Premium Essay



Submitted By norainlagman
Words 265
Pages 2
The microscopic world is the system which has the small scale of order of atomic dimension (about 10 A or less), and it characterizes the properties of individual particles. The Kingdom Monera is the most prominent. Examples of these are the bacteria. Bacteria are the first life forms. They are the smallest and the most numerous. They have no complex organelles and have only a few hundred genes. They grow, replicate DNA and split for every twenty minutes. Another example are the viruses which are much smaller than the bacteria and are not considered as living things. Next, the Kingdom Protista, from the name itself, are composed mainly of Protists. They are the primary cause of diseases such as Dysentery and Malaria. These are single-celled organisms and are much larger than bacteria. One example is the Protozoa which are animal-like protists. The Ciliates, has cilia that is used basically for movement. Another one is the Amoeba that are rhizopods with pseudopods or “false feet”. Flagellates, from the name itself, has flagella which are whip-like threads that are also used for movement. The Euglena has chloroplasts and eyespots. Also, the Green Algae, the plant-like protists, are the primary food producers. One type of algae, the Golden Algae are plant-like diatoms. The microscopic world are grouped into single-celled organisms known as cell colonies. An example of this is the Volvox colony. During reproduction, clones are produced which are organisms that possess identical

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