The main goals for Project 13 include: testing light absorbance of different phosphate concentrations, learning the relationship between color and wavelength of absorbance, and learning how to use the Spec20 accurately. We created and tested different concentrations of phosphate and found that the higher the concentration, the more light is absorbed by the solution. Next, we studied color and wavelength and found that solutions of different colors transmit and absorb at different wavelengths. Lastly, by conducting all of these experiments, our group has become efficient and consistent while using the Spec20. We used the guide on how to use the Spec20 found on Canvas. By mastering these goals, we are ready to further study the phosphate concentration…show more content… While creating our solutions with different concentrations, our measurements could have been slightly inaccurate which could have skewed our data. Similarly, we had troubles at one point where our %T came out repeatedly in the range of 140-160. We learned that dirt on the blank caused a disturbance which skewed our %T causing it to be at an unreasonable value. A blank is a cuvette that contains a substance that results in a %T value of 100 percent. This is done by creating a substance that contains all solution contents other than the phosphate; because the phosphate is what we are testing for. When we test the actual solution, the %T is only measuring the concentration of the phosphate. To keep this error from happening in the future, we should make sure to clean the blank and each container before placing it in the Spec20. Because we failed to clean the blank and containers before testing each time for most of the experiment, our data may have been skewed. Overall the experimental procedures were carried out effectively but small variations in measurements and Spec20 readings need to be corrected for future