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Social Decision Paper


Submitted By kennethfi
Words 1449
Pages 6
Social Policy Paper War on Drugs:

Take A Stand: Yes, No. Maybe!

Learning Team B

Kathy Bell Shamlin, Kenneth Fishman, Shorunda Hinton:

Instructor: Ms.S

BSHS / 355

September 4, 2015

Social Policy Paper War on Drugs; Take A Stand:

The Case for Reforming Drug Policy:

Most of us cannot imagine a place where it is legal to sell, buy, and use drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, heroin, crystal meth, ecstasy. The mere thought of these substances being legal like tobacco and alcohol seems absurd since the War on Drugs, the prevailing approach to drug policy in the United States is in its fifth decade. Yet there are advocates, many of them well respected authorities and government officials, of drug policy reform, the decriminalization of drugs, and even legalization. Has the War on Drugs been lost? Do we need to look at drug use and addiction as a public health problem instead of a crime problem? Should we focus attention and funds on those who use drugs or fight to keep drugs from coming into the United States from other countries?

“ We believe the Global War on Drugs is Now Causing More Harm Than Drug Abuse Itself.” That was the half-page headline of a two-page add in The New York Times on June 8th, of 1998. The heading was followed by a letter to the United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan. The letter pointed out that “U.N. agencies estimate the annual revenue generated by the illegal drug industry is at $400 billion, roughly eight percent of the total international trade.” It blamed crime corruption, and violence on decades of failed and futile drug war policies. It pleaded for a reexamination of global drug policies in which punitive prohibitions yield to common sense, science, public health, and human rights. This letter was signed by many prominent people

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