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Psycho-Social Intervention In Health And Social Care

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Interventions are care provided to improve a situation especially medical procedures or applications that are intended to relieve illness or injury. Interventions for physical, psychological (psycho social), educational and vocational interventions.
Physical intervention- Appropriate exercise therapy for joint movements. It help in restoring the function of affected part by physio training and monitoring them to ensure that they handle their frustration in a positive instead of embarking on self-hurting activities.
Psycho-social intervention. - The process rehabilitation is not complete without psycho-social intervention. Others reaction to different situations which people with specific needs could have depression, suicidal tendency, challenging behaviours and anxiety can be …show more content…
Intervention strategies are important to people with specific needs. It help them to improve their current conditions like physical intervention helps with restoring strength by going to the gymnasium for exercise. It also help with therapies for joint movements. The educational and vocational intervention, help service users with specific needs to gain independence and the knowledge and information about their illnesses. Social and medical models is in favour of Mental Health capacity Act, 2005, says service users should be given their rights but when we find out that the service user is vulnerable to harm themselves, their rights can be withdrawn
Alleviation of need versus Remedial therapy. You cannot give a service user some off the counter (OTC) medications which were not prescribed by qualified medical praititional (GPs) even if the client has a mere headache.
Right versus autonomy. The right of service users can be withdrawn if they at any risk of harm to themselves. In a health and social care settings, if you are given choice and independent, that is an

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