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Social Work Intervention Strategies (SCD)

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C. Social Work Intervention Strategies
In a study conducted by the Journal of Pediatric Hematology Oncology, approach oriented and avoidance coping strategies were effective in dealing with youth that had SCD. Approach-oriented coping strategies included emotional expression, relaxation, disease management strategies, planning and setting routines, seeking help from the medical team, acceptance, emotion-focused support and problem focused & solving support. These youth and their parents reported stressors such as bedwetting, medical complications, hives, fatigue, painful procedures, treatment side effects, medication issues, lack of hydration, and frequent hospital visits (Hildenbrand et al, 2015).
Psychosocial stressors included missing …show more content…
Social worker interventions have been shown to improve patient-centered outcomes in many underserved communities. Sickle cell disease is very complex, with a range of multifaceted barriers. There are individual, family/friend, clinical organization, and community level needs. The way in which care is delivered can be complicated by disparities in health care. Having adequate access to care, delivery of care and services and ensuring that one’s culture is considered can be stressful. If current facilities are not properly controlling symptoms, the amount of pain that these patients endue will increase resulting in decreased quality of life and high medical expense (Hsu et al, 2016). It is our job to educate and facilitate a good working relationship between the social worker, family and health care provider. It takes a village to raise a family and I believe the same saying goes for the case of SCD patients and their support …show more content…
These include blood transfusions, hydroxyurea and allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). HSCT replaces the defective cells with normal cells. Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation is currently the only cure for sickle cell disease. Although cure and survival rates after HSCT are excellent, only a fraction of eligible children proceed to transplantation. As with any procedure there are risks such as death, graft failure, graft versus host disease, and infertility. Between 5%&7% of patients die in the acute phase of transplant from organ failure or infection (Friedrich et al, 2015).
Hydroxyurea treatment that has been shown to decrease the frequency of sickle cell crises. Despite its efficacy, many concerns exist surrounding the use of hydroxyurea in SCD including ineffectiveness in some patients. Blood transfusion are always options designed to decrease cell sickling but it is usually only used as a last resort (Friedrich et al,

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