Premium Essay

Sociality In Ayn Rand's Anthem

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In the novel, Anthem by Ayn Rand a man known as Equality 7-2521 describes a sociality occurring in the future, Dark Ages. Their sociality is incredibly diverse from today’s sociality, but some characteristic can be compared. The sociality presented in the novel believes that everyone is equal, both man and women as one whole unit. As we all wish to be thought as an equal sociality that isn’t always the case; while in the story it describes the sociality to have identical components. Both the sociality in the novel and today’s sociality children age five start learning at schools. And the socialites both have people working different jobs with other people doing similar parts of that job. Jobs such as carpenter, cooks, and street sweepers. Also, people had normal conversations with each other. One example from the book was when Equality talked to the Liberty girl who works in the field. …show more content…
In the present day sociality we have scientist to discover and cure diseases, but their sociality they have to do it in secret. Lastly, in the end of the book it describes the heart of the world as, “the sacred word EGO” this can be compared to our sociality because everyone has an ego no matter what. An example from Anthem is the way Equality in the beginning of the story using the words we, us, and our; by the end his ego changed by using the word I and me nonstop.
Unlike today’s sociality which believes in independent rights and freedom; the characters had to fight and earn their rights. We have the right to pick and choice our jobs, but they were give a job in which they had to do. Also, in the Dark Age sociality they unable to be in love or spend time with other people, but in today’s world we are able do both. Our sociality we make our own choices, but there’s makes all the choices for them without any

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