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South African Economics Essay


Submitted By LouisV
Words 2588
Pages 11
Financial and Managerial Accounting Assignment 2012

Question 1 :

Question 1.1
An Asset is objects that you own. These assets are divided in 2 classes e.g. Non - Current Assets , which are assets that may take longer than a year to convert such as property, Investments ext. Current Assets on the other hand is assets that is quickly to converted into cash , such a debtors ( someone who owes you money ) inventory and cash.
A liability is defined by the following characteristics; any type of borrowing from persons or banks for improving a business or personal income that is payable during short or long time; there are 2 types of liabilities. Non-current liabilities are loans which can be paid over a longer period than a year e.g. a mortgage bond. A current liability on the other hand is short terms debts that must be repaid within a year e.g. creditors (someone you owe money ) , Bank overdraft and SARS income tax,

Question 1.2.1 Liquidity Ratio is determined by Current Assets – stock divide current liabilities Abe Ltd. | Bee Ltd | Abe Ltd liquidity is very limited as the ratio is 1:1R0 liquidity is available as all assets and liabilities are covering each other. | Bee Ltd. liquidity is more flexible with more than R70 000 liquidity available. | Abe Liquidity will find it difficult to meet each short term needs unless it is able to obtain additional current assets through the conversion of current assets or through financing, or through profitable operating results. | Bee Ltd will find it much easier to meet any short term need with flexible liquidity | A reasonable level does not exist and considerable discrepancies exist between different industries. |

Question 1.2.2
Debtors Collection Period is determined by:
Debtors divide Sales x 365 days a year = Collection of debts Period Abe Ltd. | Bee Ltd. | 190 / 1000 x 365 = 70 days |

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