...Persuasive Speech Ideas Having problems coming up with a topic? Here are a few questions to ask yourself for inspiration. Remember that your topic should be something important to you. This is not a complete list of ideas! Be creative and let your interests guide you. 1. Should marijuana be legalized? 2. Should instructors teach morality? 3. Should college athletes be paid? 4. Is affirmative action fair? 5. Should the Greek system remain on college campuses? 6. Are professional athletes overpaid? 7. Do you support recreational hunting? 8. Do you believe in euthanasia? 9. Should sex education be left to parents? 10. Should knowingly transmitting an STD be punishable by law? 11. Should condoms be given out at school? 12. Should RU-486 be allowed in the U.S.? 13. Should gay marriage be legal? 14. Do you believe in gun control? 15. Should there be regulation of the internet? 16. Do video games instill violent behavior? 17. Do you approve of capital punishment? 18. Should the current drinking age be lowered (or raised)? 19. Are mandatory attendance policies justified in college classrooms? 20. Should cell phone use be banned in vehicles? ... restricted in public places? 21. Do you believe that intelligent life exists on other worlds? 22. Should evolution be taught in schools? 23. Is affirmative action still needed in the workplace? 24. Should you become an organ donor? 25. Does...
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...courage? 5. If you had to pick one food to eat for the rest of your life, what would it be? 6. Explain 3 ways to eat an oreo cookie 7. What is the best dream you have ever had? 8. Describe your first memory 9. Describe your least favorite sound? 10. Are exams a good form of assessment why or why not? 11. If everything in the world had to change to the same color, what color would you choose and why? 12. Explain how a smart person might not be wise 13. Describe your dream job 14. What do you imagine your life will be like in 10 years? 15. If you could be a super hero what super powers would you have? 16. IF you could be a certain age forever what age would you be? 17. What is your idea of a perfect day? 18. Who is your hero and why? 19. What are your greatest fears? 20. What motto/quotation/slogan would best define your life? 21. What is your most vivid childhood memory? 22. If you could go back in time… what time period would you choose to go back to? 23. What is the best gift you ever received? 24. What is one of the problems in society that concerns you the most? 25. What were you most afraid of as a child? 26. What is the most important thing you have learned in college and why? 27. What character trait would you most like to develop in yourself? 28. What is your strongest talent? 29. What social cause means the most to you and why? 30. List the do's and...
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...1:30-3:00pm Phone: 480-965-5095 (HDSHC main office) and by appointment WELCOME TO COM 225! The purpose of this course is to enable you to better understand theories and practices of public speaking. This course is designed to improve not only your delivery techniques but also your speech-writing and persuasion abilities. Additionally, this course is arranged to develop the skills necessary for you to critically evaluate both written and spoken speeches of others and to enter the public dialogue on issues that are important to you and your life. I am confident there is much to gain from the study of public speaking. The skills developed by engaging in this course work have practical applications in each of your lives. Although your participation may take place in various forms and environments, each of you will inevitably face the task of delivering, constructing, or consuming speeches. Developing your public speaking skills will prepare you for school or work presentations, job interviews, political campaigns, community meetings, and many other situations as well. BENEFITS OF THIS COURSE The objectives of this course are to: • Improve your speech delivery • Understand the ability to create effective speeches • Improve your listening skills • Improve your ability to think critically on a variety of subjects and genres • Improve your research skills • Develop skills to analyze your own and other’s speeches ...
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...Abubakr Mohamed 1. What I most liked about my speech was the first three and a half minutes because I started out my speech with confidence and strong voice that carries throughout the room. I also followed my outline and stick to it which made my purpose clear and showed the importance of the topic to the audience. Moreover my eye contacts was on entire audience , my posture was good , legs did not cross, no leaning on podium, and my hands movement was minimal and did not move too much which is the case when I usually talk to people. I think I also was able to show the importance of my topic to audience by getting their attention. I avoided making my speech to technical so it will be easy for those who are not familiar with the topic to understand. 2. After the three and a half minutes I started to rely heavily on my outline instead of eye contact and that the main point I need to work on. Also, I had multiple problems with stumbling over my words and using fill in words instead of speaking clearly and using very descriptive words. Furthermore, I saw that I tended to sway a lot, and that is something I will consciously try to fix during my next speech. In term of content, my outline needed more information and examples that will encourage the audience to ask questions after the speech and that will reflect their interest in my speech. For delivery , I was very nervous and I stumbled over my words and I had to pause longer than I should to recall my points ...
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...“Say What?” “Eh?” • “Actually, you should say ‘between you and me,” not ‘between you and I.’” • “Stop me if I’ve told you this story before…” The Number One Rule of Conversation: Be Natural Source: http://artofmanliness.com/2010/09/24/the-art-of-conversation/ Public Speaking Public Speaking • Definition • Speaking Opportunities • Similarities between PS and Conversation • Differences between PS and Conversation • Speech Communication Process • Factors to be Considered During Speaking Public Speaking • Public speaking is the process of speaking to a group of people in a structured, deliberate manner intended to inform, influence, or entertain the listeners. • It is closely allied to "presenting", although the latter has more of a commercial advertisement connotation. Speaking Opportunities • At work • Selling your ideas • Technical...
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...Figurative Language versus Literal Language Professor Veronica S Critical Thinking – PHI 210 January 22, 2013 Figurative Language versus Literal Language Figurative language is writing or speaking where ‘figures of speech’ such as metaphors and similes freely occur (Oxford Reference, 2003) where as literal language is opposed to figurative it suggests the influence of the letter as a measure of strictness and rightness: the literal truth is seen as being true in a basic and absolute way. If something is done literally, a person follows instructions ‘to the letter’, without flexibility or imagination (Oxford Reference, 2003). In this paper several figurative language expressions will be defined and discussed by providing examples for each term, appropriate circumstances for using the expressions and when it might lead to misunderstanding. An idiom is an expression established in the usage of a language that is peculiar to itself either in grammatical construction (as no, it wasn’t me) or in having a meaning that cannot be derived as a whole from the conjoined meanings of its elements (as Monday week for “the Monday a week after next Monday”; many a for “many taken distributively”; had better for “might better”; how are you? for “what is the state of your health or feelings?”) (Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary, 2002) Also an idiom doesn’t mean what its individual words mean. In Italian, “In the mouth of the wolf” is an idiom, it means “Good luck”, and “kick the bucket”...
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...Fifty-two seconds into the video, Chris Anderson reveals the “secret” to what makes TED Talks great speeches. The “secret” isn’t really a secret; it’s how the speaker of the speech has a number one task, to transfer an idea into the audience's’ head. Essentially what this means is as long as the speaker has the intent to help the audience understand how they individually interpret a topic, such as say oranges, and then puts hard work behind that intent, the speech will be great. No one person has the same view, and the purpose of public speaking is to get numerous minds to think, or at least acknowledge, the same idea. If an idea is communicated to an audience effectively enough it could also influence the audience’s future actions. Anderson...
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...setting, I don’t generally mind being myself—but the shyness of the people around me makes me feel even more reserved. I’m generally very comfortable talking to new people and absolutely love listening and learning about others. It has always been strange to me that as much as I love talking to people, I’m absolutely terrified of speaking in front of them. I’m typically bubbly and fun and the second the spotlight is on me, I get very quiet and feel terribly awkward. As I go on with the speech, it gets worse because I’m worried that people see me as some shaky freak. One thing that I would hope this class could help me with is to communicate a point more effectively. I typically know what I want to say and what I’m trying to get across to someone, but sometimes I don’t know if I’m doing it in the most effective way. I believe that the speeches alone in this class will help me out; by going through the speech myself and watching classmates and see how they present their ideas could give me ideas for...
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... TRẦN NGỌC LYDA / 091C702029 |TOPIC 3: PUBLIC SPEAKING |OCTOBER 27 | | |2011 | TABLE OF CONTENT I Introduction………………………………..3 II Body • Sec 1: General statement about public speaking …........................................3 • Sec 2: The important role of public speaking, and difficulties………….....3 • Sec 3: How to prepare a good speech………………………………………......4 • Sec 4: how to improve public speaking skill………………………………8 III Conclusion…………………………..……….12 IV Reference list……………………………...13 INTRODUCTION C an you think of any memorable talk or presentation you have ever attended? It is sad to know that most of the presentations are easy to forget, especially when the main reason behind the presentation was to communicate something to you. Therefore, it is important to know how to transfer effectively the information to the others. Moreover, the world is open and nations are integrated together. Hence, exchange information and negotiation is very important. Obviously, communication is the most essential skill at the moment, specifically public speaking. Public...
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...The speech that I listened to was a speech by Melvin Russell and it is called, “I Love Being a Police Officer, but We Need Reform.” He was a very effective speaker his speech was very engaging and had some humor added to him. I would rate this speech as a nine out of ten points. The reason I would rate it this way is because he was very organized with his thoughts, he even had a piece of paper that he use to keep the speech going. He used real life examples to support what he was saying. The way he would say things would also make you think about think that you have been through. Melvin Russell said, “I need to say this: it's not just law enforcement, though. Because every one of us makes up a community. Everybody makes up a community. And as communities -- can I say this? -- we have put too much responsibility on law enforcement.” He made a very good point when he said this,...
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...On Tuesday, January 23, 2018, I preformed my life in a bag speech. Overall, I feel that my speech was decent, especially for being the first speech assignment for the course. Though I definitely believe I have areas in improve in, such as the rate that I am speaking, my tone in voice, and dividing my time accurately for each set of point. Before the presentation, I was slightly nervous. I felt confident in my topic and the contents of my speech, but I was worried about the length of my speech and the grade I might get on it. When I had practiced my speech at home, my lengths varied greatly at first. As I refined my speech, the variations decreased, but were still present. My anxiety towards the grade was mostly present since this was the first...
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...Traditional On Campus Class Welcome to the Traditional On Campus version of Speech 103 Oral Communication! I look forward to getting to know each of you. Over the years, I have learned that many of you dread taking this class (don’t worry I felt the same way when I had to take this class) but I hope that you will find your worries to be unfounded. I work very hard to try to create a comfortable learning environment, primarily because I need you to participate in order for this class to work. This is a participatory-based class where we will all work together to help each other improve our communication skills. Consequently, you will play an active role in your own learning as well as active role in the learning of the other students in this class. Research has shown that when you are an active participant in a class you increase how much you remember as well as how much you can recall after the semester has ended. However, I have found that when you are an active participant in my class you will look forward to coming to each class session and your fears of public speaking will soon decrease. Since this class is participatory, you will find that you will put a lot of thought and effort into this class. Much learning will occur both in class and out side of class. However, while this class is demanding, I hope that you will both enjoy this experience and learn a great deal about communication, how you communicate, and how to be a better...
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...Giving a speech in front of strangers can be terrifying. You’ll most likely try to think of everything to make it less terrifying days before you start. Your hair and your clothes you rehearse and talk to yourself in the mirror. You give the speech to family and friends to help work out the bugs and try to gain confidence. Of course, there is always the age- old tactic of picturing your audience naked to help with nerves. However, you can do all of these but if you don’t consider your audience odds are your speech is not going to live up to all your hard work. Audience analysis is the most important part of your speech. After all the audience, you are speaking to is your entire reason for giving the speech. “The more you know your audience the better you can prepare.”...
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...In my speech, my specific point was to persuade my audience that your shampoo should be switched out every once in a while. In my opinion, I believe I gave them a convincing speech that my opinion should be followed, and that it was correct. I used a lot of source information to add to my credibility to show that I have facts supporting my side. So in conclusion, I believe I achieved my specific purpose. The introduction of my speech went fairly smoothly. I believed I grabbed the audience’s attention buy relating to a typical situation. Where I went wrong in my speech was when I said we would talk about the myths, but instead I only talked about one. I meant to only talk about one, but I made it sound like I was talking about many. I believe my introduction was successful because I briefly talked about the general overview, but always have room to improve in the wording of how I go about that....
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...English Language Essay Topic: “Writing is a more prestigious mode of language than speaking.” Writing and speaking are important aspects of our lives. These modes of language share significant differences between each other. However, they both allow us to communicate to others in society effectively. Despite how vital it is to be able to write productively, speaking is a more essential mode of language than writing. Speaking allows us to socialise with the people around us and develop relationships. Although, we can convey more complex ideas through writing as it is more organised and structured. Ultimately, it is much more efficient to express emotions through speech than writing. Socialisation has played an important role since the beginning of human civilisation. Through speech, we are able to interact with one another and develop close relationships with others. When we begin our education in Prep, no one knows each other that well. Over time, students start to get to know each other a little better through speaking to one another about various topics. If a handful of people have a common interest in a certain toy such as Hot Wheels, they will talk about it amongst each other. Most friendships are often formed through individuals having similar interests. When you talk about it with people who share that interest, it indicates to them that you have a good knowledge of the particular interest. It also allows them to talk about it in more detail without anyone getting...
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