...The effect of child-caregiver interacton on the social-, emotional and cognitive development of children “Lack of caregiver-child interaction has been cited as a risk factor that contributes to loss of developmental potential. On the other hand, positive caregiver-child interactions are said to facilitate social-emotional development (Walker et al., 2011). This is especially true in infancy.” “Lack of caregiver-child interaction has been cited as a risk factor that contributes to loss of developmental potential. On the other hand, positive caregiver-child interactions are said to facilitate social-emotional development (Walker et al., 2011). This is especially true in infancy.” In this essay I wish to discuss the above emphasised statements in the context of normal social behaviour. This essay places specific emphases on three main areas; the role of attachment in child developement, how a lack of caregiver-child interactions affect the infant and the protective factors that could facilitate the child’s social-emotional development. After World War II, it was found that many children who lost their parents presented similar psychological difficulties (Cassidy & Shaver, 1999). Psychiatrist and psychoanalyst John Bowlby wrote a pamphlet on the situation, entitled “Meternal Deprivation”. Out of this work spawned the attachment theory. For the first time people became aware that the close careciver-child attachment, usually mother-child, was very important in the...
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...information about child development, and how each area of development supports other areas. It also explains a range of factors that might influence a child’s development. The final section gives some information about supporting speech, language and communication through play, information about phonics and an article about supporting emergent literacy. You will need to be prepared to link your planned activities back to the theorists covered in Unit 1 Part 1. Child Development from birth to 8years DEVELOPMENT is a description of the sequences, patterns and pathways that almost everyone follows as they grow. Development refers to the way in which a child functions and is usually spontaneous e.g. a young...
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...exploring the role of social experiences in child development. It is important to consider and define what social experience is when taking it into account in the terms of social development. For the purpose of exploring the ideas in Book 1, Chapter 2; social experiences is physical and mental interaction between other children and adults either directly or through observation by watching social interaction and feeling socially involved. So, with that in mind, for a child’s environment to not contain some sort of social experience, they would have to be socially isolated by either being alone or by ignoring their surroundings. Throughout this essay I will be assessing the role of social experience in each theory and evaluating the extent it has played in a child’s development. ‘Behavourism’ is a conditioning theory, which involves consequences for behaviour. Depending on the desired behaviour, the child is either rewarded or punished for how they behave according to the particular behaviour. The ‘Constructivism’ theory is a school of though that children build their own learning depending and through their own experiences and activities. In the ‘constructivism’ theory, children follow a set of stages in development. The ‘Social Learning Theory’ teaches that children learn by example, by observing others they understand and learn how to behave. The last theory I will be exploring is ‘Social Constructivism’ theory believes that children build their development with cultural tools...
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...Sensitive mothering is essential to the social and emotional development of the child. Discuss this statement in the context of relevant developmental theory. Explain what is meant by the term sensitive mothering. Explain why sensitive mothering is important in building a positive emotional base. (15) - Give a definition of sensitive mothering (also consider insensitive mothering). - Link this to a positive or non-positive emotional base. Link this explanation to Bowlby’s attachment theory and Ainsworth’s studies. You will need to show an understanding of the internal working model of attachment and how sensitive mothering impacts on the quality of attachment. (25) - Outline Bowlby’s theory of attachment, showing evidence of how the ethological studies of Harlow and Lorenz, and his own research with war orphans and evacuees and juvenile delinquents impacted his theory. - Determine the phases of attachment and the development of the internal working model of attachment. - Consider Ainsworth’s research and the types of secure and insecure attachments that resulted from the research. - This needs to be linked back to mothering style and the internal working model of attachment that each infant is developing. Links also need to be made to Erikson’s relevant psychological stages of personality development, emphasising the importance of a supportive social environment. (15) - Consider Erikson’s psychosocial theory of personality, especially the first stage...
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...This essay will cover the impact Sensitive Mothering (Ainsworth in Smith, Cowie & Blades, 2003) has on child development, and its relevance in building a positive connection between mother and child. I will examine Bowlby’s attachment theory (Bowlby, 1988), Ainsworth’s research, Erikson’s psychological stages of personality development (Erikson in Stevens, 1983) and other relevant research to understand the role of sensitive mothering in developing essential emotional and social skills of three to five year olds and adults. Sensitive mothering (Ainsworth in Smith, Cowie & Blades, 2003) refers to the quality of the interactions between a mother/primary carer and a child. A sensitive mother is very connected and responsive to her baby’s signals, interpreting them correctly (Ainsworth in Smith, Cowie & Blades, 2003). Her show an emotional and physical availability for the child, positive communication, cooperation and stimulation of the child (Macleod-Brudenell & Kay, 2008). Insensitive mothering (Ainsworth in Sylva & Lunt, 1989) on the other hand, is characterized by the mother’s tendency to control the baby’s environment (Ainsworth in Sylva & Lunt, 1989). The insensitive mother is self-centred and sees the ways of the baby from her own perspective (Ainsworth in Sylva & Lunt, 1989). She interprets the child’s signals according to her own wishes, defenses or doesn’t respond to them at all (Ainsworth in Sylva & Lunt, 1989). (Ainsworth in Sylva & Lunt, 1989) found that Children...
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...declare that this work has not been copied from another student(s) past or present at this or any other educational institution, or from any other source such as the internet. Name: Date: 14th March 2014 Please type the assignment title below: |Sensitive mothering is essential to the social and emotional development of the child. Discuss this statement in the context of relevant developmental theory. | In this essay I am going to explain the concept of ‘sensitive mothering’ and how it is essential to the social and emotional development of each child. I will discuss this statement in the context of relevant developmental theory. I will discuss the concepts of ‘attachment theory’ encompassing ‘internal working model’ (Bowlbey, cited in Smith, Cowie, Blades, 2003, p98) and quality attachment of John Bowlby. I will also link this explanation to the studies of Mary Ainsworth. ‘Sensitive Mothering’ is defined by Ainsworth (1969) as the style of interaction between the primary caregiver, normally the mother or mother figure, and the baby. Sensitive mothering is when someone is consistently responsive both physically and emotionally to her child. This responsiveness provides the child with a ‘secure base’ (Ainsworth, 1969) thus encouraging them to explore the world. (MCI Module, undated). It involves being sensitive to the needs of the...
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... neighbourhood, town, city and nation. Within those groups, we need to take part in socialisation, as we all are social beings. Therefore, it is necessary to have the skills for us to behave appropriately. To obtain these skills, positive self-esteem and self-image are required. Young children need to be loved and cared for as well as feeling safe and valued in order to have a healthy emotional development. This early emotional development involves developing relationships with others, which build the foundation for young children to develop their ability. Instead of feeling anxious about the possibility of being abandoned, children feel secured enable them to start exploring their environment and becoming independent. The very first relationship is usually built between a baby and a primary caregiver, usually the mother or mother substitute. This relationship is of particular significance as it develops the attachment, which is vital as the foundation of developing subsequent relationship (MCI, undated). "The propensity to make strong emotional bonds to particular individuals [is] a basic component of human nature" (Bowlby, 1988, p3) Attachment is described as “an enduring bond” (MCI, undated) and further elaborated by the attachment theorist, John Bowlby. He famously stated “what is believed to be essential for mental health is that an infant and young child should experience a warm, intimate and continuous relationship with his mother (or permanent mother substitute – one...
Words: 1920 - Pages: 8
...School is a special environment, where certain qualities of life and certain types of activities and occupations arc provided with the object of child's development. School is a mini society, where all types of faith, creeds, religions, secular values etc. are developed and school plays an important role in a democratic social set up. Students of today are the citizen of tomorrow. It is said that such in a societal system schools arc the backbone of the society. We can say school is a mini society. School is a special environment, where certain qualities of life and certain types of activities and occupations arc provided with the object of child's development. School is a mini society, where all types of faith, creeds, religions, secular values etc. are developed and school plays an important role in a democratic social set up. Students of today are the citizen of tomorrow. It is said that such in a societal system schools arc the backbone of the society. We can say school is a mini society. Education is a word of Latin Educatum-mean to educate. Some say Education is taken from Latin word EDUCARE'- means to raise. Education is a process in which and by which the knowledge-, character and behaviour of the young people arc shaped and moulded. Education must enable mankind through its cultural activities to enter more and more fully into the spiritual realm and also to enlarge the boundaries of human values. It is the culture which each generation purposely gives to those...
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...Lifespan Development and Personality Paper David Trejo PSY103 June 13, 2011 Sandy Collins Lifespan Development and Personality Paper An organized study of life’s different cycle phases of human beings is what developmental psychology sets out to accomplish. The psychological development of humans is also described through developmental psychology. Lifespan development study of humans involves psychological, behavior, and genetic alterations from birth to the end of one’s life. How one progresses through life is mainly influenced by environmental and hereditary (nature and nurture) factors that involve cognitive, physical, moral, personality, and social development (Shonkoff & Phillips, 2000). This paper will discuss the influences on physical and cognitive development of middle childhood years (6 – 12 years). As a child progresses into these years, physical, moral, cognitive, personal, and social traits are further developed. All of these traits are imperative in the personality development of humans. Understanding how humans develop traits as physical, moral, and social during the middle childhood years will give insight into lifespan development (Karpov, 2005). Physical Development Factors During childhood years, the physical development stage ranges from gross motor development skills to fine motor development skills. Hereditary...
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...seeks to critically evaluate my role as a child observer. Drawing on two or more theories of child development, I will look at the main theoretical concept and critically evaluate in relation to my observation. First, I begin a brief description of the child I have observed and the setting in which the observation took place. Next I attempt to show my understanding of normal child development, and aspects that can disrupt ‘normal’ child development. Throughout the essay, I will critically examine and reflect on the process of undertaking my observation. And finally, issues of ethics and anti- oppressive practises will be discussed. The child I have observed was three and half year’s old girl called Sara (not her real name), of African Caribbean background and English is the only language spoken at home. All three observations took place at the day-centre she attends. The day-care centre gave me permission to observe her, but not to interact and interfere with her educational activities. As this was my first observation, I was a bit anxious about how Sara might react about me watching her, and while her parents consented about the observations, Sara did not know that I am here to observe her; it is this scenario that made me uncomfortable. I was particularly more concerned about the ethical issues of not informing Sara about the observation. One element of anti-oppressive practice is to make sure that people’s rights are not violated. Social workers must put children’s needs first...
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...018 – 1 The Developing Child Assignment 2 Unit Leader MR Perry Knight Word Count: 2000 Hand In Date: Thursday 17th March 2016 The developing child This essay considers two areas of the learning and development for young children. Therefore I will be concentrating on the social and emotional development. (DfE, 2015:2) “Development is not an automatic process, however. It depends on each unique child having opportunities to interact in positive relationships and enabling environments.” In addition the assignment will explain why it is important for children to use these development, and how it may shape their learning and development. The influences that shape a child’s learning and development. There are many influences that shape a child’s learning development, both in a positive and a negative way in their social and emotional development. (Mooney, 2000, pp. 37-37) “There is in every child at every stage a new miracle of vigorous unfolding, which...
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...Infants and Social/Emotional Development Maria Collica Empire State College Infants and Social/Emotional Development 1 Is it a given that the quality of nurturing of the caregiver plays the biggest role in the social and temperamental well being of the child? Yes and no. Infants are born with predetermined characteristics within them. How a caregiver reacts to the infants needs, will certainly be a factor in the child’s well being as they grow. Caregivers, usually mothers, which is the prototype, are the ones who form the first attachment to an infant. How we help the infant grow on these attachments will set the stage for his/her social well being. Attachment relationships should provide a foundation for social learning. Infants of depressed mothers are at risk. They show depressed social behavior, not only with their mothers but also when interacting with strangers. (Steinberg, Vandell, Bornstein. Development: Infancy through Adolescence p153) Researchers have found that attachment patterns established early in life can lead to a number of outcomes. Children who had a healthy and secure attachment during infancy will have a stronger...
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...Child care centres are licensed early childhood care centres which ultimately offers services in which parents can devote to while still attending work. In reference to the dictionary definition of a child care centre, child care is a defined as a place of care of supervision of children, particularly at a day care centre. There have been different opinions on the impact of childcare other than the care which is provided at home on children. Childcare can be utilised for children to socially develop by interacting with the other individuals within the centre and participate in activities incorporating ‘learning, playing, interacting with other children of similar age’ as the ‘Kidz Childcare’ states. Nevertheless, several detriments of childcare are apparent like the promotion of weaker bonds between children and their mothers; research has found the likelihood of these weakened bonds to be at the age range within the infant and toddler stage. Child care is...
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...does attachment influence the social and emotional development of the child? In your answer refer to the usefulness and the critiques of the attachment theory. A child’s social and emotional development has significant implications for the social functioning of a child throughout their lives, in their education, friendships and employment. A child with poor or social and emotional development are at risk of experiencing poor relationships with peers, academic problems and can lead them into involvement in unsociable activities or crime. Research suggests the key to social and emotional development lies in the child’s early relationship with parents and caregivers. It is believed that children develop and thrive better when they are brought up in an environment where the caregiver satisfies a child’s needs physically and emotionally. Throughout the Late 1930s and 1940s a psychologist John Bowlby investigated the nature and the purpose of the close relationships that a person forms with people throughout their lives, in particular, childhood. He researched the making and breaking of bonds to understand the psychological behaviour and social and emotional development of human being (Howe, 1995, P46). As a result of these investigations and studies Bowlby developed a theory called the ‘Attachment Theory’. The basis of this theory is that “the infant and young child should experience warm, intimate and continuous relationships between the child and the mother” (Steele, 2002...
Words: 2891 - Pages: 12
...for a child’s development? Play can be hard to define due to the diverse understanding within different cultures and social norms. To play, is a child to interacting with the environment both mentally and physically. Per Smilanksy (1968) there are four developmental stages of play that a child progresses through. Functional play is exploring through movement using self and objects, learning about cause and effect. Construction play is the next stage in which a child gets creative and builds things, manipulating and experimenting with the environment around them. Dramatic play then follows suit; a child will pretend to be a doctor while role playing and inventing...
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