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Social Cultural Identity

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Justin Nguyen
Mrs. Williams
English 1 Honors/ Period 3
4 November, 2014

Social and Cultural Identity: How it can shape us.

Erik Erikson once said, “In the social jungle of human existence, there is no feeling of being alive without a sense of identity.” I believed that Erickson wanted us to know that everyone should have an identity either socially or culturally. Social identity distinguishes you from everyone else by what you say and what you do. Cultural identity also paints an image to others about how you are excited about a culture or a belief and how you will interact with it. Experiences are important to us because it is something that allows society to see both of your identities. My experiences are similar to Beneatha in A Raisin …show more content…
Kono explains and shows the struggle that the Japanese Americans had to face in order to find their true social and cultural identity. One social and cultural identity struggle would be when many Japanese Americans were ordered to move to Internment camps, due to World War II, but I believed that their true struggle was just to try and adapt to the new world and the evolving country. During this period, the Japanese Americans were being harassed by Americans and in the poem “Internment” the main character and many others were sprayed, “...Deloused with DDT (Line 5)...” I believe that I can relate to this character because even though I did not have to be sprayed with DDT, we both had to face racial harassment throughout our lives.I can further relate to this character by referring to when she only saw bleakness in the land outside of the camp, because I believe that I can see that emptiness as well when something does not go well or according to plan. Another example of how I can relate to the main character is when she sees bleakness in the land beyond the camp, “Not.. golden (Line 13-23).” This relates to me because when something does not go my way or something depressing happens, I also see emptiness in my surroundings. The quote can show to us how sometimes, people can treat you differently and get you into a depressive state. Overall, this made me realize that sometimes, people can be discriminated in a country because of your …show more content…
Beneatha and I share similarities because we both struggle with finding out the cultural identities like how Beneatha struggles to decide whether to follow a Nigerian/African culture or a modernized African culture while I struggle with choosing my 2 identities as well. Although Esperanza has to face the death of her grandfather with her dad, I can relate to this as well because I also have to face the death of my grandfather with my family, which made a burden on us and lastly I believe that the speaker in “Internment” relates to me because we both have to face social and cultural discrimination and have to fight through it. I believe that the theme for “A Raisin in the Sun” is to learn about your true identity. Learning your true cultural identity is important because finding it will allow you and others to learn more about the culture and enjoy it. For the story “Papa Who Wakes Up Tired in the Dark.” I believe that the theme is to work hard in society, because the story shows how Esperanza’s father wakes up early in the morning in order to support his family. Lastly, I believe that for “Internment” the theme that the reader discovers is how people can be harassed for their race or cultural beliefs. This can be proven by how the narrator shows the reader how she was treated on her way to the internment camp, and the many struggles of many

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