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Zahra Gbatu Interview Report

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Words 414
Pages 2
The Interview of Zahra Gbatu (17) took place at Brittany Place on 3/7/18. Present for the interview was CPI Soreya Jama, Detective John Ratajczyk. The interview was recorded.
Zahra appeared healthy and well-groomed. She appeared calm and engaged. She stated that she lives with her mother, uncle and his wife and three of her cousins. Her cousins Dadzie 17yrs, Dacara 13yrs and Daniel 5yrs.
Zahra stated on 2/15/18 her mother left to Chicago and her uncle stayed with them since her mother was heading to Chicago until 2/20/18. Zahra stated on 2/15 she heard her uncle keeps going up and down into the stairs during night time. She stated that it has to be my uncle because she believed everyone else were sleep. Also, at times Zahra appeared unsure

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