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Animal Boredom

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It was the crinkling sound again; this time the squirrel was much closer to the peanut bag lying next to my window. I tried shooing it away, but it wasn’t scared anymore. I opened the window and the window’s creaking sound scared the squirrel away. Although it looked totally scared, it was still roaming around the window as if it were bored to tears. Seeing this, a stroke of happiness rushed through my face and I knew I had found what I was looking for: boredom in animals, the topic that this paper focuses on. The study of animal boredom has now become a wide area of scientific research.
Until recently, the dominant belief was that the study of boredom could not be attached to any natural sciences since animal boredom could not be experimentally …show more content…
According to the animal psychologists Francoise Wemelsfelder and Marc Bekoff, boredom in humans is the product of predictability and confinement. (Toohey 3) In most animal cases, confinement is obvious in a cage or on a chain. Wemelsfelder describes boredom as the experience of “impaired voluntary attention”. She believes that in periods of confinement, deliberate attentions and interactions with one’s surroundings are impaired. Sustained confinement produces in animals a real and observable sense of boredom followed by frustration, anger, violence and eventually depression, which all can be seen from the example of the chimp Santino. In the field of farm animals, most research seems to be concentrated on keeping chickens and cows, as well as their offspring, in close confinement. Cows appear to have much less need for external stimulation. This may be due to their rumination process, which provides self-stimulation via chewing of the cud and grooming, and thus
"boredom and aggression are reduced in establishing groups of cattle" (Albright 1982).
Yet in veal calves, boredom might be considered a serious problem. Because

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