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King Leopold Research Paper

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In 1874, King leopold 2 Began developing a colony for him to directly control. The colony was within the Congo region. The king sent henry Morton Stanley a journalist to explore congo to make treaties with the native peoples. The treaties allowed Leopold to take position as the colony’s leader. Which also increased his power in the land. This movement for leopold coming to power was largely significant because it showed his greed and his soon inhuman treatment to the congolese people do to the fact that he made indigenous peoples sign away their land without knowing the consequences.
In 1884 the berlin conference took place to organize the “scramble for Africa” and then later grant Leopold 2 ro rule the congo. Which meant boundaries were imposed throughout Africa, dividing into Europe’s colonial domains thus eliminating any governing people in congo. The Berlin conference encouraged Leopold to begin his reign over congo because he had permission and help from all of Europe. It also allowed Europeans to lay claims over african land and destroy indigenous people power. This lead to mistreatment and abuse to congolese people.
Leopold exploited the congo natural rubber which becoming valuable commodity. He sent his armies to steal congolese women and held them hostage until their husbands brought their quota of rubber. People were either whipped of killed …show more content…
The colony in congo along with few others were annexed and named belgian congo. The movement was brought by pressures from humanitarians and other countries due to leopold's cruelty. This change of power significantly improved the treatment of congolese people while there was still some discrimination the exploitation of worker pretty much stopped. Problems in congo still apparent such as the people having no say in government which eventually led up to sovereignty for the

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