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South Central L. A. Case Study

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The 1960s and 1970s were a difficult time for law enforcement, riots came about in many cities partly due to the Black power movement. The new left demanded social change for social justice. Although law enforcement agencies had the responsibility to protect the traditional U. S. democratic values that brought attention to civil liberties. Agencies responsibility was to enforce laws that would provide social equity, most of the elected officials along with members of the community opposed this segment of law enforcement (Cronhkite, 2013). According to one of the major law enforcement textbook police mission was maintenance of social order within prescribed ethical and constitutional restrictions, another textbook stated the mission is to protect individual rights and ensure social justice (Cronhkite, 2013). South Central L. A. was going through a difficult time due to poverty, and the Rodney King beating. Politician’s and many investors within the community offered proposals for the unemployment, poverty, health …show more content…
The explanation for the failure of the Revitalization zone was the impact of homeless people that were in the target areas, large parcels were another concern for businesses for those that did take advantage of the low-interest loans they defaulted. Police reform came after the Rodney King beating with reforms that transformed the violent relationship between police and citizens of South Los

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Land Grabbing

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