...Three impressive civilizations, from different time periods, have managed to influence each others cultures through the literature works of poetry; from Ancient Egyptian song: “I Am Your Best Girl”, to the glorious Greek love poems of the beautiful Sappho, and the monotheistic Hebrews Song: “I Am the Rose of Sharon.” Over the course of thousands of years, each of these great civilizations had countless views on poetry; all represented inspiration to their own citizens to become successful in life’s endeavors. All forms of literature, art, scripts and artifacts had a wide effect on these societies. By comparing these key examples of poetry, matters of passion for personal integrity, search for eternal love, admiration for greater quality of life and powerful affection towards dear ones, can give us a better understanding towards the emotional and dignifying experiences each culture portrayed. In the first Love Song: “I Am Your Best Girl,” there are many contrasts between the authors theme of powerful affection towards a beloved and the authors self-definition of ones own society. To start, the author sets a personal tone of desire and devotion to ones beloved. She shows ones worth in the first few lines of a simile “I belong to you like an acre of land which I have planted,” here the poet doesn’t mind becoming a part of mans property, she is deeply devoted to him. Nevertheless, it can also bring meaning into a hard days work of maintaining the land and applying that to her...
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...as the (Kemet) which means the black land, that had rich soil along the Nile river. The Nile river valley was one of the best places to grow your crops, because it had The Nile, which gave the crops water for nutrients/ irrigation. The Nile River shaped ancient Egypt, impacting its economic traditions, religious beliefs, and social interactions. The Nile River was an advancement for ancient Egypt. The Nile helped fill irrigation canals; crops planted and tended (Document b). Ancient Egypt used the brigade water system (The Nile River). The Nile river was easy to trade plants and crops on, because the the Nile river flowed through the valley...
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..."meticulous", uses highly detailed brushstrokes that delimits details very precisely. It is often highly coloured and usually depicts figural or narrative subjects. It is often practised by artists working for the royal court or in independent workshops. * Ink and wash painting, in Chinese Shui-mo or (水墨[1]) also loosely termed watercolour or brush painting, and also known as "literati painting", as it was one of the "Four Arts" of the Chinese Scholar-official class.[2] In theory this was an art practised by gentlemen, a distinction that begins to be made in writings on art from the Song dynasty, though in fact the careers of leading exponents could benefit considerably.[3] This style is also referred to as "xie yi" (寫意) or freehand style. Landscape painting was regarded as the highest form of Chinese painting, and generally still is.[4] The time from the Five Dynasties period to the Northern Song period (907–1127) is known as the "Great age of Chinese landscape". In the north, artists such as Jing Hao, Li Cheng, Fan Kuan, andGuo Xi painted pictures of towering...
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...The Crystal Heart Long ago, in a palace by the Red River, there lived a great mandarin and his daughter, Mi Nuong. Like other young ladies of her position, Mi Nuong was kept indoors, away from the eyes of admiring men. She spent most of her time in her room at the top of a tower. There she would sit on a bench by a moon-shaped window, reading or embroidering, chatting with her maid, and gazing out often at the garden and the river. One day as she sat there, a song floated to her from the distance, in a voice deep and sweet. She looked out and saw a fishing boat coming up the river. “Do you hear it?” she asked her maid. “How beautifully he sings!” She listened again as the voice drew nearer. My love is like a blossom in the breeze. My love is like a moonbeam on the waves. “He must be young and very handsome,” said Mi Nuong. She felt a sudden thrill. “Perhaps he knows I am here and sings it just for me!” The maid’s eyes lit up. “My lady, perhaps he’s a mandarin’s son in disguise—the man you are destined to marry!” Mi Nuong felt a flush on her face and a stirring in her heart. She tried to make out the man’s features, but he was too far off to see clearly. The boat and the song glided slowly up the river and away. “Yes,” she said softly. “Perhaps he is.” All day long, Mi Nuong waited by the window, hoping to hear the singer again. The next day she waited too, and the next. But the voice did not return. “Why doesn’t he come?” she asked her maid sadly. As the days passed...
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...Sam Cooke released the song “A Change Is Gonna Come” in 1964. It was released a few days after his death in a motel. By the hotel manager she reported that he was raping a girl. And when it went to trial the jury found it to be a reasonable murder. Sam Cooke made this song during the civil rights movement, he was hesitant to release this song because he as an artist had a majority white fan base so he felt that, if he were to release this song he would lose the people who fund his career. But after he passed away someone who knew about the song decided it would be best to release it and he did. It was a good thing that he did because it became one of the best songs to represent the cultural revolution we call the civil rights movement....
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...trình bày, định hướng phát triển không gian của Hà Nội là có một đô thị trung tâm hạt nhân và 5 đô thị vệ tinh. Đô thị hạt nhân là trung tâm chính trị, văn hóa, lịch sử, dịch vụ, y tế, đào tạo chất lượng cao của cả nước, khu vực và Thành phố Hà Nội, có dân số khoảng 4-4,6 triệu người vào năm 2030, được mở rộng từ đô thị lõi lịch sử về phía Tây đến tuyến đường Vành đai IV, về phía Bắc sông Hồng – Khu vực Mê Linh, Đông Anh, Gia Lâm. Khu vực từ đường vành đai II đến trung tâm sẽ là khu vực hạn chế phát triển, kiểm soát về dân số và từng bước cải thiện hạ tầng kỹ thuật. Ưu tiên khai thác quỹ đất dọc sông Tô Lịch để hình thành hành lang xanh. Di chuyển dần các cơ sở sản xuất, trường học, bệnh viện ra khỏi khu vực trung tâm. Quy mô dân số dự tính đến năm 2030 của khu vực này sẽ khoảng 0,8 triệu người. Khu vực từ đường vành đai II đến sông Nhuệ (phía Nam sông Hồng) sẽ hình thành hệ thống hồ điều hòa, cây xanh, thảm thực vật, hệ thống thoát nước tạo thành chuỗi công viên cây xanh hoàn chỉnh kết nối với hệ thống cây xanh sông Hồng. Quy mô dân số dự tính đến năm 2030 của khu vực này sẽ khoảng 0,85-0,9 triệu người. Các khu đô thị lõi mở rộng bao gồm: khu vực Gia Lâm, Long Biên sẽ phát triển dịch vụ chất lượng cao như thương mại, tài chính, ngân hàng, thị trường chứng khoán, đào tạo nghề, y tế chuyên sâu…và hỗ trợ các ngành công nghiệp dọc QL5. Khu vực Đông Anh sẽ phát triển thương mại giao dịch quốc tế, công nghiệp...
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...Pete Seeger Legendary Folk Singer Pete Seeger was born in New York City on May 3, 1919 to musical parents Charles and Constance. Charles was a pianist and taught music at the University of California and Constance taught violin at Julliard. Pete’s parents divorced when he was 7, and his father remarried. Ruth and Charles had four children and all would become folk singers, no doubt influenced by their parents’ musical backgrounds. Charles traveled for work taking his family with him sometimes. It was during one of these times that Pete heard the banjo for the first time. This would become Pete’s signature instrument. (Schrager Lang and Simon 1). The banjo would become popular because of Pete’s use of it. (Miller and Shahriari 487). Charles Seeger was a political man and was involved with the union activism that took place in the university classical music department of all places. He promoted the radical Industrial Workers of the World at Berkley and was fired for his pacifism in 1918. (1). Pete would follow in his father’s footsteps with his political beliefs as well as his love for music. When Pete was a young boy, he would read about American Indians and how the members of the tribe would share everything so that everyone was taken care of and no one was left to fend for themselves. Pete’s early beliefs on how a country should be run was adopted by the books he read. He was a self-proclaimed communist and at 19 he joined the Young Communist League. Pete attended Harvard...
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...when it was finished being built. It blocks the Columbia River with 12 million cubic yards of concrete, and spreads over a mile wide with the height of a 46-story building all holding back a 150-mile long reservoir called Lake Roosevelt. The dam produces more kilowatts than any other dam in the United States. The Grand Coulee was only part of the Columbia Basin Project that included four additional dams, three reservoir lakes, and approximately 2,300 miles of irrigation canals all making their way through a half a million acres of desert. It has been deemed as the largest public works project that has had the greatest impact on the economic development of the Pacific Northwest. But, the social and environmental costs were severe that the Grand Coulee Dam more than likely could not be built today. The Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) hired folksinger Woody Guthrie in May 1941, to promote the federal dams on the Columbia River. The issue was who should build the dams: private power companies or the federal government. The power companies had a stable of influential lobbyists. The government had Guthrie, whose generation felt the undammed river was a resource going to waste. Guthrie earned $266.66 and spent the month traveling around the Columbia Basin writing 26 songs in 30 days. The most famous of these is "Roll on Columbia, Roll On," sung to the tune of "Goodnight Irene" which was later adopted as the state song for Washington. It was the "Ballad of the Great Grand Coulee...
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...Alexander Tran Humanities III Period 6 9/14/17 “(Nothing But) Flowers” Lit Term Juxtaposition: A juxtaposition is when multiple ideas are placed next to each other to compare and contrast them . Juxtapositions can be used to introduce two sides of an argumentative statement, and putting them close together for comparison. Author can use juxtapositions to show their bias towards an idea by juxtaposing it with the opposite stance to show the differences, like an antithesis. Example: “There was a factory / now there are mountains and / rivers / You got it, you got it” (Talking Heads, “(Nothing But) Flowers,” lines 12-15) Function: In the song “(Nothing But) Flowers,” by the Talking Heads, the world has reverted to a Neolithic age, free of modern...
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...in israel. They viewed themselves as Gods chosen people, with a sealed covenant with the universe creator. To be conquered and deported by the Babylonians posed a strong challenge to their communal faith and self identity with their creator. The people of israel transgressed the covenant and God abandoned their side. This led to their captivity as they went to Babylon full of despair. In this chapter, the mourning is described as running deep as the rivers of Babylon. For this reason, the desire for divine retribution was strong in the hearts of the psalmist and all of israel longed for the people of Babylon to be put through the same sport of destruction that the people of israel were currently going through. Singing a Jewish song in an alien land was an issue for the psalmist. The chapter contrasts the beauty of Babylon with the sorrow of Israel. The exiles sat along the banks of the Euphrates and Tigris rivers in Babylon and wept as they remembered zion, in reference to Jerusalem and its Temple. ‘How shall wesing the Lord’s song in a strange land?’ The whole of Israel with the Psalmist could not forget the recent destruction of the temple of Jerusalem. In addition of the desstuction, the grief was intensified as the...
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...The Nile river was probably one of the most important things for ancient egyptians. It gave them necessities, and without the river, they would have never existed. The Nile river was ran from lower egypt all the way to upper egypt. Like the famous Greek historian, Herodotus, said, “Egypt... is, so to speak, the gift of the Nile.” The egyptians were very thankful to the Nile river. They worshipped the river and used the river’s water to farm. First off, the Nile river was part of the egyptians religion. In document E, the song, Hymn of the Nile, it states, “Hail to you, oh Nile, spring from the ground, come to keep the land alive.” This shows how important the ancient egyptians though the Niled was. The song continues and states, “If he is sluggish, noses suffocate, everyone is impoverished.” This shows that if the Nile did not flood or did moved slowly, the egyptians would suffer and soon die. Also, in document D, the picture shows how important the Nile was in life and in afterlife. If the Nile was taken out the picture, the harvesting wheat and papyrus would...
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...Rabbit Proof Fence, the viewer clearly captures mistreatment of Aboriginal girls through the settlement at Moore River and Mavis the maid. In the song, ‘Took the Children Away’, many of the lyrics illustrate the suffering placed on the children....
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...through your body. When I first step into a DJ booth at Club Centers, located in the heart of Rochester, New York, my nerves start going crazy and butterflies hit my stomach so fast it feels like I have to puke. Just the sight of three turntables and an eight-channel mixer in front of my face is like sending a little kid into a candy store. While standing in front of my tables, I look to my right and I see my soundboard. This high-tech, silver plated sound machine stands about seven feet tall with about three hundred switches and knobs that control high pitches, low pitches, medium pitches and all of the digital effects. This soundboard is used when I put a shiny new record on one of the turntables. This will distort the sound quality of the song. The music sounds like a fire alarm, starting with a deep sound then rising to a high pitch screaming noise. As I look to my left, you see my beautiful blonde light girl working my light board. While the music is playing really loud, she will hit certain buttons that will make multi-colored lasers go in different directions and make many different shapes. Also, while the music is jamming, a common light known by many people as a strobe light will flash non-stop constantly. This light makes you see people dancing like robots and distorts the vision of that person Behind me sits all my records on a dark colored, sturdy wooden shelf. This shelf contains about six hundred records of all types of music. Some of the records are old and beat...
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...in his poem, The Lady of Shalott? Support your answer with details from the poem. How does Tennyson make The Lady of Shalott such a memorable poem for you? Support your answer with details from the poem. How does Tennyson’s writing make the story so intriguing for you in either The Lady of Shalott or Mariana? Support your ideas with details from your chosen poem. How does Tennyson make the setting so vivid in The Lady of Shalott ? Support your answer with details from Tennyson’s writing. PART I On either side the river lie Long fields of barley and of rye, That clothe the wold and meet the sky; And thro’ the field the road runs by To many-tower’d Camelot; And up and down the people go, Gazing where the lilies blow Round an island there below, The island of Shalott. Willows whiten, aspens quiver, Little breezes dusk and shiver Thro’ the wave that runs for ever By the island in the river Flowing down to Camelot. Four gray walls, and four gray towers, Overlook a space of flowers, And the silent isle imbowers The Lady of Shalott. By the margin, willow veil’d, Slide the heavy barges...
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...Prominent Painters and Painting from Song to Qing Dynasty Hee Dam Yoon (52775031) Song Dynasty The Song Dynasty was the golden age of landscape painting in Chinese history. Many artists developed landscape painting during Five Dynasties so, the development in the Song period was smoothly started. Especially emperor Song Huizong enjoyed contribution on art cultivation during the Song Dynasty, so, the soaring of Chinese landscape painting was possible (Hough, “Sung Dynasty (1960-1179)”). Features of this period are vision of nature and scholarly officials’ participation in the art field. These officials expressed their political view and cultivated themselves through natural images (Department of Asian Art). Guo-Xi was one of the prominent painters in this era. As a well educated court professional, he took a side with peasantry or poor people so, emperor Huizong wanted him to spread out the harmonious social atmosphere as a representative. Even though he was a high ranking official, he valued different perspectives from different people and classes. So, his painting style includes “angle of totality” which connotes different views that reflect his life belief (The Famous Artist). Guo-Xi. Early Spring. 1072. Ink and color on silk. National Palace Museum. Taipei This is a Guo-Xi’s most popular masterpiece called Early Spring. He expressed landscape of spring after winter by showing mountain surrounded by clouds. By using the floating perspective, another name of an angle...
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