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Guida's Pizza

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In Rochester Ny, there is a pizzeria named Guida Pizzeria and this is where I work. The company is a franchise but my uncle owns this particular one. I work at the pizza shop in the summer and on breaks. I have worked there all throughout High School. My job consists of a couple different things. At first I was restricted to just answering the phones and taking orders, it was just a typical job at the counter. Over the years I have been promoted to making pizzas. One might be surprised at how much preparation goes into making a pizza at Guida's. In this paper I will explain the process of making a pizza in six easy steps. At Guida's everything is made fresh nothing is frozen or made the day before. In the morning the shop opens and …show more content…
Guida's is known for having their own unique sauce. The sauce is composed of four parts tomato paste and six parts crushed tomatoes. First we take the tomato paste and the crushed tomatoes and put them into a sauce bowl. Next we add the prepared spice packet that the franchise owner assembles. The spices that are put into the sauce are oregano, parsley, Romano cheese, garlic powder, onion powder, basil, thyme and rosemary. The ingredients are not a secret, however, the amount of the ingredients is and the owner of all the franchises is the only one who makes the spice packs. After you have gathered all of these ingredients put them in a mixer and mix the tomato paste, crushed tomatoes and spiced until fully blended. When it is all mixed put the sauce into a jug and put it in the cooler. The next step is to pound out the pizza dough. Take dough ball of desired size from the cooler, place it on the dough table, and kneed it until it is at its desired thickness. At Guida's we have NYC thin crust style, Regular thickness, and then thick crust pizza. When you have reached the desired thickness it is time to shape the pizza into either a round pie or a rectangular pie. If it is a round pie toss it in the air to stretch to full size and to even out the circle. When it is done being stretched move the pizza to the pizza

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