...C:\snort\bin\ *.conf *.rules *.pcap dir PCAP file opened in Wireshark Wire shark TCP only filter Snort cmd run Alert file after modifying Snort rules. Renamed alert file. Alert 2 1. When running Snort IDS why might there be no alerts? There could be several different reasons for Snort not seeing any alerts. The number one reason, is that Snort has not been configured properly to listen for traffic. Snort needs to be configured properly on specific port for it too listen to traffic. Another reason according to the Snort FAQ, no alerts can be due to “the result of a checksum offloading issue.” (Snort FAQ, 2016) The use of –k none should be added in the cmd line to solve the issue of no alerts. 2. If you only went to a few web sites, why are there so many alerts? Snort is an open-source intrusion detection system (IDS). Intrusion detection systems are able to analyze many different types of network traffic to detect abnormalities. Snort analyzes packets on a network depending on the traffic traversing the network. Traffic can include TCP, UDP, and HTTP traffic to name a few. Depending on which protocols where used when going to the website, different types of alerts can be produced by Snort. 3. What are the advantages of logging more information to the alerts file? Advantages to logging more information to the alerts files is that one, it can be more useful to a system administrator trying to figure out what type of malware...
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...running Snort IDS why might there be no alerts? It is possible that a user might not get any alerts while using Snort IDS. One reason could be that the user didn't set up the Snort with optimum settings. The user may have set it up on a port that is not been used by the network. Snort works by using a set of rules. The user can either download and use these rules from the Snort website with default settings, or can modify them to his/her network requirements and needs. By changing the default settings of the rules provided on the Snort website, there is a chance that the user might disable packet sniffing on a port that needs to be enabled, causing no alerts on that port. There is also a possibility that user may have set a range of ports to be scanned by Snort IDS for sniffing and the traffic that is coming in the network is not through any of those ports, muting the alerts. 2. If we only went to a few web sites, why are there so many alerts? An Intrusion Detection System (IDS) provides a wide range of monitoring techniques including packet sniffing, file integrity monitoring, and even artificial intelligence algorithms that detect anomalies in network traffic. Snort, a public domain intrusion detection system, monitors traffic by analyzing every packet on a network, looking for malevolent content. It does this by putting the network adaptor in promiscuous mode so that it can see all network traffic on the wire, a process referred to as packet sniffing. Snort is a rule-based...
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...When running Snort IDS why might there be no alert When running a new system such as Snort IDS there is always the possibility that a user’s may run into problems fetching the data. A user may have difficulties in creating the snort configuration file. The signature file or rule set or database may be pointing to the wrong location. The database configuration must have correct parameters such as username, password and database name. According to “snort.org “ an errant pass rule could cause alerts to not show up, in which case you can change the default ordering to allow alert rules to be applied before Pass rules. 2. If we only went to a few web sites, why are there so many alerts? Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) monitors and gathers...
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...If your unsure, go into the add/remove programs, select 'add/remove windows components', make SURE the 'Internet Information Services' radio box is unselected, if selected, unselect 'Internet Information Services', and remove the application, and all associated components. -Edit hosts file winids Download the 'WinIDS - All In One Software Pak' and extract the contents into the d:\temp folder. Installing the Basic Windows Intrusion Detection System (WinIDS) Install WinPcap Navigate to the d:\temp folder, double left-click on the 'WinPcap...' file, left-click 'Next', left-click 'Next', left-click the 'I Agree' button, and left-click the 'Finish' button. Install and configure Snort Navigate to the d:\temp folder, double left-click on the 'Snort...' file to start the installer, left-click the 'I Agree' button, left-click 'I do not plan to log to a database,...', left-click and check the 'Enable IPv6 support.', left-click 'Next', left-click...
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...Virtual Machine Name | Network Settings | BackTrack Internal (Host Only)gedit .bash_profileinit 6 | IP 192.168.seat.50Subnet Mask 192.168.seat.1DNS 192.168.seat.100 | 2003 ENT SQL Server (Host Only | IP 192.168.seat.100Subnet Mask 192.168.seat.1DNS 192.168.seat.100 | SnifferInternalExternal | eth0eth1 | ISA Firewall (Internal)Host-only-ISA Firewall (External)NAT | IP 192.168.seat.1Subnet Mask 216.1.seat.1Subnet Mask | BackTrack External (NAT)gedit .bash_profileinit 6 | IP 216.100.seat.50Subnet Mask 216.1.seat.1 | Windows 7 (NAT) | IP 216.200.seat.175Subnet Mask 216.1.seat.1DNS | Take a screenshot for each of the steps below: 1. Disable Routing and Remote Access Install ISA. Create an Access rule that allows all out. Allow pings to and from internal, external, and localhost. Create server publishing rules for FTP, TELNET, SMTP, HTTP, and POP3 for Internal 2003. From the BackTrack external machine, do a nmap scan. 5 ports should be open. * On the Firewall, open the Start Menu and click on “Administrative Tools”. Select “Routing and Remote Access”. * Right-click on “FW (local)” and select “Disable Routing and Remote Access”. * Click “Yes” when prompted. After a moment, a red down arrow will appear next to “FW (local)”. Close Routing and Remote Access. * Click on “VM” and select...
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...Recommendation for Network Analysis Tool Due to the increased budget of Digifirm I was asked to research and review some network traffic analysis tools and sniffers that could use in future investigations. There are several pieces of software available to fit out needs. I looked at many sniffers and network analysis tolls. Some of the programs I have researched are TCDump, Windump, Wireshark, HTTPSniffer, Nmap and Snort. A common tool used to intercept and log traffic over a digital network is TCpdump for UNIX platforms and Windump for windows computers. They both extract network packets and perform a statistical analysis on the dumped information. They can be used to measure response time and the percentage of packets lost, and TCP/UDP connection start up and end. TCPdump and Windump are not very user friendly sniffers. Wireshark is a packet sniffer that is used a lot. I even have it on my home computer. It is free download and is available for many operating systems. It is simple to use and the user will select an interface, or network card and then start the process. You can see the address where the packets are coming from or where they are going to. You can also protocol, timing and other important information. You can also stop the packet capture process and view individual packets. When you click on any given packet it displays the details of that particular packet. The information is color coded and sometimes you can even see the data in packet. Wireshark...
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...If you can prevent the IP packets from entering the network or LAN segment, then a remote attacker can’t do any damage. A host-based intrusion detection system (IDS) is installed on a host machine, such as a server, and monitors traffic to and from the server and other items on the system. A network-based IDS deals with traffic to and from the network and does not have access to directly interface with the host. Intrusion detection systems are alert-driven, but they require the information systems security practitioner to configure them properly. An IDS provides the ability to monitor a network, host or application, and report back when suspicious activity is detected, but it does not block the activity. In this lab, you will configure Snort, an open source intrusion prevention and detection system, on the TargetSnort virtual machine and the Web-based IDS monitoring tool called Snorby. You also will use the OpenVAS scanning tool to scan the...
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...Chegg -- Sign In More Learn about Chegg Study ------------------------------------------------- Top of Form SubmitClose Bottom of Form Free Shipping: Physical textbook orders of $55 or moreSee details Excludes tax and shipping. Expires on 12/15/14. Not to be combined with other offers. Terms of offer are subject to change Code: CHEGGFREESHIPApply Home home / homework help / questions and answers / engineering / computer science / 1. [16 points total, tcp/ip] a. unlike ip fragmentation... Ask a new question? Question 1. [16 points total, TCP/IP] a. Unlike IP fragmentation (which can be done by intermediate devices), IP reassembly can be done only at the final destination. What problems do you see if IP reassembly is attempted in intermediate devices like routers? [8 points] Answer: It's important to understand that while reassembly is the complement to fragmentation, the two processes are not symmetric. A primary differentiation between the two is that while intermediate routers can fragment a single datagram or further fragment a datagram that is already a fragment, intermediate devices do not perform reassembly. There are a number of reasons why the decision was made to implement IP reassembly this way. Perhaps the most important one is that fragments can take different routes to get from the source to destination, so any given router may not see all the fragments in a message. Another reason is that having routers need to worry about reassembling fragments...
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...CSEC 640 Final Exam Click Link Below To Buy: http://hwaid.com/shop/2049/ • This test is open book and open note. All work, however, must be your own. You are not allowed to discuss this exam with anyone else. • Points will be awarded or deducted based upon: o The answer displays a sound understanding of the subject matter and course material. o The support used in the answer corresponds to the information sought in the question o The explanation displays a sound and thorough understanding of the matter in question. o The answer reflects the student’s own thoughtful consideration of the material. You may quote and reference other sources if you like. If you do, please cite your sources and include a bibliography with your answer. • Partial credit will be given as appropriate. Do not leave any problem blank. Many questions have no right or wrong answers. If you encounter a problem that you don’t know the answer, make a logical guess (I would like to see how you think and react). 1. [16 points total, TCP/IP] a. Unlike IP fragmentation (which can be done by intermediate devices), IP reassembly can be done only at the final destination. What problems do you see if IP reassembly is attempted in intermediate devices like routers? [8 points] Answer: b. Let’s assume that Host A (receiver) receives a TCP segment from Host B (sender) with an out-of-order sequence number that is higher than expected as shown in the diagram. Then, what do Host...
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...Risks and Resolutions Introduction A Computer Network has many benefits to a company. However, it also puts a company at security and privacy risks if they are not tackled with a profound technical know-how. When a computer on a network is hacked, there is a possible threat to other systems getting effected as well. These security breaches can be severe to the organization information and privacy and resolve into a loss of information, leak of confidential data such as bank accounts, and loss of goodwill and trust. Ping Sweeps and Port Scans Intro Ping sweeps and port scans are two methods commonly used by hackers to detect vulnerabilities on computer networks (InfoSoc, 2014). Hackers use ping sweeps to check on which computers are active and being used; while they use port scan to find open ports which can be used to breach a network. If these two methods are used by knowledgeable hackers, they can jeopardize personal data and cause severe effects on the entire computer network. Ping Sweep Ping is the abbreviation for Packet Internet Groper. It is a service to check if a machine on the network is up and running. In ping sweep, an Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) echo request is sent to a machine to see if it responds. If a machine is live, it will send an echo ICMP response. Hackers use this facility to seek targets in large networks. They use ping sweeps to continuously ping addresses, leading to a slowdown in the network. “It’s a bit like knocking on your...
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...Lab 2 – CSEC630 1. When running Snort IDS why might there be no alerts? When using Snort IDS, there are several modes that if configured properly, will generate alerts. Alerts are set by the user within the command prompt when initiating a rule set. There are five alerting options available with Snort IDS. According to (Roesch, 1999), Alerts may either be sent to syslog, logged to an alert text file in two different formats, or sent as Win-Popup messages using the Samba smbclient program. If there has been no alerts, the selected rule set was set may not have been enabled by the user. Another scenario where alerts may not occur is when another task is being performed. According to (Roesch, 1999) when alerting is unnecessary or inappropriate, such as when network penetrations tests are being performed. 2. If we only went to a few web sites, why are there so many alerts? Snort IDS performs numerous functions that would generate an alert. Alerts are generated based on any suspicious network activity. Although a user may have only visited 5 sites, snort may have generated 12 or more alerts that were generated due to anomalies detected from the 5 sites visited. 3. What are the advantages of logging more information to the alerts file? The advantage of logging additional information within the alerts file is that it can provide additional information as to the origination or source of what caused the alert. If the administrator is better informed on the...
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...Projet de Fin d’Etudes Pour l’Obtention du Diplôme Master en Ingénierie Informatique et Internet Intitulé : Gestion et centralisation des logs avec leurs corrélations Présenté par : BENZIDANE KARIM Le, 06/07/2010 Encadrants : Moussaid Khaild , Faculté des Sciences, Casablanca Zoubir Sami , Crédit du Maroc, Casablanca Ouali Youness, Crédit du Maroc, Casablanca Membres du Jury : Mr Abghour, Faculté des Sciences, Casablanca Mr Bouzidi, Faculté des Sciences, Casablanca Mme Fetjah, Faculté des Sciences, Casablanca Année Universitaire 2009 / 2010 1 Remerciements J’adresse mon remercîment à Mr. Zoubir sami pour sa disponibilité et écoute ainsi de m’avoir accepté dans son département et m’avoir permis le choix du sujet. Je remercie également Mr. Youness OUALI pour ses valeureux conseils ainsi que son encadrement au cours de ce stage allant de la démarche du travail jusqu’au technique de déploiement. Je remercie également Mr Abderahim SEKKAKI pour nous avoir donnée l’opportunité d’acquérir ces connaissances, ainsi que tous les enseignants que j’ai eu au long de ces 2 années du Master. Un grand merci à mon encadrant Mr Moussaid pour son aide et conseil pour que ce stage soit réalisé et finalisé. Je tiens aussi à remercier toute l’équipe du plateau ou j’étais à CDM, pour leur aide afin de me fournir les informations nécessaires pour le bon déroulement du projet . Mes remerciements aux membres des jurys qui m’ont honoré en acceptant de juger ce travail. 2 Table des matieres Liste...
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...John Holbrook Step by Step Installation of a Secure Linux Web, DNS and Mail Server Feb 10, 2004 GIAC GSEC Practical – Version 1.4b, Option 1 Key fingerprint = AF19 FA27 2F94 998D FDB5 DE3D F8B5 06E4 A169 4E46. 1 Table of Contents Abstract................................. Introduction.........................................................................................................................4 Current Setup..................................................................................................................4 Reasons for new install ..................................................................................................4 Sudo...............................................................................................................................5 Security Comparison of Redhat 9.0 and Openna 1.0..........................................................7 Default Installed Services...............................................................................................7 Configuration Notes............................................................................................................8 The New Setup...............................................................................................................8 Layers of Protection........................................................................................................9 Verifying Integrity of Downloaded Files.................................
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...all systems are fully patched in order to avoid known exploits. For network #2, an exploit via phpBB enabled access to the system. Network #3, “EXPLOI~1.RTF”, which a user must have downloaded, was executed, opening up a backdoor into the system. Unfortunately, as outlined in my conclusion, an in-depth analysis of this data was aborted partly due to time mismanagement and a very large course load for the term. INTRODUCTION This assignment consisted of the analysis of three different networks with their own associated log files and packet dumps. In total, the data to be analyzed consisted of 3.7 GB. In order to analyze this very large amount of data, a variety of different tools were employed. • Snort – A free and open source network intrusion prevention system. Snort was used to replay all of the provided packet captures against the latest rule-sets...
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...Protecting Browsers from DNS Rebinding Attacks and Enhancing Byte-Level Network Intrusion Detection Signatures with Context Review Paper By Davina Fogle University Maryland College University CSEC640 Monitoring, Auditing, Intrusion Detection, Intrusion Prevention, and Penetration Testing November 9, 2014 Contents Introduction: 3 Review of paper #1 4 Article Citation: 4 Summary: 4 Analysis: 4 What are the article’s main contributions and strengths? 4 Are there any weaknesses and limitations? 5 Are there possible improvements? 6 How does the article compare or contrast with other articles that the class has read so far? What concepts, ideas, or techniques read elsewhere strengthen or weaken this paper? 7 Discussion/Conclusion: 8 Review of paper #2 9 Article Citation: 9 Summary: 9 Analysis: 10 What are the article’s main contributions and strengths? 10 Are there any weaknesses and limitations? 11 Are there possible improvements? 11 How does the article compare or contrast with other articles that the class has read so far? What concepts, ideas, or techniques read elsewhere strengthen or weaken this paper? 12 Discussion/Conclusion:...
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