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Social Responsible Consumption


Submitted By ellabonnie
Words 3768
Pages 16
Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Studiengang International Management
Fach- Sozial und Methodenkompetenz

Bachelor Research Proposal

Consumer perceptions of socially responsible consumption:
Attitudes among Chinese and German business students-
A comparative/ contrastive study

* * * Index 1 Title and Initial Statement of Research Question 3 2 Background 3 3 Statement of research objective 6 3.1 Primary research objective 6 3.2 Secondary research objective 6 3.3 Definition of terms 6 3.4 Detailed explanation of objectives 7 4 Research design and schedule 8 4.1 Approach 8 4.2 Methods of familiarisation: 8 4.3 Methods of using text: 9 4.4 Methods of using Talk: 9 4.5 Methods of using experimentation: 10 4.6 Methods of observation: 11 4.7 Tools of data recording and documentation 12 4.7.1 Tools for talk 12 4.7.2 Tools for text 12 4.7.3 Tools for observation 12 4.8 Time schedule 12 5 Significance and creativity 13 6 List of References 13

Title and Initial Statement of Research Question
Consumer perceptions of socially responsible consumption: Attitudes among Chinese and German business students- A comparative/ contrastive study
Every single consumption choice that consumers make has a huge impact on the environment and the society. Consumers can influence the market by buying products that have a limited impact on the environment and the society. By taking social responsibility in consuming ethically, encourages further developments of the market for equitable products. On the one hand there are a large number of studies on socially responsible consumption in Germany but on the other hand only limited research in China. The purpose of this research paper is to identify the importance to Chinese and German business students to consume ethically. The relevance is given by

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