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Soft Determinist Argument For Moral Responsibility

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One strength of compatibilism is that it provides a basis for universal, enforceable laws; this strength is based on reason. The causes behind our choices are internal to the agent. Our choices flow from our desires and are not determined by any other factor. This gives us a certain degree of responsibility. I may choose to hit my friend Alex on the head and it seems fair that Alex will blame me for doing so. This argument also supports the argument for moral responsibility.
To add further weight to the soft determinist argument, there is another reason used to support view that we are responsible for our choices. Without determinism, we could never be morally responsible because our choices would be random – they would be uncaused – and meaningless. Without free will and determinism, there could not be moral responsibility. Many people in today’s society …show more content…
This in effect enables us to protect society and provide justice. For instance, compatibilism would argue that a man who commits murder ought to be punished. By putting in him prison, society is protected and justice is safeguarded.
Further, compatibilism explains why we feel free and responsible. We feel that we could have acted differently after choosing a course of action. For instance, I could use some milk from my friend’s kitchen without contributing towards its cost, but I also have the choice to pay for it. This makes us feel free. This is a more satisfactory and convincing response than arguing that choices are mere illusions.
Compatibilism argues for the uniqueness of humanity. Many might argue the point that without human will and responsibility we are denied humanity. We are separated from animals because we can choose. By denying this distinction we lose that essential part which makes us different. Current beliefs that society should be protected and that we are responsible for our actions is

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