...Problem statement Social networks are nowadays considered by many academic and business experts as the next frontier of the ways in which communication is enacted by individuals in contemporary society. It is easy to infer how relevant are social networks in the private lives of many individuals. The social network Facebook has now experienced more than 1.5 nillion active users worldwide. This surge is justified in part by the ease through which social media users can interact instantaneously without the necessity to be in the same place, and in part by the fact that users enjoy themselves by using social networks on an extensive basis, as recognized by many experts. Online communities are made able to share content, comments and opinions directly,...
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...Social Media Marketing Strategy as a Form of Direct Marketing, Today’s Emerging Trends and Tomorrow’s Implications. Ahmad Jan 120070118 Hussam Alowaibeel 120070103 Marketing 420 - Direct Marketing Dr. Mikhail Zenchenkov ABSTRACT While firms strive to survive by gaining a significant market share and to position their products in the market with the ultimate aim of generating sufficient profits to sustain their survival, research has demonstrated that the marketing approach adopted by these firms underlies the strength of their positions in the market today. That has driven a significant number of firms in the world to invest a significant share of their revenues to conduct the marketing of their product using direct marketing strategies on the best media that has in the recent past unveiled itself, social media. Typically, that is because the internet has virtually merged the real world with the virtual world and its presence in the whole world is overwhelming. Unlike, therefore, the traditional marketing strategies that focused on segmentation with the 4Ps underlying concepts, a radical departure in the recent past where social media is increasingly taking the place of social media has been the trend. However, the implications and future trend share that firms have to fully get into the internet and use social media as one of the best strategies of direct marketing to reap the benefits of direct marketing...
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...DRIVING OUR FUTURE: THE TOP 11 INCENTIVE TRENDS FOR 2011 INTRODUCTION The incentive industry has seen extraordinary changes since the 1980s when: A small number of major incentive companies dominated the field; The emphasis was on sales incentives; Sales were made solely on the basis of relationships; Incentive companies had gross margins approaching 50 percent. Today, hundreds of smaller players offer a wide variety of incentive solutions. The focus is on much more than just the sales programs due to the number of studies that show the power of incentives to drive employee engagement and customer loyalty. The concept of Corporate Social Responsibility has emerged as a significant element for many programs. Competition and the economy have narrowed the once generous margins for incentive companies. Recent research by the Incentive Research Foundation (IRF) and others, pulse studies and Delphi panels offer some pragmatic insights about where the reward for performance industry has been and where it is heading. As the IRF looked toward 2011 and beyond, it analyzed existing research, scanned incentive industry and business publications, and sought input from industry leaders. This effort yielded the following “11 trends for 2011”. Upon closer examination, the eleven trends can be grouped into four major categories: Economy (1, 2, 3) Government (4) Motivation (5, 6, 7, 8) Technology (9, 10, 11) As you review these trends, the IRF hopes you will analyze how they...
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...Running head: HOW SOCIAL MEDIA IS REVOLUTIONIZING THE APPAREL INDUSTRY1 “How Social Media Is Revolutionizing the Apparel Industry” Alaa El-Bially Johns Hopkins Carey Business School HOW SOCIAL MEDIA IS REVOLUTIONIZING THE APPAREL INDUSTRY 2 Social media is a buzzword. Social media is “like teen sex. Everyone wants to do it. No one actually knows how. When finally done, there is a surprise it’s not better”, says Avinash Kaushik, co-Founder of Market Motive Inc and the Digital Marketing Evangelist for Google. In just a few short years, social media has revolutionized the way people communicate and share information, turning conversations into 140-words blips and making e-mail- the original electronic communication tool- seem quaint. In the business perspective, social media creates a kinship between the brand and its consumers and prospective consumers, which drives purchase intent and word of mouth. In this context, I will address the role of social media in revolutionizing the apparel industry as a business model, and its challenges and projections. Why Is Now the Right Time for Social Media? Growth & Interest Are High. A recent survey from eConsultancy shows that social networks and blogs are the fourth most popular activities online, (ahead of personal email, even) and that 10 percent of all time spent on the Internet is spent on social media sites. Statistics on the leading social networking sites are equally impressive: Facebook now lists more than 500 million...
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...and on social media sites like Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube, etc.? Introduction “The procurement function is constantly evolving, with many organisations going through significant transformations over the past decade. Now more than ever, there is a considerable emphasis on the integration phase and the focus has shifted to delivering the value proposition through collaboration and partnerships.” (http://www.procurementleaders.com/forum-zurich) Financial crises have been troubling our economies and it seems that every new crisis has a bigger impact than the one before. As a result, top management is looking more and more towards procurement with the goal to improve their bottom line. But lately procurement has shifted from strictly operational to a more strategic function. Hot topics are not only low cost sourcing, but also supplier integration to become more innovative, procurement technology’s contribution towards profitability and growth, and how social media affects talent management (http://spendmatters.com/uk/procurement-hot-topics-agenda-2014-part-2/). However, the measurement of procurement contribution is often a very sensitive subject. There are no clear boundaries between the various functions involved and thus tensions are bound to occur when it comes to target savings per function at the end of the year. Among today’s hot topics is also the identification of effective processes for managing supply chain risks and corporate social responsibility...
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...Mobile Technology, Social Media and a 180 million peopled Market Introduction “Information technology has for sometime been a wildcard in business, a source of opportunity and uncertainty, of advantage and risk” (Applegate, Austin, & McFarlan, 2007). Advanced economies of the world have in the past three decades taken advantage of Information Technology in all facets of life especially in the utilization of IT to drive efficiency in organizations as well as the linkages between the organization and its internal and external stakeholders. Though technology in advanced economies of the world has become embedded in the everyday life of people especially in the way they define strategy and how business is defined, not much can be said for the advancement of such new technologies in developing Nations due to so many reasons. The main reason for the hitherto poor penetration and utilization of IT in developing countries can be attributed to various factors including poverty, inadequate infrastructure, poor Internet penetration, high cost of energy, corruption and an unstable political system. However the trend seems to be changing since the mid 2000s. Economic index and a potential growth market Nigeria is an example of a developing economy that is embracing IT systems in organizations due to the rapidly growing trend of consumers utilizing the Internet. Internet usage has increased as a result of the increasing use of smart phones, which has in recent years become more...
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...3 Key Trends in the Global Meetings & Events Industry I. The dynamic of meetings and events is changing: Attendees demand a more robust and interactive meeting experience. Why is this important? This trend signifies a significant shift in the way the business community desires to learn. This evolution has gone from a reactive approach of only listening to a lecture to a more proactive approach of greater engagement in the learning process. Impact? A change the way in which conferences and events are conceptualized, structured and administered. Opening Data: In a recent survey conducted by Successful Meetings of corporate, association and independent/third party planners, 70% cited ‘creating a compelling meeting experience’ and their top priority in producing successful meetings in 2015. (Successfulmeetings.com) Or quote Corbin Ball: Conclusions on company response: a. A greater frequency of touch points with attendees pre & post event. b. Attention to demographics c. Changing role of the presenter d. Reliance on technology e. Changing meeting design II. Big Data Analytics and Accelerated Event Technology are rapidly rising in importance. Why is this important? During the last economic downturn in 2008, may companies cut non-essential meetings. As the economy strengths and globalization continues to expand, there is a more thoughtful and concerted approach to developing events on two dimensions: 1. Quality...
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...Future Advertising Trends MKT 447 Future Advertising Trends Advertising is an aspect of marketing that is extremely volatile to new trends and technology updates. Because, of its trendy nature it is extremely important for advertising agencies and even companies to be aware of the trends and future trends of advertising. There are three key components that really drive trends in advertising the first is social changes, the second is globalization and legislation, the final component is new technology and means of advertising. While there are many other factors that drive trends in advertising these three components always play a critical role in the face of advertising. Social Changes Social changes have a very significant impact on the advertising world. The government non profit companies and private organizations often seek tackle social issues such as obesity, drinking, drugs, climate change and so on. These social issues cause a shift in the perception on consumers about certain products and companies. The Ad Council is a non profit organization that distributes public service announcements on behalf of various sponsors, has mission statement regarding the impacts of social change. “The Ad Council has endeavored to improve the lives of all Americans since first creating the category of public service advertising in 1942. From our earliest efforts including "Loose Lips Sink Ships" to the more recent "I am an American," Ad Council PSAs have been raising awareness...
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...Today, Prada became a fashion empire with huge asset and related to numbers of people, which is including the sales, workers, managers and so on. In recent years, economic crisis crush the whole world’s economy, Prada is suffering as well. So, developing a strong marketing strategy for Prada is imperative. Though Prada has developed approximately 100 years and gained rich experience of traditional marketing and new marketing, there are still some drawbacks on new types of marketing. To choose an appropriate marketing trend, which need to adapt to nowadays society. Therefore, to exploring more opportunities in the twenty-first century, new type of marking methods should be introduced to cater to this network era. Evaluate the marketing trend Marketing trend: From traditional marketing to digital marketing With the popularization of network and smartphone, E-commerce and E-business has become more popular and more people discovered the advantages of online shopping. Compared digital marketing with traditional marketing, three differences have been stand out. Firstly, the digital marketing costs less than the traditional one, all the marketing strategy can develop online, which is convenient for both marketers and customers. Another factor should not be ignored, digital marketing provides a greater exposure to business, that is to say, the marketing campaigns can be seen worldwide and...
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...to be captured, stored, searched, shared, analyzed and visualized. Big Data is not just about lots of data, it is actually a concept providing an opportunity to find new insight into and organizations existing data as well guidelines to capture and analyze future data. It makes any business more agile and robust so it can adapt and overcome business challenges. It is an overall measurement of large complex data, specifically data that falls into the “3V’s model”: high volume, high velocity, and high variety. For example, big data can be applied to the wealth of information derived from social media or data obtained from the billions of mobile phones in use daily. In a business sense, big data is a part of analytics that relies on analytic application to confirm anticipated information and trends about consumer behaviors and drive competition. The 3V’S – Characteristics of Big Data The 3Vs is a term used to define the different attributes of big data - volume, variety and velocity. The 3Vs term was contrived to define the attributes that make up an organization's stored and owned data warehouse. Today – the 3Vs term is used to define the trends and dimensions of big...
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...Social media in today’s world Kati Feathers Social media is a valuable and important tool in today’s society. It offers people the chance to keep in touch with each other no matter the distance and allows for the quick spread of new ideas, information, and resources. Social media is invaluable to those who use it. Sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest are all everyday staples in so many people’s lives. They are not only a great tool for personal connections, but also for businesses and organizations. The most popular social media site these days is Facebook. Facebook has taken the world by storm. It allows people to create their own page for not only themselves but for any business and/or organization. You can personalize and customize your page to tell as little or as much as you want people to know. Facebook allows you to “friend” people so that you can keep in touch at all times. You can post pictures, ideas, milestones, memories, thoughts, and even what you are eating for lunch if you should desire to do so. Facebook has become a worldwide phenomenon that allows people to all over to stay in touch with each other. Businesses and organizations also use Facebook to advertise and spread information. Most businesses these days also have a Facebook page so that people can search and find all the information they need. This one website has changed the way people communicate all over the world. Another social media site that has recently become popular is Twitter...
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...1.1 Introduction 2.1.2 Examine the innovations of fashion communication Introduction 2.1.3 Evaluate the scope and challenges with fashion ethical issues Introduction 2.1.4 Study the future prospect of fashion marketing Introduction 3.0 Chapter 3 Introduction 3.1 Case study 4.0 Chapter 4 Conclusion 1.0 Chapter 1 Introduction Fashion is a general term for a trendy style, most commonly related to clothing, jewelry, shoes, accessories, make up, or furniture. Fashion is also something we deal with daily and changes constantly as time progresses. New fashion ideas can be influenced by music, movies, videos, books and other related (items and media connected to popular culture. Due to these changes and relationship with popular culture, fashion is a big business. The fashion industry is involved in the purchasing, selling and manufacturing of clothing. It solely focuses on generational fashion trends and to figure out consumer's liking in different segmentations. (pbs.org) The fashion industry is one of the major contributing sectors in the global economy; it had created various job opportunities for the people. Most noticeably, the industry has designed and manufactured clothing corresponding to trends and brands that have brought out a strong buying desire among shopaholics. In the 21st century, the fashion industry has been facing many existing problems. Most of these are issues surround ethical fashion. Some difficulties...
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...Technology: Where we’ve been and where we’re going Technology has grown at an extensive rate over the years. In recent years, innovations seem to have fast forwarded to a place that was not expected this soon. Different aspects of technology have been upgraded such as mobile devices, television sets, online streaming products and the internet; just to name a few. The innovations in technology has not just helped the tech field but the business, health care and even art field as well by modernization; making these fields more efficient and less time consuming. Applications such as turbo tax and data calculation programs such as SQL are both examples. In the eye of the storm is the internet which can be viewed as the heart pumping the blood into innovations. The internet has been a very innovative upgrade to our society and continues to grow at a fast pace. In recent years, the internet has grown by leaps and bounds, including higher speeds and new ways of receiving internet (no longer just dial up or cable modems). This innovation has resulted in adding to technology available to the population that is now considered the norm. No one can predict the future, however when looking at the trends over the years in technology and the internet, there is a great chance this growth isn’t going to slow down. More devices and services will be available as time goes on and will be added to what is considered the norm. It seems when looking in time, say five or ten years back, we look at...
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...Abstract HR can answer the needs of this new future workplace. But it will need a new focus on managing the whole lifecycle of employment, new recruiting and engagement ideas, the ability to provide training and development for employees who are not likely to see real salary increases for another decade, and better metrics that prove to the business the impact they are making in the coming years of this Post-Recession Era. Introduction As the U.S. economy begins to right itself from the financial crisis and associated recession, our thoughts turn to the possibility of new growth and new opportunities for business. The end of the recession may not be the ideal resolution to the struggles of the past few years. Compensating for losses has had a significant impact on organizational behavior. Aon Corporation released the 2011 Talent Survey, which revealed some rather unsettling results for the future of human resource management due in large part to the economic crisis (Eamley, 2011). Some of the topics to be discussed will be employee engagement and retention, recruiting and development and leadership in the coming years. Engaging and Retaining Based upon the Talent Survey’s results, there seems to be a problem in the highly important area of engagement, as a mere 14 percent of the 1,328 employers polled nationwide believe that their leaders are actually effective at meeting profitability targets, 17 percent believe they are adequate in...
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...5 Trends That Will Change How Companies Use Social Media In 2016 Hootsuite CEO Ryan Holmes offers a look ahead at the social trends that are fast reshaping how companies do business. * * * * * * * * * 01 /06 | 5 TRENDS THAT WILL CHANGE HOW COMPANIES USE SOCIAL MEDIA IN 2016 Hootsuite CEO Ryan Holmes offers a look ahead at the social trends that are fast reshaping how companies do business. * 02 /06 | 1. SOCIAL NETWORKS STORM THE WORKPLACE Slack has proven a game-changer, attracting more than 1.25 million active business users in just two years' time and now has a cohort of competitors going after a piece of that pie. Meanwhile, Facebook is gunning to roll out Facebook At Work sooner rather than later. * 03 /06 | 2. COMPANIES TURN TO EMPLOYEES FOR AMPLIFICATION 2016 will see companies turn increasingly to an underused resource in the effort to get the word out: their own employees. Employee social advocacy programs, which encourage staff to share updates about the business on their own social media accounts, have grown by 191% since 2013 and are due to take off in the year ahead. * 04 /06 | 3. COMPANIES WADE INTO SOCIAL MESSAGING There are nearly 4 billion global active users of messaging apps, from WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger to WeChat and Kik. And while messaging’s huge potential remains largely untapped by businesses, 2016 may well be the year that analytics and insights become more readily available...
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