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Social Injustice Of Vaccinations

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Social injustice has plagued the United States for generations. One social injustice problem involves vaccines. What is a vaccine? Vaccinations are substances used to stimulate the production of antibodies, which can make the user immune to one or more diseases. In different states, there has been a controversy about what are valid excuses not to have vaccinations. This would be wonderful if it worked out for everyone, but, it is not so. Vaccines should only be recommended, and not required because of religious and medical reasons.
The social injustice of vaccinations is very controversial. In the article “Measles outbreak: Different states, different rules on vaccinations” by Holly Yan, she talks about measles vaccinations. When the measles …show more content…
On one hand, they can immunize the user from a disease, which is positive. On the other hand Autism, asthma, and diabetes have been said to be caused by vaccines that were given too many vaccines at a time, which is very negative. Furthermore, Baba Loe Fisher, founder of the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), said: "The truth is, nobody knows how many vaccine victims there are in America, how many of the 1 in 6 learning disabled children; or the 1 in 9 with asthma; or the 1 in 100 who develop autism; or the 1 in 450 who become diabetic, can trace their chronic inflammation, disease and disability back to vaccine reactions that have been dismissed by public health officials and doctors for the past century as just "a coincidence."" In other words, health officials say that those disorders showing up after a very recent vaccination is “by chance”. Sarcastically speaking, Fisher believes they are telling a half truth, or a lie if you will. I also agree with her based off personal experiences. My little brother has been affected by vaccines. My family also has disabilities that run in the family. By mixing up genetics, an immune system dysfunction, and too many vaccines at once, he got autism. As a result, all my family does not do …show more content…
One such faith is the Church of Christ, Scientist (Christian Science) who believe all things can heal through prayer. In the first amendment of the United States Constitution, it says that we have the freedom of religion. Consequently, we can do what we believe is right in the eyes of our religion. Forcing people with religions against modern science to get vaccinated would be against the law, because it goes against the first amendment. Even so, some states did not make that a valid reason and forced them to have vaccinations. Based off these two explanations, there cannot be a way to improve the situation without hurting someone or offending someone besides making all states have the same two reasons to not have to take vaccines, even if this solution might bring up the rates of

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