...In the following research paper, the subject will be the public education systems of Germany and the United States. The issue that countries around the world are beginning to face as nations continues to advance technologically, is having enough educated citizens to support these advancements and fill the already available jobs requiring degrees. In this day and age, College is becoming a permanent reminder financially to many Americans, leading to years of loans haunting the graduates. This economic setback forces many to enter the workforce out of high school, working entry level jobs and failing to quell the need for educated workers. In Germany, the free advanced education approach has crafted an education system many feel America should...
Words: 1903 - Pages: 8
...Universities (IAU) IAU/UNESCO Information Centre on Higher Education Coordinating Agency and Bibliographical Reference Service Elzbieta Karwat - Head Librarian Unesco House, 1, rue Miollis, 75732 Paris cedex 15, France karwat.iau@unesco.org http://www.unesco.org/iau ERIC Clearinghouse on Higher Education (ERIC) 1100 West Street, Second Floor, Laurel, Maryland 20707-3598, USA http://www.gwu.edu/~eriche UNESCO Headquarters in Paris 7, place de Fontenoy, 75352 Paris 07, France s.fernandez-lauro@unesco.org http://www.unesco.org UNESCO European Centre for Higher Education (CEPES) Str Stirbei Voda 39, R-70732 Bucharest, Romania bucharest@unesco.org http://www.cepes.ro UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (IESALC) Apartado postal 68.394, Caracas 1062-A,...
Words: 15217 - Pages: 61
...4-5 sentences for each ID, being sure to define the term, explain its context, and identify its significance. Terms in BOLD are primarily from American Society since 1900. Paul Robeson: African American singer and actor who became involved with the Civil Rights Movement. He became politically involved in response to the Spanish Civil War, Fascism, and social injustices. His advocacy of anti-imperialism, affiliation with Communism, and his criticism of the US government caused him to be blacklisted during McCarthyism. Furthermore, Native Land was labeled by the FBI as communist propaganda. Anschluss: the occupation and annexation of Austria into Nazi Germany in 1938.[2] This was in contrast with the Anschluss movement (Austria and Germany united as one country) which had been attempted since as early as 1918 when the Republic of German-Austria attempted union with Germany which was forbidden by the Treaty of Saint Germain and Treaty of Versailles peace treaties. Germany became a dictatorship in 1933, when Adolf Hitler became chancellor. Hitler openly defied the terms of the Treaty of Versailles, which stated that Germany was not to acquire new territory or build up its military. Hitler, originally from Austria, saw the opportunity to take over Austria as beneficial to his plan of a German Reich (empire). Appeasement: Appeasement, the policy of making concessions to the dictatorial powers in order to avoid conflict, governed Anglo-French foreign policy during the 1930s...
Words: 2687 - Pages: 11
...applied to describe two main types of national businesses that existing in developed and developing countries, which explains the key institutional and organizational differences among countries in particular to some extend. Each country has fallowed different pathway and carried out their industrialization in different period. It is known that the UK is the first country that achieved early industrialization revolution, which was followed by the US. And then in the late twentieth century, Germany, Japan and China implemented their industrialization process with dramatic change on their economic performance. The purpose of this essay is to use the conception of ‘early’ and ‘late’ industrialization to explain the key institutional and organizational characteristics of national business systems by comparative perspective. First of all, the theories of industrialization will be displayed. Then this paper will concentrate on five main comparative countries, which are United States, Japan, Britain, Germany and China, to clarify major differences of national business systems. Moreover, further implications and debates upon these countries long-term national competitiveness will be given to assess the...
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...The History of Inequality: Institutions and Citizenship Throughout history, inequalities have permeated many different societies to different extents. The exclusion of certain groups over the course of centuries and policies that favor the elite more often than not have allowed inequality to persist. Many different policies and factors result in these inequalities, so it can be difficult to narrow down which have the greatest impact, but by examining the history of different programs meant to reduce or perpetuate inequalities, it is clear that the issue of inequalities is one of policy rather than a natural state. According to de Barros, “The inequality caused by unequal opportunities is viewed by most people as fundamentally unfair” (de Barros, 27). This suggests the difference between inequality of opportunity and inequality of outcome. If there seems to be a positive correlation between these two forms of inequality, then we can claim there is something unfair about the system inherently. Furthermore, “some inequality may be tolerated, like inequality caused by differences in effort and talent, particularly when attempts to reduce it could interfere with other ethical objectives, such as privacy and individual freedom. Equality of opportunity is desirable, equality of outcomes (earnings, income, wealth) not necessarily” (de Barros, 27). For example, if a child who, because of chance and circumstance, grows up in a poor family and lacks access to a decent education as...
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... UK Bernhard Ebbinghaus Universität Mannheim, Germany Jelle Visser Universiteit van Amsterdam, The Netherlands In 2000 the political leaders of the European Union declared that strong economic growth and advance towards a knowledge society, together with a high degree of social cohesion, would be the pre-eminent goals for the subsequent decade. A question never asked was what would happen, and what remedial action would be taken, should the conditions conducive to growth and the knowledge economy conflict with the political and institutional underpinnings of social cohesion. What if strong employment growth turned out to be founded on the destabilization of the standard employment contract, or if the advance towards a knowledge economy brought about a sharp rise in social inequality and polarization between skilled and unskilled workers and between those with and without stable jobs? Would trade unions be willing and able to counteract or attenuate such trends and bridge the differences between the new haves and have-nots? Or would they be marginalized, slowly but irreversibly, together with the stable employment relationships that characterized the mid-20th century? In this special issue we consider the evidence on the causes, consequences and cures of union decline. The contributions stem from an open call for papers from the EQUALSOC network of excellence (economic growth, quality of life and social cohesion), funded by the European Union’s Sixth Framework...
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...are not – as earlier authors have argued - economic policies, geography, culture, or value systems – but rather institutions, more precisely the political institutions that determine economic institutions. Acemoglu and Robinson theorize that political institutions can be divided into two kinds - “extractive” institutions in which a “small” group of individuals do their best to exploit - in the sense of Marx - the rest of the population, and “inclusive” institutions in which “many” people are included in the process of governing hence the exploitation process is either attenuated or absent. Needless to say Acemoglu and Robinson’s theory is more subtle than this simple summary. They argue that for any economic success political institutions must be sufficiently centralized to provide basic public services including justice, the enforcement of contracts, and education. Given that these functions are carried out, inclusive institutions enable innovative energies to emerge and lead to continuing growth as exemplified by the Industrial Revolution. Extractive institutions can also deliver growth but only when the economy is distant from the technological frontier. These extractive institutions will ultimately fail, however, when innovations and “creative destruction” are needed to push the frontier. Hence, while success may be possible for a while under extractive institutions...
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...In chapter seven of Van Gosse's Rethinking The New Left, the text focuses on attitudes toward feminists and the LGBTQ+ community during the 1950s in America. Foremost, homosexuality was considered a mental illness and was regularly compared to drug addiction. At the time, this stigma was equal to the actions toward potential Communists. Gosse mentions, "thousands of gays were forced out of government jobs as security risks, and while it was interrogating, surveilling, and photographing suspected Communists and their 'fellow travelers,' the FBI also tracked reputed 'queers'" (74). While the movement for women's equality sprouted many respectable organizations to assist in the campaign and take a stance against sex discrimination, the LGBTQ+...
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...5. Brief Cultural Analysis Having selected Germany as the country representing the highest potential for WGI, we then conduct a Cultural Analysis of the country to research important cultural aspects that could influence our Marketing, Operational, Financial and HR/Organizational plans The methodology we employed was to assess the following cultural characteristics: Material Culture Technology. Germany's achievements in science and technology have been significant. Germany has been the home of some of the most prominent researchers in various scientific disciplines, notably physics, mathematics, chemistry and engineering. For most of the 20th century, Germany had more Nobel Prizes in the sciences (physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine) than any other nation. Scientific research in the country is supported by industry, by the network of German universities and by scientific state institutions such as the Max Planck Society and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. The raw output of scientific research from Germany consistently ranks among the world's best. Germany’s greatest strength is its automobile industry. German carmakers focus on computer-based assistance systems that could make driving safer and more comfortable. | Economics. Since the late nineteenth century, the German economy has been shaped by industrial production, international trade, and the rise of consumer culture. Consequently, the number of people involved in agricultural production has steadily...
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...Communist subversion and a political tyranny, executed by those that claimed to be tireless crusaders against socialism and communism through movements like McCarthyism. Yet, though the ideals of this notion were to liberate and protect governments from being overturned and undermined by communist regimes spreading from the East, it became quite evident that the results were dramatically disastrous for democratic societies; in a sense, at least for America, McCarthyism was a main cause for the political foundation to shift into a system of anarchy that rather attacked its own people and interests....
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...Word count= 2000 Word count= 2000 World War Two (WW2) and the situation it created within Germany saw the creation of two rival political systems which were influenced by rival foreign powers. In this aspect, it can be seen as the key turning point in German political systems. When Germany at the end of WW2 was conquered and occupied by the allies between the years 1945-1949 (point zero), the subsequent rift between the capitalist allies (Britain, France and America) and the communist allies (Russia) formed two opposing democratic Germany’s; The Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) and the German Democratic Republic (GDR). This is significant, due to foreign powers controlling Germany’s political system, as well as the departure from Sonderweg, meaning Germany no longer followed a unique path of development and that nationalism and militarism were on the decline. The significance of the previous German eras, Kaiser Reich (Semi-Autocratic Empire), Weimar Republic (Federal Democracy) and the Third Reich (Dictatorship) are also significant, however in political terms they are not as significant as post 45. The significances of post 1945 can be seen by its success of creating a working democracy in Germany after 1945, the FRG. One reason why the FRG was successful revolves around the sudden decline in German militarism and nationalism. This is evident in the fact that the FRG’s constitution was based on the Weimar Republics concept of ‘Grundgesetz’, which means basic law. The implications...
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...000 – Computer science, information, and general works • 000 Generalities • 001 Knowledge • 002 The book • 003 Systems • 004 Data processing and Computer science • 005 Computer programming, programs, data • 006 Special computer methods • 007 Not assigned or no longer used • 008 Not assigned or no longer used • 009 Not assigned or no longer used • 010 Bibliography • 011 Bibliographies • 012 Bibliographies of individuals • 013 Bibliographies of works by specific classes of authors • 014 Bibliographies of anonymous and pseudonymous works • 015 Bibliographies of works from specific places • 016 Bibliographies of works from specific subjects • 017 General subject catalogs • 018 Catalogs arranged by author & date • 019 Dictionary catalogs • 020 Library & information sciences • 021 Library relationships • 022 Administration of the physical plant • 023 Personnel administration • 024 Not assigned or no longer used • 025 Library operations • 026 Libraries for specific subjects • 027 General libraries • 028 Reading, use of other information media • 029 Not assigned or no longer used • 030 General encyclopedic works • 031 General encyclopedic works -- American • 032 General encyclopedic works in English • 033 General encyclopedic works in other Germanic languages • 034 General encyclopedic works in French, Provencal...
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...Fall, 2015 Tuesdays and Thursdays, 2:30-3:45 pm Mundelein 620 Lake Shore Campus Dr. Vincent Mahler Coffey 327 (773) 508-3067 E-mail: vmahler@luc.edu Office Hours: TTH: 10:00-11:15 am, M: 5:30-6:45 pm, and by appointment This course begins with an introduction to the comparative politics of developed democracies, focusing on political culture and attitudes; interest groups and political parties; political institutions; and public policy. We will then go on to discuss a (lively) overview of contemporary Western Europe by longtime reporter and commentator T. R. Reid. Next, we will explore political institutions, processes, behavior and policy in three major Western European countries, the United Kingdom, France and Germany. Four times, spaced throughout the semester, I will offer brief factual comparisons of Western Europe and the United States in important areas, including public policy, the economy, education, social policy, and moral issues. If time permits, the course will conclude with a brief examination of the institutions and policies of the European Union, a regional organization linking twenty-eight European countries. In an effort to enliven our discussion, at the beginning of most classes I will introduce an unusual fact, song or comedy sketch that in some way deals with Western Europe, with a particular focus on the smaller European countries. READING The required texts are Gabriel A. Almond, Russell J. Dalton, G. Bingham Powell...
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...The Great Depression was an economic slump in North America, Europe, and other industrialized areas of the world that began in 1929 and lasted until about 1939. It was the longest and most severe depression ever experienced by the industrialized Western world. Though the U.S. economy had gone into depression six months earlier, the Great Depression may be said to have begun with a catastrophic collapse of stock-market prices on the New York Stock Exchange in October 1929. During the next three years stock prices in the United States continued to fall, until by late 1932 they had dropped to only about 20 percent of their value in 1929. Besides ruining many thousands of individual investors, this precipitous decline in the value of assets greatly strained banks and other financial institutions, particularly those holding stocks in their portfolios. Many banks were consequently forced into insolvency; by 1933, 11,000 of the United States' 25,000 banks had failed. The failure of so many banks, combined with a general and nationwide loss of confidence in the economy, led to much-reduced levels of spending and demand and hence of production, thus aggravating the downward spiral. The result was drastically falling output and drastically rising unemployment; by 1932, U.S. manufacturing output had fallen to 54 percent of its 1929 level, and unemployment had risen to between 12 and 15 million workers, or 25-30 percent of the work force. The Great Depression began in the United States...
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