...1.1 Explain current legislation sector skill standard influence on organizational policies and practices for promoting and maximizing the rights of users of social health and social care service. 1.2 Analysis the factors affect achievement the promoting and maximizing the rights of users of social health and social care service. 1.3 Analysis how commutation between individual and health care worker contribute to promoting and maximizing the rights of users of social health and social care service. 2.1 Explain the factor they may contribute the loss the independence non participation and social exclusion for vulnerable people. 2.2 Analysis how organizational systems and processes are managed to promote participation and independence of the users of health and social care service. 2.3 Analysis the tension that arise when balancing the right of individual to independence and choice against the care provider’s duty to protect. 3.1 use a case study from a health or social care setting to identify the extent to which individual are at risk of harm. 3.2 Explain the role peoples play in a team and how can work together to achieve the shared goal. 3.3 Analysis the effectiveness of policies, procedures and managerial approach within a health or social care setting for promoting the management risk, review current legislation, codes of practices and policies that applies in handling of medication. 3.4 Suggest alternative ways to complete task...
Words: 3544 - Pages: 15
...Public Health Nursing Vol. 22 No. 4, pp. 354—359 0737-1209/05 # Blackwell Publishing, Inc. SPECIAL FEATURES: PRACTICE CONCEPTS The Child Welfare System: Through the Eyes of Public Health Nurses Janet U. Schneiderman ABSTRACT Objective: This qualitative descriptive study investigates how public health nurses working within the child welfare system view the organization and the organizationÕs effect on their case management practice. Design: Semistructured interviews were conducted utilizing the Bolman—Deal Organizational Model. This model identifies four frames of an organization: symbolic, human resources, political, and structural. Sample: A purposive sample of nine nurses and one social worker was selected to participate in comprehensive interviews. Results: Data analysis identified two main themes. The first theme was the presence of organizational structural barriers to providing case management. The second theme was the lack of political influence by the nurses to change the structure of the organization; hence, their skills could be more completely utilized. Conclusions: Public health nurses who work in child welfare will need to systematically analyze their role within the organization and understand how to work in Òhost settings.Ó Nursing educators need to prepare public health nurses to work in non-health care settings by teaching organizational analysis. Key words: child protective services, organization, public health nursing. The purpose of this exploratory qualitative...
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...title Pearson BTEC Level 4/5HNC/D Diploma Health and Social Care Unit 9: Empowering Users of Health and Social Care Services https://www.netessays.net/viewpaper/130575.html http://hndassignments.co.uk/courses/unit-9-empowering-users-health-social-care/ Student name Assessor name Fidelia Chukwuenweniwe Date issued Submission date Re-assessment date 17/02/2016 Task 1 and Task 2 Thursday 14th April 2016 Task 3 and Task 4 Thursday 28th April 2016 Assignment title Empowering Users of Health and Social Care Services Learning Outcome Learning Outcome Assessment Criteria In this assessment you will have the opportunity to present evidence that shows you are able to: Task no. LO1 Understand how the design and review of services promotes and maximises the rights of users of health and social care services 1.1 Explain how the current legislation and sector skills standards influence organisational policies and practices for promoting and maximizing the rights of users of health and social care services 1 1.2 Analyse factors that may affect the achievement of promoting and maximising the rights of users of health and social care services 1 1.3 Analyse how communication between care workers and individuals contribute to promoting and maximizing the rights of users of health and social care services 1 LO2 Understand how to promote the participation and independence of users of health and social care services 2.1 Explain factors that may contribute...
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...Certificate/Subsidiary Diploma in Health & Social Care Unit 1 Assignment – Developing Effective Communication in Health & Social Care Assignment Title: Effective Communication in Action Context Health and social care professionals require good communication skills in order to carry out their roles effectively. It is important for you to gain knowledge and understanding of the skills involved in communication, so you are able to develop and enhance your interpersonal skills. This unit enables you to explore and develop the skills of effective interpersonal interaction and communication essential to the operation of health and social care services. It will enable you to analyse factors that enhance and inhibit communication and to examine effective interpersonal skills. You will also explore the value of effective and varied types and styles of communication in the support of patients/service users. The unit encourages you to reflect on your own performance and that of others. In order to support your studies, it would be highly beneficial for you to complete a period of work experience, which should provide opportunities for some of the assessment of the unit. You should aim to complete this over October half term or at Christmas. Task Overview Your line manager has promoted you to the position of ‘Trainer’ and has given you responsibility to deliver some induction training to new recruits. It is your choice whether you base your assignment in a health setting or a social care setting, for...
Words: 3503 - Pages: 15
...Abstract This project was conducted to study the human resource practices that can facilitate the social service organisation to effectively align its employees for efficiently service delivery. For this purpose the HRM theories and concepts as well as the best practices applicable to social service organisations were studied. This facilitated the author to find the strategic role that the HRM can play in engaging the employees and assess how the HR can motivate them and align them towards attaining organisation goals and objectives. The ultimate aim was to evaluate how Leyton health care an elderly home care service provider in London can align its HR and attain its objectives. Interview was held for the managerial level staff and questionnaire was given to the service delivery staff of Leyton Health Care. The total samples used for the study were 12. Out of these 2 were managerial level staff and 10 were service delivery staff. Open ended questions were used for the managerial level participants of the organisation while in case of the service delivery employees, a survey questionnaire which had statements with multiple choice questions i.e., close ended questions were used. The statements that were derived were regarded as themes and the evaluation of results was made by using the method of thematic analysis. Here pie charts were used to indicate neutrality, agreement and disagreement to the statements given. The results of this project indicate that there was...
Words: 17919 - Pages: 72
...Communication in Health and Social Care Organisations Student Name: Nzuzi Rosaria Artur Student ID: P1019897 Lecturer: Olusegun Ekisola Group: 93B Introduction Communication among service users. Service provider and professional is one of the effort individual look into the health and social care since it has brought a propos medical error, inconvenience with enduring wellbeing and not have of regimented announcement connecting patients, service supplier and professional. According to case study I can detect the require of contact in health care professional, patient contact, and professional relations. To reach the conclusion necessary of this article, there are theory of communication in health concern area context that has to subsist useful, and suggest accomplish to improve the communication method. Apply relevant theories of communication to health and social care contexts. Communication involves interaction between people or organisations. Messages between a sender and receiver, like email or phone. In addition person during the transaction of data, opinion, verbal skill, signal and writings such as verbal and non-verbal. In health and social care, a great deal of communication is interpersonal, that is between two people who are physically present especially between those who are using the services. For example patients, their relatives, friends, and professional health workers and care practitioners. However, while...
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...Unit 4: development through life stages Task 1 P4: Explain two theories of ageing Social Disengagement Theory The social disengagement theory is a theory that was discovered in 1961 by William Henry and Elaine Cumming and it claims the beliefs that as people get older and become more fragile (elderly), they would naturally tend to withdraw themselves from social involvement, being less active and restricting themselves from interacting with others. http://www.wisegeek.org/what-is-the-disengagement-theory.htm (Pearson education limited, 2010, pg170). However this is not the case for all ageing individuals as reasons for their disengagement may not be the result of the theory. For example, ill health of an individual may be the reason they become less sociable as it may prevent/restrict them from doing things and interacting with people how they would’ve before. In the case study we learn of Martha and Catherine, two elderly individuals of 80 who out of choice live in sheltered housing due to physical disabilities and as looking after their own home is too stressful, who have taken to the theory in different ways. The social disengagement theory hasn’t yet affected Martha fully or her look on life as she enjoys interacting with others in the home she lives – ‘there are always people to talk to and sometimes we get together to play cards’. Martha says ‘I like to get out and walk in the park as much as possible in order to stay fit’, while however she said she ‘couldn’t cope...
Words: 4599 - Pages: 19
...Assignment: Learner information OCR Level 3 Health and Social Care Unit 2: Equality, Diversity and Rights in Health and Social Care Assessor: Important Dates | |Assessment Criteria |Issue Date |Formative Assessment |Summative Assessment | |Task 1 |P1, M1 and D1 | | | | |Task 2 |P2 and P3 | | | | |Task 3 |P4, M2, D2 | | | | |Task 4 |P5 and M3 | | | | CANDIDATE NAME: General Information for Learners Q Do I have to pass this assignment? A Yes. You must pass this assignment to achieve the full qualification. Q What help will I get? A Your tutor will help you when completing the OCR assignment and will make sure that you know what resources/facilities you need and are allowed to use. Q What if I don’t understand something? A It is your responsibility to read the assignment carefully and make sure you understand what you...
Words: 1664 - Pages: 7
...this case study of a 78-year-old African American female, who lives with her husband Willie, in a rough part of town. Jane was admitted to hospice on December 23, 2017, for changes in the level of health-related illness. He had been living at home on hospice before going to the hospice facility. She had been living at home with her husband when he had hypertensive heart disease, acute or chronic systolic, unspecified atrial fibrilla, diabetes, major depressive disorder, cardiomyopathy, undefined, and angina pectoris, vague. There was some debate whether there had indeed been a change in the level of health-related issues. Jane, was currently not receiving the medication prescribed to her on a daily basis which caused some complication in...
Words: 1825 - Pages: 8
...| |LO2. |2.1 Explain health and safety considerations in the use of technologies in health and social care. | |Understand the implications of developments| | |in technologies for use in health and | | |social care | | | |2.2 Discuss ethical considerations in the use of assistive technologies | | |2.3 Explain the impact of recent and emerging technological developments on health and social care services, | | Case Study 1: Sally is a 42-year-old female who presents to her GP with complaints of tingling and numbness in her left foot, 18 months later she also complained of double vision. Consultation with a neurologist at that time results in a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis. She is placed on disease-modulating medication and educated about lifestyle changes to avoid fatigue, which manages her double vision, with the exception of long workdays. The GP refers her to a vision...
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...Communication in health and social care organisations Task 3: Report Explain how the communication process is influenced by values and cultural factors………………………………………………………………………………………………2.1 Explain how legislation, charters and codes of practise impact on the communication process in health and social care………………………………………………………………………………………………….2.2 Analyse the effectiveness of organisational system and policies in promoting good practise in communication……………………………………………………………………………….2.3 Suggest ways of improving the communication process in health and social care setting………………………………………………………………………………………………2.4 The Report Introduction. This assignment is about communication which is a two way process involving the sender and receiver. Communication in health and social care connects people of different aspects. I will explain how legislation, charters and codes of practise impact on the communication process and analyse the effectiveness of organisational systems policies in promoting good practise in communication and Suggest ways of improving communication process. Culture and values consists of customs, ideas and social behaviour of a society (Anon, 2016). Values and cultural are influenced by beliefs, religion and ethnic background. As a health worker I have a duty of care to respect people’s values and cultures, when people of different cultures are discriminated or ignored they react to it with anger and emotionally. In regard to the case study sengupta’s...
Words: 1661 - Pages: 7
...Assignment: Learner information OCR Level 3 Health and Social Care Unit 2: Equality, Diversity and Rights in Health and Social Care Assessor: Important Dates | |Assessment Criteria |Issue Date |Formative Assessment |Summative Assessment | |Task 1 |P1, M1 and D1 | | | | |Task 2 |P2 and P3 | | | | |Task 3 |P4, M2, D2 | | | | |Task 4 |P5 and M3 | | | | CANDIDATE NAME: General Information for Learners Q Do I have to pass this assignment? A Yes. You must pass this assignment to achieve the full qualification. Q What help will I get? A Your tutor will help you when completing the OCR assignment and will make sure that you know what resources/facilities you need and are allowed to use. Q What if I don’t understand something? A It is your responsibility to read the assignment carefully and make sure you understand what you...
Words: 1664 - Pages: 7
...| |Unit T2itle |Developing Effective Communication in Health and Social Care | |Level |3 | |Part Unit | |Whole Unit |Yes | |Assessor | | |Start Date | |Task Introduction | |You are a researcher within the Health and Social Care Department, they are currently reviewing the way that they communicate, both within the department, | |with other professionals, other agencies, clients and each other. They have asked you to conduct further research on the role of effective communication in | |health and social care. The research is based on number of practical and theoretical aspects, which combines essay type questions, case studies and role | |plays; which involves both group and one-to-one interaction...
Words: 2371 - Pages: 10
...Bisht et al. Globalization and Health 2012, 8:32 http://www.globalizationandhealth.com/content/8/1/32 REVIEW Open Access Understanding India, globalisation and health care systems: a mapping of research in the social sciences Ramila Bisht1*, Emma Pitchforth2 and Susan F Murray3 Abstract National and transnational health care systems are rapidly evolving with current processes of globalisation. What is the contribution of the social sciences to an understanding of this field? A structured scoping exercise was conducted to identify relevant literature using the lens of India – a ‘rising power’ with a rapidly expanding healthcare economy. A five step search and analysis method was employed in order to capture as wide a range of material as possible. Documents published in English that met criteria for a social science contribution were included for review. Via electronic bibliographic databases, websites and hand searches conducted in India, 113 relevant articles, books and reports were identified. These were classified according to topic area, publication date, disciplinary perspective, genre, and theoretical and methodological approaches. Topic areas were identified initially through an inductive approach, then rationalised into seven broad themes. Transnational consumption of health services; the transnational healthcare workforce; the production, consumption and trade in specific health-related commodities, and transnational diffusion of ideas and knowledge...
Words: 11974 - Pages: 48
... STUDENT NUMBER: N0371372 WORD COUNT: 2450 This assignment is aimed to discuss a case study using child development and adult development theories to explain the relevance of these theories to health and social care practice. It is going to briefly summarise the of major theories used by health care professionals to provide care and determine practice related decisions. The discussion is going to focus mainly on the attachment theory, Bowlby, J (1969), Levinson, D (1986) theory of life structures and Erikson, E (1963)stages of life theory. According to Banks (2001), these theories are there to help health professionals describe or predict patterns and behaviour considered to be within the parameters of normality for human beings and assess the need for intervention. Some major theories used by health care professionals today embrace the works of Freud (1856) and Bandura (1925) who challenged the view of human development and human nature by suggesting that humans are driven largely by emotions and motives of the unconscious and , a social cognitive theorist who believed humans learnt from observation of other people rather than from a pre-disposed notion of biological (nature) influences irrespectively. From a psychoanalytical perspective, Freud devoted his research to the nature side of development...
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