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Social Groups and Deviance


Submitted By xixi1201
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Unit 3: Social Groups and Deviance
Chapter 6 discusses the importance of groups in our society. Recall a time when you had to work within a group in order to accomplish a specific task or project and then answer the following questions.
1. What was the project you were working on?
I once worked on the project that is an intentional food festival. We needed to discuss how to celebrate this event and prepared everything for this event, such as how to publicize this event and design the ticket.
2. Did you/do you enjoy group work? Why/Why not?
I really enjoyed this kind of group work. As a volunteer committee, I need to do different kinds of works. This group work brought me a lot of challenge. For example, I needed to design the poster and flyer with other members. That was my first time to do the design work. Fortunately, I had more ideas about how to design. This experience gave me a chance to develop myself and corporate with other people. I can contribute my efforts to this international event. So I really enjoy this group work.
3. When working in a group is you usually a leader, a follower, a slacker or some other role? Explain.
As a leader in the design work, I provided the ideas and direction for other people. I like control everything, so I usually give a direction or ideas to organize the group work. In the international food festival, as a cooker to provide international food, I was a follower because this is a different group. We had three groups work for this same project. I can be one leader of a group which was also a follower of another group. Different roles give different kind of experiences.
4. What are two (2) advantages of group work and two (2) disadvantages of working on a project in a group?
There are two advantages of group work and two disadvantages of working on a project in a group I want to talk. First advantage of group work is providing a good chance for us to learn how to corporate with other group members. Second advantage of group work is experiencing different culture and food. This event is an international event. The committee members come from different countries. So we can learn a lot of new culture in the process of group work. There are also two disadvantages. First disadvantage of group work is how to balance the different opinions and cultural difference. The most challenge for us is to deal with the conflicts between the cultural differences. For most time, we need to take a long time to discuss and find a solution.
Second disadvantage of group work is not very efficient way to prepare everything. Different members have their own schedules. So it is not easy to coordinate the time conflicts. In addition, too many ideas are easy to confuse us and take more time to discuss and select the best one. So I think group work sometimes is not efficient.

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