Social Control and Criminal Deviance: Bullying
Deborah A. Wilson
Professor Emmanuel O. Obi
SOC 100: Introduction to Sociology
15 February 2016
Social Control and Criminal Deviance: Bullying
Out of seven possible choices, the most important step I believe would be step 3, “selecting the appropriate method” in order to analyze the data correctly. By selecting the wrong method research, it could lead you down the path that would give you too many variables and the wrong conclusion. In the case of analyzing bullying, I think the use of “participant observation” method would be more advantageous because the tester is afforded an opportunity to actually live the life as an active participate and also be able to have a detached observation especially in our case bullying.
Most people know or have heard of bullying within the school, sports, mass media, by peers, at work, even in religion and by family but the latter is the one that is the least acknowledged or reported. Where do we think bullying starts or is learned first? Most times it is at home in the family between siblings or from mother to daughter or father to son or even children to parents. In these cases, the word used is not bullying but other words that are less damaging consequently sibling rivalry or just being boys, sometimes personality conflicts. What happens when your family are bullies? Even in the household, it is very common for siblings to pick on each other but at what point is it just playful antics or classified as bullying. The eldest or first born will try to establish a hierarchy over the younger ones or the differences held by step brothers and sisters. What about the other dynamics of parents being bullies?
How does a child feel when their parent is the bully, whether physically or emotionally? Most parents would not think that they are bullies but just want the best for their