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Arkham Disadvantages

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Working together with players on Arkham could be happy and fun, but confusing and hard other times. It requires you to study people and know their strengths and weaknesses. I think that I can help people learn from their mistakes in the future, help people with issues that they have with people or interactions, games not working and minecraft mods and coding. I think that I would be a great fit to become an Arkham Network Helper so I could educate people and help them make friends. I can actively be happy to chat on forums and help other staff if they need it while dealing with something or someone.

I know how to lead people and lead as a team, motivate people and become the best of what they can be, mentor people that are new and need help and have questions, I have flown airplanes and gliders before and know the leadership styles and how to do everything as a team, give rewards to people and tell apart from who wants to do something and who does not.
I am also Bilingual, I speak fluent English and know Russian except how to write, I know that being bilingual is good as I can understand people who speak Russian too and help them without using a translator.
I think I am also very mature and handle situations very well. I give everyone fair chances and always , mostly give them a second or third …show more content…
I choose Integrity first followed by; Volunteer Service, Excellence, and Professionalism. Integrity is doing what is right even when nobody's looking. I have that feeling like we all do, that you know you're pressured by your friends to help this guy or to do what's wrong, but you do what's right anyway because you know that that time in that moment is not going to happen anywhere else so you help that person instead and become friends with him and those people who you thought were your friends aren't anymore. Integrity is important to become a successful staff member. It gives you motivation and experience and you know what is right in the

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