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Poverty In America

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Poverty in America is nothing new, we as citizens have an inkling as to what it means to be in poverty. Poverty surrounds everyone, even though many are blind to it. The subject of poverty has been unsettling to say the least. The topic of poverty is often dismissed, or belittled. Many Americans are blind to the poverty that lives around them, but ironically are aware of poverty by the numbers. Sadly numbers do not expres the entire truth of being impoverished. Every race in the United States has felt the cold relentless grip of poverty to some degree, many more so than others unfortunately. One of the highest impoverished races in the United States, are Native Americans,and following them is African Americans, then Hispanis and Latinos. After …show more content…
On Junior’s reservation, there were very few jobs that were offered, but there were even less for a fourteen year old like Junior, because he was too young. To make money Junior even thought about cutting some lawns or getting a simple neighborhood job but, Junior stated that “...there were only about fifteen green grass lawns on the reservation, and the only newspaper route was owned by a tribal elder named Wally. And he had to deliver only fifty papers, so his job was more like a hobby” (10). Furthermore, Junior’s reservation faces a lack of commerce, because of an absence in industrialization. James J. Davis says that “Like other minorities living in disadvantaged rural or urban areas, reservation economies are hurt by limited industrial diversity and a dearth of job opportunities caused by their geographic remoteness” (7). In addition to the lack of jobs, and industrialization, Junior’s reservation has poor healthcare as seen when Junior needed to get teeth pulled for having ten more than the average human who has thirty two. Because of the limited funds that the Indian Health Service could provide, Junior had to have all of his extra teeth pulled in one day. Though tens of millions Americans live in poverty, things have taken a turn for the better in recent years. …show more content…
Getting alcohol must be easy to get a hold of on Junior’s Spokane Indian reservation, considering Junior’s best friend Rowdy said “Hey let’s go buy some bootleg whiskey...I’ve got five bucks” (17). Alcoholism is highly prominent on the reservation, Nancy Whitesell stated that the “Tri-Ethnic Center has documented higher rates of drug, alcohol, and tobacco use among American Indian adolescents compared with Hispanic or White youth; American Indians living on reservations and those who had dropped out of school reported the highest levels of use” (377). Many researchers have come to the conclusion that poverty and substance abuse have a direct correlation between one another. Substance abuse does not strictly affect Native Americans nor the impoverished. Substance abuse is an infectious disease that has swept through a multitude of nations, and futhermore has consumed millions. In the opening statement of an article published by Marcia E. Sutherland Rayna Ericson, the researchers state that “ Although the prevalence of alcohol use varies across the globe, its use and abuse is deemed problematic by nearly every nation.” Sutherland and Ericsons, also report that “Results of the latest survey in two thousand six revealed that only forty percent of African Americans aged twelve years and older reported current alcohol use while fifty five

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