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Caribbean Examination Council
School Based Assessment (S.B.A)

Name: Tasheika King School: Port Antonio High School Centre #: ____10097_________ Candidate #: ____1440______________ Teacher: Miss Raymond

Table of Contents
Titles Pages Acknowledgement ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Statement of the Problem …………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Research Questions……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Method of Investigation……………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Instrument Used to Collect Data……………………………………………………………………………………………
Procedure used to collect Data………………………………………………………………………………………………
Presentation and Explanation of Data …………………………………………………………………………………..
Interpretation and Analysis of Data……………………………………………………………………………………….
Recommendation and Implementation Strategy……………………………………………………………………


They are a few persons the researcher owes a great deal of gratitude for the successful completion of this study. Firstly, the researcher would like to share her gratitude to the residence of Fellowship for their cooperation and participation. Secondly, a special thanks to the researcher’s father for his constant encouragement and for being their every step along the way. Finally, the researcher would like to thank her Social Studies teacher, Miss Raymond for her guidance throughout this study.

Introduction Unemployment is a social issue that have been a plague in the community of Fellowship. This is a small farming and residential community made up of approximately hundred and twenty residents (120). Fellowship is located in Jamaica, Portland. It is approximately five miles from Port Antonio, the capital of Portland. Sixty percentage of the population of Fellowship is of mixed descendant, twenty percent African and the other twenty percent are Indians. These person are mainly Christians of different denominations and others with no religion. Fellowship

Diagram showing a map of Jamaica.
Unemployment is a situation where individuals in the labor force, who is capable and willing to work but has not yet found a job or isn’t willing to work. The researcher has chosen this topic because it breaks her heart to see so many unemployed individuals in her community. As a result, the researcher wants to find out what measures can be put in place to alleviate the problem. To do this the researcher has to find out what are the causes of unemployment in Fellowship. Secondly, the researcher has to find out the effect on the individuals who are unemployed. Thus, the researcher will be able to find measures that can be taken to increase employment opportunities in Fellowship.

Topic: Unemployment
Statement of Problem:
To what extent does unemployment affects the individuals involved and what measures can be put in place to increase employment opportunities in the district of Fellowship?
Research Questions:

I. What are the main causes of unemployment in the Fellowship district? II. What are the effects of unemployment on the unemployed individuals?

III. What can be done to increase employment opportunities?

Reasons for Selecting the Area of Research

The researcher has been observing this issue that is affecting the country of Jamaica for many years now and it breaks the heart to see how many people are unemployed and how it affects them. Since 2005- 2010 the rate of unemployment has risen drastically in Jamaica. As a result of this individuals have turned to criminal activities and many other social issue such as teenage pregnancy, drug abuse, and street children.
Unemployment do not only affects the individuals involved, but the people around them also. Therefore this problem needs to be dealt with immediately. The researcher wouldn’t hesitate to eradicate unemployment once and for all, unfortunately however, this is impossible. Nevertheless the researcher still wishes to do something to alleviate this issue, with the hope starting from the community she has been living for her entire life. Therefore the researcher has chosen this area of study with the hope of finding some means of alleviating this problem.

Method of Investigation

In order to collect data for the survey, the interviewer decided to use printed questionnaires. The questionnaires used as a tool for collecting information was used because of its merits. These include: * It requires little time to be completed. * It can be done at the respondent’s convenience. * It is guaranteed confidentiality, since respondents are not allowed to attach their names on it. * It allows data to be collected from large numbers of persons. * It makes it possible to compare response of respondents. * It can be used to collect data that can be represented in statistical form.

Data Collection Instrument

Survey determining: “To what extent does unemployment affects the individuals involved and what measures can be put in place to increase employment opportunities?”

Dear Residents,
This is a survey being carried out in the Fellowship district to determine to what extent does unemployment affects the individuals and what measures can be put in place to increase employment opportunities in the Fellowship district. This is being conducted as the school based assessment for a Social Studies course I am currently pursuing at Port Antonio High School.
You are kindly asked to answer the questions on the questionnaire honestly. You are not required to write your name. Thus, this is confidential. Remember this is not a test they are no right or wrong answers. Most of the question can be answered by a single tick, like this. Therefore this will not be time consuming, or difficult. Specific instructions are given where necessary.
Thank you for your time.

Yours sincerely,
Tasheika King

Procedure Used to Collect Data

Fellowship has approximately 120 households. It was calculated that a sample of 20% was necessary in order to ensure accurate conclusions on the extent to which employment affects the individuals involved and measures that can be put in place to increase employment opportunities in Fellowship. (20% of 120= 24) Precisely thirty (30) questionnaires were printed and distributed to the residence. It was expected that at least 26 will be returned. When selecting the households the researcher used random selection. This was done by writing the number of the houses in the community where unemployed individuals are residing on a piece of paper. Each pieces of paper was put in a box. After shaking the box for three minutes to ensure it was mixed thoroughly. A number of thirty slips of paper was taken from the box, one after the other, while each slip of paper was been taken from the box the box was shaken after each slip of paper was taken from the box. The researcher specifically selected 30 households where unemployed individuals are living. The questionnaires was given to respondents directly with a note to return to the Post Office. In few cases where respondents were not at home questionnaire was left with someone of the household.

Presentation and Explanation of Data

Out of the thirty (30) questionnaires that were distributed to the unemployed residence in Fellowship a total number of 27 was returned, only 25 questionnaires was used. Of the 25 only 13 were male and 12 were female. That is, 48% were female and remaining 52% were male.

Figure 1. Pie Chart showing the Causes of Unemployment in Fellowship.

Figure 1 shows the causes of unemployment in Fellowship. Most of the unemployed population are unemployed because there is no jobs available nearby. That is 64% of the unemployed individual in Fellowship. While 12% are unemployed because they have a disability or an illness, 16% because they have been laid off and 8% are unemployed because they were dismissed from work.

Figure 2. Bar graph showing the reason for the prevalence of unemployment in Fellowship.
Figure 2 shows the respondents responses to why unemployment is so prevalent in Fellowship. Significantly 60% of the respondents believed that the reason why unemployment is so prevalent in Fellowship is because individuals did not received adequate training and skills, while 3 believes it is because people quit their jobs because of low wages, 8% suggested that it is because of the poor working conditions people quit and 20% refuse to work.

Figure 3. Histogram showing the major causes of unemployment.

Figure 3 shows the major causes of unemployment. The majority of individuals who are without jobs are unemployed because they refuse to go into agriculture, this is 54%. While 30% are unemployed because they are inexperience thus no one wants to hire them, 8% are because they are fulltime students or retired.

Figure 4. Pie chart showing the effect of unemployment?

Figure shows the effect of unemployment on the unemployed population of Fellowship. The majority (40%) of the unemployed population face emotional problems, while 20% have financial problems, 16% social problems and the other 24% have family problems.

What are the main effect of unemployment? | Effects | Percentage of individuals | Number of Respondents | Resort to unhealthy method of relieving stress | 24% | 6 | Resort to criminal activities | 16% | 4 | Migrate from community | 40% | 10 | Involve in illegal/ unhealthy methods of passing time | 20% | 5 |

Table I. Showing the main effect of unemployment?
The table shows that significantly 40% of the individuals have to migrate, 24% have to resort to unhealthy method of relieving stress, 16% resort to criminal activities and 20% get involved in illegal/ unhealthy method of passing time.

Figure 5. Show ways to create more employment opportunities?

Figure 5 shows that 20% of the respondents believes that encouraging of small business venture can create more employment opportunities. While 24% believes that cottage industry must be encouraged, 48% to encourage agricultural practices and 8% believes that encouraging technical education would create more employment opportunities.

Figure 6. Bar graph showing measures to alleviate unemployment?

Figure 6 shows measure to alleviate unemployment in Fellowship. These most likable measure by respondents are increase of wages, 40% recommends that wages. While the 24% respondents choose that better working conditions would alleviate unemployment. Whereas 20% believe that encouraging studies in areas where jobs are available and 16% believes that to set up programs to help people find jobs would help to alleviate unemployment.

What measures can be taken by the government to help reduce unemployment? Responses | Number of Respondents | Percentage of individuals | Raw materials can be used to generate new products | IIII IIII | 36% | Control birth rate | lll | 12% | Improving infrastructure in agriculture | Illl ll | 28% | Market tourism more vigorously | llll l | 24% |

Table 2. Tally chart showing the measures that can be taken by the government to help reduce unemployment?

The table shows that most individuals suggests that the government can reduce unemployment by generating new products from raw materials 36%, while the other recommends that the government controls the birth rate 12%, improve infrastructure in agriculture 24%, and to market tourism more vigorously 28%.

Interpretation and Analysis of Data

In the district of Fellowship unemployment is caused by several reasons, one of the main causes of unemployment is that they are no available jobs nearby, that is 60%, as presented in figure 1. As a result individuals are searching for jobs but yet to find any. This is because Portland is a rural area, thus job opportunities are scarce because few business are located in these rural areas. This is because market are closer in urban areas, transport which is an important factor supporting access to markets; closeness to raw materials, availability of appropriately skilled employees, opportunity for waste disposal, availability of power supplies, availability of land and government incentives which pulls business to the urban areas. Therefore it can be concluded that most unemployed persons are capable and willing to work but are unemployed because of the unavailability of jobs in Portland. A significant causes of unemployment is that individuals do not have adequate training and skills to be qualified for the jobs available. Whereas 60% cannot get jobs because they do not have the adequate training and skill. According Dr. Errol Morrison, the President of University of Technology said: “Most individuals are ill-equipped, inadequately prepared or insufficiently trained for the jobs they perform.” Hence, many people are without jobs because of the few jobs available most people are not qualified to get the job. Evidence from International Labour Organization shows that ‘Rural people’s access to education and training is often limited by financial barriers (e.g. training and transportation costs) and non-financial barriers (e.g. scarce education and training infrastructure, inflexible training schedules). Especially for poor rural children and adults, the opportunity costs for education and training may be too high to give up their income-generating activities and unpaid duties that help sustain their families. Many rural people do not have basic education. This also hampers their access to technical and vocational training or other skills development. Unequal gender relations and traditional gender roles entail specific difficulties for rural girls and women in accessing education and training. Education and training is often of inadequate quality. Teachers and trainers may be unqualified, equipment and technology outdated, and teaching and training methods ill-suited to rural contexts.’ Thus there are so many people who are unqualified, hence there is such a large population of unemployed individuals in Fellowship. Based on the data collected 44% of the individuals are without jobs because they refused to go into agriculture. This is because adequate infrastructure are not available in these rural areas. Therefore they are limited access to agricultural input, and agriculture market. They are poor roads, slow technological development and emerging markets in more urban areas. “A lack of access to markets - whether due to poor infrastructure or productivity, limited education, or insufficient information - prevents access to both labor and capital. In many rural societies, there are few job opportunities outside of agriculture” ( poverty). As a result agriculture is seem as an unattractive, unprofitable and degrading area of work. Thus many people don’t want to go into agriculture especially young individuals. According to Tyrone Hall, Compton International Fellow, Clark University, and LIGI´s Head of Communication “youth participation in the agriculture sector in many developing countries is very low, largely because the sector is highly unattractive—due to risks, costs, inefficiency and its labor intensive nature”(Local Insight). However, in rural areas they are few other job opportunities from agriculture, rendering many people jobless. Unemployment have several effects on the unemployed population of Fellowship. One of the main effect of unemployment are the emotional and Psychological problems it causes. Figure 4 shows that 40% of the unemployed are affected psychologically or emotionally. According to sociologist research claimed that, ‘work gives people a sense of identity, of what their role in society is. It is source of relationships of the family.’ (Sociology, Themes and Perspectives). Therefore when individuals are unemployed they lose their sense of identity and purpose, plus they face lot of break down in their relationships. In addition when most individuals are unemployed they cannot live up to their usual standard of living or cannot afford to take care of their family and themselves as they would wish. This causes them to become stress and depressed according to The Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues. Also “unemployed workers are twice as likely as their counterpart to experience psychological problems such as depression, anxiety, psychosomatic symptoms, low subjective, wellbeing, and poor self-esteem”. Additionally, a high number of individuals have experienced family problems because of unemployment, figure 4 shows that 24% of the unemployed population of Fellowship faced family problem. When individuals are unemployed they face financial problems which results in family problems because one is not able to provide for his self and family, which in some cases causes partners to become divorced, separated, it also causes domestic violence in homes because some partner become stress due to not having a job, so they become angry, frustrated and stress. Because of this they become abusive to their partner or child. “Stress and depression symptoms associated with job lost can negatively affect parenting. As a result children report more distress and depressed and abusive.” Abuse of children can cause multiple negative outcomes, including academic performances, substance abuse, teenage pregnancy, juvenile delinquency and many others which do not only affects the family but has a lot of negative implications on society. Another significant effect of unemployment based on the data collected is that unemployment causes individuals to migrate away from their community which consist of their family, friends and loved ones. Table 1 shows that 35% of individuals migrate from their family, to different countries, parishes or community in the search for jobs because of the lack of jobs nearby. As a result this influenced many family problems because when parents travel away and leave their child in others supervision, the child lacks love, socialization and guidance from parents which results in juvenile delinquency, teenage pregnancy, child or children get involved in gambling or drug abuse . According to the Module in Social Studies, third edition, by Rampersad Ramsawak and Ralph R. Umraw, “There is increasing evidence that this (juvenile delinquency) is a reaction to growing up in dysfunctional families where children are not wanted, unloved, abused and humiliated.” When individuals migrate from Fellowship to work in foreign countries, brain drain. Individuals in Fellowship recommended a number of solutions to creating employment opportunities. The most recommended solution was to encourage agricultural practices because this way individuals would be self-employed and can provide for their family. According to figure 5, 48% percentage of the respondents indicates that emphasis on agricultural practices would increase employment opportunities. This is supported by the Module in Social Studies, third edition, by Rampersad Ramsawak and Ralph R. Umraw, “When one considers that a man cannot survive without food, then the demand for agricultural products will never cease. ‘The agricultural sector has a great potential for creating jobs.’ The agricultural sector must consequently become a prior of all governments”. Additionally, many of the respondents, that is 40% believes that the increased of wages would increase employment because people wouldn’t quit their jobs to find better paying jobs. The Principle of Business for CSEC Examination by Ivan Waterman, Dave Ramsingh and Alvin Ramsaroop states that: “The wage structure in the Caribbean economies has had an important effect on unemployment.” The Daily Observer, Saturday, April 13, 2009, article by Michael Dingwall says that “the conditions under which they (workers) must work are not being satisfactory. They are ‘underpaid’, taken for granted and as is too often the case taken for granted.” People who are underpaid feel as if their rights are violated and that they are exploited, as a result of this they quit their job to find better paying jobs, however many of these people remain unemployed because of the unavailability of employment. Another significant solution suggested by respondents is that the government should use raw materials to generate new products. Table 2 illustrations that 36%believes using raw materials to generate products would increase employment opportunities. This way more jobs will be created in manufacturing industries. Therefore individual who don’t have the training or skills to work in other area such as administrative, management and others can get jobs in factories. This is supported by the Module in Social Studies, third edition, by Rampersad Ramsawak and Ralph R. Umraw, which states that “Many of our local materials which are at present exported in their raw state can be used to generate new products… thus creating jobs.” An article in The Gleaner, October 20, 2011 states that “too many imports are flooding the island”, this because raw materials are not used to create new products, thus almost every product has to be import to Jamaica. Based on the data collected 24% suggests that if tourism is market more vigorously, it would help to create thousands of jobs for individuals. The Module in Social Studies, third edition, by Rampersad Ramsawak and Ralph R. Umraw reports that “tourism sector has a great potential to create jobs in variety of occupation.” This is true because the increase in the tourism industry cause more people to go in farming, so that they can sell produce to tourists and hotels and other tourist attraction sites. It also create more jobs at the hotels, villas, spa; it would create more demand for taxi drivers, tour guide, rafters, and artists. Evidence from Vision RI also shows that ‘tourism with its wide range of constituent sub sectors is now world's largest industry. The dramatic growth of tourism over the last twenty five years is one of the most remarkable economic and social phenomena of the period’. Also that “conservative estimates of tourism related employment (base year 2002) by our professionals reveal that tourism generates about 7.5 million full time job equivalents in India. It translates to about 11 million actual jobs” and “the employment impact of tourism goes beyond employment in sectors in which tourists directly spend their money, such as hotels, restaurants and airlines.” Therefore tourism would be supportive in creating employment opportunities.


The survey carried out has discovered several facts about the extent to which unemployment affects the individuals involved and the measures that can be taken to increase employment opportunities in Fellowship. These includes: 1. The main causes of unemployment in Fellowship is that they are no available jobs nearby, they do not have adequate training or skills and because they refused to go into agriculture. 60% are unemployed because they are inadequately trained, 60% no available jobs nearby and 54% because they refused to go into agriculture.

2. The most significant effect of unemployment on the individual involved is that is causes psychological or emotional problems, family problems and increased migration. That is 60% of the unemployed individuals experienced psychological problems, 40% faces family problem and 40% migrate away from the community in the search of jobs.

3. To create employment opportunities the government should use raw materials to create new products, market tourism better and encourage agricultural practices. The survey carried out shows these are the best solutions recommended to alleviate unemployment. The data collected shows that 36% believes that unemployment can be alleviate by using raw materials to generate new products. While 24% believes that unemployment can be unemployment can be reduced by marketing tourism more actively and 48% believes in encouraging agricultural practices. Recommendation and Implementation Strategy Recommendation The key to economic growth is to reduce unemployment which consequently would reduce other prevalent social problems. Therefore in the interest of making Fellowship into a pleasant community, the residents, and the government would work together to create more employment opportunities. One of the most recommended solution is that the Government should encourage agricultural practices, this way individuals can sell their crops to local and or foreign market as well and they would also have food for themselves and family consumption. Therefore increase individuals in agriculture would be very beneficial because it can also create more employment for skilled and unskilled individuals. Additionally, the government should market tourism more vigorously to create employment. Tourism would create job opportunities in many areas, hotels, clerks, chefs, artisans and many others. Tourism activity has long lasting socio-economic impacts on the host economy and community. The establishments which receive tourists also buy goods and services from other sectors that generate employment in those sectors through multiplier effect. The government should use raw materials to create new products and import less which would create more employment opportunities and less money be spent on importation of goods. This way more jobs will be created in manufacturing industries and individual who don’t have the training or skills to work in other area such as administrative, management can get jobs in factories. This is a very important recommendation because sixty percentage of the individuals who are unemployed in Fellowship is because they do not have adequate training and skill. Therefor e this would make a tremendous difference in the number of unemployed individuals in Fellowship.

Implementation The Caribbean soil and temperature is ideal for farming, however the number of persons who refused to go into agriculture is surprising. Specifically, youth’s involvement in agriculture is low, mostly because sector is very unattractive due to risks, costs, inefficiency and its labour intensive nature. As such, motivating individuals of Fellowship to view agriculture as a potential career would require multi-level intervention. The government would try to make agriculture appear more attractive and profitable to lure more individuals towards agriculture. Ways in which the government intended to do this is by: * Since many individuals are turned off by the problems affecting the agricultural sector such as land price, larceny and lack of investments. Subsequently, the government makes it easier for individuals to go into agriculture by reducing price for lease and purchasing agriculture land, and to create and encourage agricultural Investment Trust through tax incentives to direct private investment in agricultural sectors. This would make agriculture more appealing, thus influencing more individuals to become involved in agriculture. Therefore, creating more employment opportunities for individuals in Fellowship. * The researcher would encourage residence of Fellowship to focus more on labour intensive crops, for example sugar cane, because the production of these crops requires a large labour force, thus lot of unemployed persons would be able to get a job in these areas. As a result increasing job opportunities in and around Fellowship. * The government will increase infrastructure in agriculture because based on the survey done it is concluded that 44% of the unemployed individuals are unemployed because they refuse to go into agriculture as a result of the lack of infrastructure available in agriculture. This cause agriculture to become more difficult and unprofitable, thus driving people away from this area of work. The tourism sector will create ways to market tourism better so that employment can be create. To do this the sector would have to increase the number tourist vacating in Jamaica and increased satisfaction ratings of tourism in Jamaica. The sector will do this by understanding the motivations and preferences of visitors in their decision-making and travel planning process and how these behaviors change over time; identifying appropriate visitor markets that ‘fit’ the destination attractions and experiences and align with community values; Developing a ‘Strategic Marketing Plan’ to provide direction for destination marketing activities. Also by developing a stakeholder agreed, strong and recognized destination brand and image that is underpinned by the values and unique point of difference of the destination; facilitation of a process to engage stakeholders to implement key marketing activities including: relevant promotional and advertising actions to influence visitor perceptions, awareness and destination choice; effective sales and distribution channels to enable conversion of intention to visit into actual visitation; and development of cooperative marketing programs with tourism organizations and businesses to provide resource synergies and increased visitation potential for a destination. This will increase the number of tourist’s destination as Jamaica, thus increasing employment opportunities in tourism, hence reducing unemployment in Fellowship.


Ramsawak Rampersad and Umraw R. Ralph. Modules in Social Studies with S.B.A Guide and C.X.C Questions. Trinidad: R.P.L Ltd., 2005.
Waterman L. Ivan, Ramsingh Dave and Ramsaroop P. Alvin. Principle of Business for CSEC Examination.
Haralambous and Holborn. Sociology, Themes and Perspectives. N.P. Harper Collins Publishers Limited, 2007
Blair Leonard. The Sunday Gleaner. May 23, 2014.
Dingwall Michael. The Daily Observer. April 13, 2000. P.9
The Herald. 14-20/08/05. P.3B


1. What is your gender? a. Male b. Female

2. Which of the options below best describes your age? a. 16- 20 yrs. b. 20-25 yrs. c. 25- 30 yrs. d. 30-35 yrs. e. 40 yrs. and older

3. To what ethnic group do you belong? a. African descent b. Chinese descent c. Indian descent d. Mixed descent

4. How long have you been a resident of Fellowship? a. 1-5 yrs. a. 5-10 yrs. b. 10-20 yrs. c. 20yrs and more

5. Have you ever been employed? b. Yes c. No If yes please state where ___________________________

6. Why are you unemployed? a. No available jobs near by b. Have a disability c. Have been laid of d. Suffer great illness

7. Why is unemployment so prevalent in Fellowship? a. Individuals do not have adequate training and skills b. Refused to work c. Quit job because of bad working conditions d. Quit job because of low wages

8. Which of the following is the major cause of unemployment? a. By choice b. Refuse to go into agriculture c. Full time student d. Retired

9. How does unemployment affect you emotionally? a. Lower your self esteem b. Caused you to feel embarrassed c. Caused you to feel depress/ distress d. Caused you to feel restless

10. How does affects you socially? a. Caused you to become divorced b. Caused you to be unable to give your child suitable c. Caused you to be unable to give you and your family proper health care d. Caused people to look down on you

11. Which of the following is the main effect of unemployment? a. Emotional effects b. Financial problems c. Family problems d. Emotional/ Psychological problems

12. How unemployment affects the individual involved? a. Caused individual to migrate from family b. Caused you to in involve in unhealthy method passing time c. Caused you to resort unhealthy method of relieving stress d. Causing individual to turn to criminal activities

13. An individual who is unemployed mostly financial difficulties? a. Agree b. Strongly agree c. Somewhat agree
d. Disagree e. Strongly disagree

14. What can be done to create more employment opportunities? a. Encourage agricultural practice b. Encourage small business venture c. Encourage cottage industry d. Encourage technical and vocational education

15. What measures can be taken by the government to help reduce unemployment? a. Raw materials could be used to generate new products b. Control high birth rate c. Improving infrastructure in agricultural areas d. Tourism should be market more vigorously

16. What can be done to reduce unemployment? a. Create special education programs for disabled individuals b. Doing your own fishing c. Raising your own live stocks d. Give loan to individual who wants to go back to school to pursue career

17. What measures may be put in place to alleviate unemployment? a. Better working conditions b. Increase wages c. Encourage studies in areas jobs are available d. Place more emphasis on career choices in school

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...salesman is known to be used in conveying social matter on the American society. Death of a salesman shows how the American dream can be harder to achieve than some people expect it to be. Arthur uses time to his advantage as he uses flashbacks to at one point have a conversation with his dead brother of a past conversation that he is showing other people as he is playing cards. They are used to show his brothers success to try and push him in the right direction for willies sake. His sons also go back to see their past and recollect. Gripping with a influence of the past is a theme that all literature has become in modern literature and of Death of a Salesman ("What Literary Devices Does Miller Use In "Death Of A Salesman"?", 2015).  The American Dream The American dream in my eyes is for wealth and happiness and many people would have the same dream and thoughts of what the American dream is and how they would precede it. Willy is always looking for a way to fix his sons after their failures and he uses the aspect of foreshadowing to try and show that even with the best of wises there is not always a way to fix problems for people that do not want to be fixed or that cannot fix themselves. Biff and willy also have a different look on the American dream and because he cannot live up to his father standards and expectations it contributes to the breakdown of the family ("Arthur Miller'S Death Of A Salesman Has Been Used To Convey Social Commentary", 2015). Imagination While...

Words: 729 - Pages: 3

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Nayoya Gymnastic Rings Research Paper

...(4). Nayoya Gymnastic Rings for Full Body Strength and Crossfit Training Earning the trust of the many gymnastics rings lovers for decades isn’t a feat to be rivaled, as exhibited by Nayoya Gymnastic Rings. Apparently, being among the few, best-rated workout rings in a highly competitive wooden gymnastics rings market doesn’t come cheaply. They are easy to mount, great to hold onto, and unquestionably strong. Nayoya Gymnastic Rings possibly belong to a unique group that’s usually sought after by workouts and CrossFit junkies. From the design and the built quality, it’s easy to understand why it is so. Just check out the following features. 1). Material Quality and Design Perhaps, what stands out or the most admired feature with these particular gymnastic rings is the material that they made from. Unlike the others, they’re made out of PC plastic and thus stable and more durable than those made from ABS plastic. Typically, gymnastics rings made using this material are strong enough to withstand 1000+ pounds of weight, and this one is no exception. Another feature that makes the rings even more striking is the ease of holding - they are incredibly easy to grab and hold onto. First, there’s the excellent grip, perfect for preventing slip and fall as a result of sweaty hands. The yellow colored rings are textured, "grippable" and sturdy for all workouts. Being lightweight, another notable feature associated with Nayoya Gymnastic Rings, is for the safety of the user. There’s a...

Words: 857 - Pages: 4

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Hello World

...January 30, 2009 The End of Solitude By William Deresiewicz What does the contemporary self want? The camera has created a culture of celebrity; the computer is creating a culture of connectivity. As the two technologies converge — broadband tipping the Web from text to image, social-networking sites spreading the mesh of interconnection ever wider — the two cultures betray a common impulse. Celebrity and connectivity are both ways of becoming known. This is what the contemporary self wants. It wants to be recognized, wants to be connected: It wants to be visible. If not to the millions, on Survivor or Oprah, then to the hundreds, on Twitter or Facebook. This is the quality that validates us, this is how we become real to ourselves — by being seen by others. The great contemporary terror is anonymity. If Lionel Trilling was right, if the property that grounded the self, in Romanticism, was sincerity, and in modernism it was authenticity, then in postmodernism it is visibility. So we live exclusively in relation to others, and what disappears from our lives is solitude. Technology is taking away our privacy and our concentration, but it is also taking away our ability to be alone. Though I shouldn't say taking away. We are doing this to ourselves; we are discarding these riches as fast as we can. I was told by one of her older relatives that a teenager I know had sent 3,000 text messages one recent month. That's 100 a day, or about one every 10 waking minutes, morning...

Words: 3546 - Pages: 15

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...Penney, (2013) defines “The Biopsychosocial Model” as an approach or method that guides and helps to understand individual’s biological, psychological and social aspects, for example emotions, behaviours and thoughts. Therefore the importance of understanding human health and illness will aid nurses with knowledge of how to provide holistic care. It is a health care model that deals with the clinical care and practical guidance to the patient. Biopsychosocial model show the importance for practitioners to recognise the factors that contribute to biologically, psychologically and socially of different individuals and showing confidence in understanding different aspects of life to encourage elderly client to show their personality, which aids them and keep them in control at different stages of life HEALTH, PSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECTS AND SOCIAL ASPECTS OF THOSE INDIVIDUALS. (D) Physical Factors The skeletal system of an individual goes through major changes because the musculoskeletal system response slows down due to aging affecting movement and posture, for example loss of calcium from the bone. Banks et al. (2009) stated that mineral density will decrease after menopause. Therefore at this life stage of women they are prone of hip fracture. Ageing affects bones making them weaker and less dense which make them likely to fracture easily, Individuals might find it difficult to lift things and the less dense the bones the less flexible movement becomes because of the weakness...

Words: 537 - Pages: 3

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Coping with Stress

...take my mind off of some of the hard times we all go through in our lives. Stress can cause health problems or make health problems worse. It can cause unhealthy physical symptoms if it becomes persistent, such as in response to life’s daily challenges and changes. Some people may constantly feel fatigued, unable to focus, or even out of control even if the cause is something minor. Learning how to cope with stress is not only beneficial to my health, but it also helps me manage my life to the point where I am not overworking myself. The article “Coping with Stress” suggests that psychologists have identified three coping methods: Reappraising the situation, learning from the experience, and making social comparisons. In my personal experience, I have used the learning and social aspects. I feel it is important to learn from what you are going through. It builds my confidence, and helps me to understand what’s in front of me. For example, my 4 year old son has been...

Words: 598 - Pages: 3

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Example Of A Sociological Analysis

...we are partaking in a social system every day. Once we take the time to analyze the relationship between the social systems in our lives and the individuals in it, we will begin to understand social life and how we participate in it. This paper will evaluate this relationship of social systems influencing individuals by means of paths of least resistance and socialization, while the individual shapes the system by interaction....

Words: 1339 - Pages: 6

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Social Construction of Reality

...CheckPoint Social Construction of Reality Aldonia Bailey SOC/120 11/29/2013 Carol Parker Currently I work in a chiropractor office where, I have been for a little over a year. My coworkers at first knew me as the quite one but as time went by they got to know me. So now they know me as the feisty one in the office, because I rarely put up with clients ignorance. My coworkers also think I’m antisocial because I’m not fond of going out after work or going to many office functions. I mostly agree with them, because I feel like I should treat work as a professional space. In the beginning I felt different, I socialized with my coworkers by going out on weekends and after work, but as time went on I felt like all my coworkers did was go to clubs and get drunk. However this may work for some people its just not the lifestyle I’m comfortable with. Even though my interaction now is limited with my coworkers I think I’m more open and sociable with my family (mainly my aunt). My personable social status is determined by my family dynamic, mostly because I feel comfortable where I can let my guard down. When considering how my social status influences my view of the world, I instantaneously think of my childhood and the way my mother treated me. My childhood was stressful mainly because my mother wasn’t the most financial or emotionally stable individual. With that being said she was also very physically and mentally abusive towards me and my brother so the cops and DPSS were always...

Words: 333 - Pages: 2

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Catcher in the Rye Essay

...‘THE CATCHER IN THE RYE’ AND ‘IGBY GOES DOWN’ – NON-CONFORMITY Both J.D Salinger’s 1951 Bildungsroman novel The Catcher in the Rye and Burr Steer’s film Igby Goes Down, demonstrate that regardless of context, the youth will choose not to conform to socially held values. We can see that this is the manifestation of the vulnerability and hesitation experienced as adolescents like us grow up. Ultimately both these texts explore the search for identity and individualism as a cause for non-conformity. The Catcher in the Rye was written during a post war era and a time of drastic social change. However, many of its conservative values remained and most importantly, the notion of youth conformity was held in high regard. On the other hand, Igby Goes Down is set in the 1980s -1990’s American era, a time of expanding multi national corporations, materialism and commercialism. Salinger and Steers utilise the characterisation of their young, sardonic and rebellious protagonists, Holden and Igby to epitomise non-conformity. The composers allude to the recurring theme of isolation and alienation in both texts. As a result of their non-conformity, the protagonists experience rejection and depression as they search for their selfhood. Similarly, the national ethos of the American Dream is explored as a mere fallacy, and both composers portray this through their protagonist’s wealthy backgrounds and opulent upbringings and yet money doesn’t bring them happiness. Salinger, through literary...

Words: 2434 - Pages: 10

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Jep Preflection

...Participating in JEP will allow me to reflect about the different aspects of education and the community while learning about myself in the process. Service learning will help me develop through the awareness of the community, giving me a deeper understanding about the ethical, legal and moral aspects of service as well as helping me apply my academics to real world scenarios. First, I would like to address the awareness of the community that I will gain by working with JEP. Working in the University Park neighborhood will allow me to see the different social and ethnic factors that surround this area of Los Angeles. Although I am local to Los Angeles, the part of Los Angeles I grew up in contrasts in many ways from the University Park neighborhood. I grew up in an area with many residential streets that were safe to roam around even at late hours, where fast food wasn’t readily available, where the crime rate wasn’t high and where diversity wasn’t as culturally sound. By partaking in this service learning project, I will be able to relate and be more sensitive to the type of community that this part of Los Angeles presents. I will also be able to understand the type of environment that the students I am working with are coming from. The environment in which someone grows up in influences the way a person thinks, their beliefs, their morals as well as their ability to overcome obstacles. As I am working in this neighborhood, I will be more aware about how the communities are...

Words: 726 - Pages: 3

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Introduction to the Use of Organizational Metaphors

...Module 1 – Introduction to the use of organizational metaphors One of the visions of the future I was given as a child growing up was that of totally automated factories where computers control every aspect of the operation, and robots executed every function required. Humans would no longer be needed to do mundane or dangerous tasks, and we could instead spend our days sitting by our pools, sipping cocktails and pondering what else we could do with all of our free time that technology provided. Fast forward in time to our modern reality. Computers and robots have indeed modernized production lines, and technology has permeated nearly every facet of our lives. Modern factories and businesses have become so technological that it is the roles of humans and machines have blurred. The truth is, however, that no matter how sophisticated machines may be; human intervention and participation is still essential to the smooth functioning of any organization. The subject of our case study, the Telebank call centre, is a very flat organization that is based on a functional structure. They have three categories of employees, so there aren’t the successive levels of supervisors or managers found in many other types of organizations. I think that this company replicates a “machine” in many ways. The work is repetitive and monotonous. Except for inputs of emotion to customize the experience for callers and to demonstrate some empathy to their plight, the basic tasks remain the same...

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