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Santiago Research Paper

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Santiago is Chile's capital and largest city, along with it's cultural, financial, and political center. Located between the Andes mountain range to the east, and the Cordillera of the Coast to the west, Santiago is a beautiful city to live in, and to travel to. The city has a population of about 6.2 million people. Santiago has very warm and dry summers (November to February), averaging to about 86°F, and very mild winters (May to August), averaging to about 52°F. The city has many tourist attractions, a few of them listed.

Plaza de Armas
The Catedral Metropolitana de Santiago, is a common attraction for anyone looking for a place to take great photos. Admission is free to get into this beautiful church. If your interested in …show more content…
The beach is on the Pacific Ocean, on the outskirts of Vina del Mar. The beach is ideal for hiking, biking, and for a long walk along the beach.

Playa Negra
Past the Higuerilla Cove is this nice-sized beach with moderate waves. The dark-colred sand, fine in texture and rich in volcanic minerals, gave the beach its name. Although this beach doesn't have the conveniences of others, it is still a good place to take time to visit. Despite its distance from the center of Viña del Mar, the good public transportation systems make it easily accessible.

La Serena

La Serena is a city in northern Chile, capital of the Coquimbo Region.The country’s capital, Santiago, is located 471 km (293 miles) to the south. It has a population of 198,164. It is one of the fastest-growing areas of Chile, experiencing a population increase of 32.6% between 1992 and 2002.
The city is an important tourist destination, especially during the summer, where people go to visit the beaches. Their summer lasts from December 30 to March 15 with an average daily high temperature above 68°F. Their winters last from May 14 to October 2 with an average daily high temperature below 61°F. One of the most popular places to visit is Faro

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