses were partly their fault. He had eaten in their establishments for years, he said, without ever being told that their food could have a negative impact on his health.

On the face of it, the plaintiff and others like him seem to be using the legal system to compensate for their own lack of control and common sense. Surely everyone should realize that a Big Mac is not a health food just as they should grasp that parking yourself in front of the TV for 28 hours a week -- as the average American does -- is not a healthful activity. What about personal responsibility? Aren't …show more content…
At the very least, they've been pumping their products full of great tasting but calorific ingredients and then aggressively marketing them to consumers, especially children. The industry has helped create our appetite for unhealthy food.

But the fast food companies are just the tip of the iceberg. How do you single out Burger King without also blaming Swanson's for inventing the TV dinner? Or Pillsbury for using palm oil, the lard of vegetable oils, in many of their baked goods? Or Coke? Or Pepsi? Or Doritos? Or Krispy Kreme? Or your mother for admonishing you to clean your plate lest you waste away to skin and bones?

In the end, I believe that each and every person must take responsibility for his or her own excess adipose and commit to safely and sanely shedding it. Not only must we break our fast food and junk food addictions, we also need to go cold turkey when it comes to quick fix weight loss solutions. We know what counteracts the consequences of McGourging: Eating less and moving more. When you commit to doing these two things -- no gimmicks or shortcuts -- that's when you'll finally have control over your weight, health and

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