...post-independence period, African states have been ruled by one party and military regimes. Pressures both from within Africa itself and from outside, however have rekindled debate about democracy in the Africa context and have led to a whole raft of multi-party elections” (Clive Harber). Oscar Wilde ones defined democracy as: “the bludgeoning of the people, by the people, for the people”. Abraham Lincoln also said, democracy is “the government of the people, for the people and by the people”. Democracy is a form of government in which all citizens have an equal say in the decisions that affect their lives. The term comes from the Greek: “demokratia” meaning, “rule of the people”. According to Mamali Oak, despite the few disadvantages, such as : authorities working with a short term focus, as the government is subject to change after every election time; and citizens can vote under the influence of majority, democracy has more advantages that place it above other forms of governance. A few among them are: 1. Democracy can provide for changes in government without violence. In a democracy, power can be transferred from one party to another by means of elections. 2. The people gain a sense of participation in the process of choosing their government. 3. Democracy prevents monopoly of the ruling authority. 4. It encourages the rule of law and even distribution of wealth. 5. Democracy brings a feeling of obligation towards the citizens. Elections are emerging as a new source of tension...
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...INTRODUCTION Democracy as we all are aware of is a concept though which some people believe is inherent in the African culture and others believe that it is an ideology of the west which actually got it root from the old Greece. Either or not the idea or from the west of Africa is not the bone of contention here but, if this idea of democracy has actually done well in helping the development of the African person or society or it has done otherwise. Francis Offor idea in this article is to explain to us how democracy is an issue in African philosophy for the reason of improper practice of the ideology which has cost Africa much in terms of development of its people and society at large because it is applied in a manner that does not tally with the African way of democratization. Here he(Francis) also mentioned that such would have been better for all if it is applied in conformity with the cultural setting of the African and not in the westernized sense, because the idea of democracy and it effectiveness depends on the culture of one place or the other. He explained how democracy instead of building the African society has brought it down because of it improper application. But before we move to full details on how Francis explain this in his article let us take a look at the general meaning of the word democracy. WHAT IS DEMOCRACY? Democracy according to Wikipedia is a form of government in which eligible citizens may participate equally- either directly by voting for the...
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...PO 4008: African Politics: Development and Democracy Staffan I. Lindberg: Forms of States, Governance, and Regimes: Reconceptualizing the Prospects for Democratic Consolidation in Africa Prof Tom Lodge 16th of March 2015 Introduction In this review essay I will focus on arguments imposed by Staffan I. Lindberg, in his article Forms of States, Governance, and Regimes: Reconceptualizing the Prospects for Democratic Consolidation in Africa. For the purpose of this essay I have selected two African countries (Ghana and the Republic of South Africa) that belong to most developed ones, in terms of their ability to accomplish the process of democratization. If we try to apply Lindberg’s three structural layers system to the chosen states we have to follow the structure of his method. In this regard, firstly we need to identify processes which will inevitably lead to democratization. In such a state we should expect a gradual change in the state form, from capstonian to more penetrative form of state, as Lindberg suggests. To do so we need to identify in which ways and areas is state penetrating society. 1. Forms of States According to Lindberg, there are two most common approaches to the study of African transformation processes. First theory is based on structural determinants of democratization, the second is underlying the importance of actor- oriented analyses. Lindberg distinguishes three structural layers of the state, on the basis of which we can identify the democratization...
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...NAME: NWAKILE CHILOTAM MADELEINE CLASS: SS 202 SUBJECT: ENGLISH LANGUAGE TOPIC: YOU ARE A SPEAKER IN A DEBATE ON THE TOPIC DEMOCRACY IS THE BEST SYSTEM OF GORVERMENT FOR AFRICA. WRITE YOUR SPEECH FOR OR AGAINST IT. DATE: 9TH JANUARY, 2015. DEBATE: DEMOCRACY IS THE BEST SYSTEM OF GOVERNMENT FOR AFRICA Good day the Honourable Moderator, Impartial Panel of Judges, Accurate Timekeeper, Co-debaters, My Fellow Students, Ladies and Gentlemen. I am Nwakile Chilotam. I am here to propose the motion which states that “Democracy is the best system of government for Africa”. Before I go on, I will like to give a simple definition of the word, “Democracy”. Democracy is a governmental term which according to late Abraham Lincoln means “the government of the people, by the people and for the people. In other words it is a government where everyone has an equal right to choose their leaders. There is no doubt that democracy is the best system of government not only for Africa but for the whole world at large. I am going to prove this with the following points. Democratic governance involves election of leaders, freedom of speech, freedom of press, accountability, rule of law, equal justice among others and all these are bought about by the power given to the people. It gives people the power to choose who represents them. Democracy gives the citizens of Africa the chance to get involved in governance and in shaping their destinies. This happens by giving citizen the power to vote for leaders...
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...Master Thesis Ethnic Conflicts and Transition to Democracy in Africa: Recurrence of Ethnic Conflicts in Kenya (1991-2008) Author: Berita Musau Matrikelnummer: 0601567 Academic degree aspired Master (M.A) Vienna, August, 2008 Studienkennzahl: A 067 805 Studienrichtung: Global Studies - a European Perspective Advisor: Prof. Dr. Walter Schicho Table of Contents Dedication ……………………………………………………………………. iii Acknowledgment …………………………………………………………….. iv List of Acronyms …………………………………………………………….. v List of Tables and figures …………………………………………………….. vii Abstract in English …………………………………………………………… viii Abstract in German …………………………………………………………... ix Chapter One: Introduction ………………………………………………… 1 1.1. Introduction …………………………………………………………… 1 1.2. Problem statement …………………………………………………….. 2 1.3. Aim and objectives of the research …………………………………… 4 1.4. Research questions and hypotheses …………………………………... 7 Chapter Two: Literature review and theoretical framework ……………. 8 2.1. Literature review ……………………………………………………… 8 2.2. Transition to democracy and ethnic conflicts in Africa ………………. 12 2.3. Definition of concepts ………………………………………………… 16 2.4. Theoretical framework for analysis of ethnic conflicts ……………….. 18 2.4. Research methodology ………………………………………………... 21 2.5. Significance of the research …………………………………………... 23 Chapter Three: Background to the struggle for democracy and ethnic conflicts in Kenya……………………………………………………………. 24 3.1. A short retrospect in to Kenya’s colonial...
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...Abstract South Africa is a country located in the Southern tip of the Africa continent. It is currently one of the wealthiest nations in Africa along with Egypt and Nigeria. South Africa has a rich resource such as gold which was the main attraction for the British to come and colonized during the colonial time. It also has a great amount of wild animals and famous safari. South African people has been through many wars but nothing as hurt as the apartheid or the racial segregation which lasted for over 40 years. There are many famous historical figures that made a large impact on South Africa specifically and worldwide generally such as Nelson Mandela. Even though South Africa has changed tremendously in many aspects, it still ahs a long way to go in order to bring better and safer lives for its people despite of their races. Africa is the second largest continent in the world and also the second most populous continent (The World Factbook). It has around fifty-six independent nations and territories. And South Africa is one of them. The country is well known for its long history of forming, the apartheid and also its wealth. South Africa is a country located at the southern tip of the African continent. South Africa borders with the following nations Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, and Swaziland (South Africa info). Lesotho is an independent nation that surrounded by South Africa. There are about eleven languages spoken in South Africa and Afrikaans is the most...
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...Introduction In discussing the assignment question the paper will endeavor to first provide definitions and explanations for the terms; democracy, representative democracy, electoral systems, plurality system and proportional representation. The presentation will proceed to identify and analyze the merits and demerits of the plurality and proportional representation electoral systems with reference to the practice in South Africa and Zambia. However, the analysis on the merits and demerits of the two electoral systems will be preceded with a discussion on the relevance of elections in a democracy. In conclusion, the presentation will strive to augment the viewpoint(s) developed from the analysis and offer an opinion as to whether it would be beneficial for South Africa to adopt the plurality electoral system. 2 Definitions and Explanation The word democracy is one that has a variety of versions in practice and theory, however, according to Johari (2013, p. 491) almost all governments proclaim to be democratic.1 Hague and Harrop (2010, p.84) write that the core principle of democracy is self-rule.2 For the purpose of this discussion the presentation will adopt the version provided by Abraham Lincoln which defines democracy as government of the people, by the people and for the people. ( Johari (2013, p. 491) 3 It can therefore be deduced that democracy may be understood as a form of government which accords all its citizens a role in the governance system....
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...Introduction- definition of democracy 3. Democracy in western states * United states of America-government and politics * Germany - government and politics Democracy in African countries * South Africa- government and politics 4. Comparison and contrast between African and western democracy 5. Conclusion 6. Referees INTRODUCTION Often do we come across the word democracy people are constantly trying to define it but most do not understand it. It has many definitions but what I term best fit is a government for the people and by the people. It is a form of government in which all eligible citizens are meant to participate equally either directly or indirectly through elected representatives or by establishment of laws in which the society is run. There are three main types which include direct democracy, presidential democracy and parliament democracy. Any form of democracy tries in its own way to ascertain the will of the people and to bring public affairs into line with it. This can be achieved by direct democracy or by a body of elected representatives. Within the group of representative democracies the focus may be on a strong president which is the presidential democracy or on a strong parliament which is the parliament democracy. As earlier mentioned the question is never on whether there exist some forms of direct participation or of representation but rather on how much importance they are given in a certain system. Democracy in western states UNITED STATES...
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...Globalization in South Africa Regarding the globalization of South Africa, the lifting of the apartheid policy caused a dramatic shift in the both the political and economic policies of the nation. Furthermore, this was absolutely pivotal to the growth and progression of a nation that has now become a major emerging market and one of the world’s largest exporters of metals and minerals. South Africa is a country located on the southern tip of Africa. South Africa has had a long history of colonialism under both the British and the Dutch. The discovery of diamonds and gold in this region spurred the development of the area and immigration to the region while suppressing its native populations. And while the control the empires retained over their colonies was crumbling, South Africa as a colony did as well. It was granted independence in 1931, but when the Nationalist Party took power in 1948, it strengthened the segregationist policies that were established under colonial rule. South Africa finally achieved a full democracy with the elections of 1994, the first time the black population was allowed to vote, bringing the African National Congress (ANC) to power with Nelson Mandela as its leader. This officially brought an end to apartheid and marked the beginning of new era for the country. Although South Africa was formally granted independence in 1931, the South Africa that we know today didn’t exist until early 1990’s when apartheid was lifted. The policy of...
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...Democracy And Development In The Case Of Nigeria The West African region is a place where vast natural resources exist. It was a region where Colonial powers sought to get raw materials to feed their growing demand for industrialization. The Federal Republic of Nigeria was amongst these colonized states that The British Colonial power took advantage of. The British ruled Colonial Nigeria for 45 years, before handing over power on October 1, 1960. But, much like the aftermath of many other successful independence struggles in Africa, Nigeria too suffered the consequence of colonization post the British. Left with a weak central government, Nigeria could not begin a culture of an all-inclusive democratic means of governance. Seven years after independence; The Republic of Biafra, a separatist movement formed and raged havoc in the country. The struggle for self-determination now took its roots in southeastern Nigeria. The question of self-determination is not a question of autonomy as is, but really a question of rights, respect and freedom. The struggle of nations and nationalities for respect and dignity is a plea for equitable democracy. When the national question of democracy is answered, the demand of nations and nationalities will also be answered. Reason being, it is important to create a system of equitable democracy, and a culture of governance whereby the dignity and the rights of all humanity is respected and protected before the law. To lead such a system, leaders...
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...I will later research these same issues for South Africa and compare the two...
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...a majority of human history the strongest nations were comprised into a group known as the West. The west is home to the ideologies of democracy, capitalism, and consumerism. The idea of democracy has been forced upon many nations in the world by the Western states. Democracy however has been shown to be a very easily manipulated system. Capitalism has shown the need for expansion and exploitation over Africa, Asia, and Latin America. The west has always been in contention with other nations, along with contending with each other. Competition between western nations has led to a technological race and an arms race, which is now more apparent than ever in the United States. With military might came the need to take over other nations and thus the ideas of imperialism, and nation aristocracy. Africa, Latin America, and Asia has suffered and continues to suffer a great deal because of the triumph of the west through exploitation, expansion, and wealth, all major goals of capitalism and imperialism. The West has retarded the development in all facets for many countries in Africa, Latin America, and Asia and thus led to the suffering of the world. One of the oldest ideologies from the west to the world is democracy. Democracy comes from the Greek words “demo” meaning people and “kratia” meaning rule, therefore rule of the people. Democracy is an egalitarian system of governance where all citizens together decide public policy, laws, the actions of the state, and public representatives...
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.... South Africa South Africa, a country on the southern tip of Africa, has an area of 471,442sq mi and a population of 44,188,000. It is predominately a black ethnicity with 76% of the population. Although South Africa is Africa's most developed country, most of the black people - rural and urban - are poor, with low standards of living. South Africa has vital natural resources such as diamonds and gold and is rich in other resources such as coal, chromite, copper, iron ore, manga- nese, platinum, phosphate rock, silver, uranium and vanadium (South Africa, 2008). It is obvious that South Africa can sustain their economy through these resources. Through the centuries South Africa has faced difficult time since the Dutch came in 1600’s, in 1700 they started importing slaves establishing the dominance of white over non- whites in the region. The non-whites faced discrimination for years under apartheid and political corruption ran by the whites. Today things look better for the people of South Africa, but they still have many obstacles to overcome. Although South Africa has overcome many travesties throughout the years, their reasonably new democracy faces more with complex political parties, recent struggles with homelessness, and what is being done about this situation. Firstly, apartheid is an “Afrikaans word literally meaning apartness,” refers to the policy of racial segregation and its concomitant economic and political discrimination that was adopted by the South...
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...Steven Rousse Prof Scott Roper World Cultures and Geography 28 October 2014 Current Political Issues in Sub-Saharan Africa In Africa there were signs of a shift toward democracy and also free elections. However, it seems as if any progress in this topic seems to be often halted by violence. Also wherever light of progress shines and free elections are held violence always ensues. Today Africa is facing many issues, and a very general topic that is a major problem is within its political system. These political problems include ethnic rivalry, geopolitics, Al Qaeda in Mali, refugees, and also democratization. The main issue that is holding back the political progress is violence between rival ethnic groups brought on by another countries influence. The first topic that is putting a hold on political progress is the fact that Africa is still dealing with the major problem of ethnic rivalry. What ethnic rivalry is, is a rivalry between different ethnic groups, these rivalries can bring forth conflicts and even worse, ethnic cleansing. Anyways this rivalry between tribes and different ethnic groups has put a halt on pretty much all of the political progress because of frequent civil wars. These civil wars are a direct result of the colonial era policies of divide and rule. What the divide and rule policy is, is the policy of maintaining control over one's subordinates or subjects by encouraging conflict between them. So basically the colonists were encouraging conflicts...
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...Democracy index 2010 Democracy in retreat A report from the Economist Intelligence Unit www.eiu.com Democracy index 2010 Democracy in retreat The Economist Intelligence Unit’s Index of Democracy 2010 Democracy in retreat This is the third edition of the Economist Intelligence Unit’s democracy index. It reflects the situation as of November 2010. The first edition, published in The Economist’s The World in 2007, measured the state of democracy in September 2006 and the second edition covered the situation towards the end of 2008. The index provides a snapshot of the state of democracy worldwide for 165 independent states and two territories—this covers almost the entire population of the world and the vast majority of the world’s independent states (micro states are excluded). The Economist Intelligence Unit’s Index of Democracy is based on five categories: electoral process and pluralism; civil liberties; the functioning of government; political participation; and political culture. Countries are placed within one of four types of regimes: full democracies; flawed democracies; hybrid regimes; and authoritarian regimes. Free and fair elections and civil liberties are necessary conditions for democracy, but they are unlikely to be sufficient for a full and consolidated democracy if unaccompanied by transparent and at least minimally efficient government, sufficient political participation and a supportive democratic political culture. It is not easy to...
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