...Drinking seems to be an exceptionally prevalent activity that many college students continually engage in. It seems as though most of the time students are drinking illegally because they are not over the legal drinking age of 21. Changing the drinking age is a highly debatable topic and it can potentially impact many lives everyday. I am strongly against lowering the drinking age. Personally, changing the drinking age, and more specifically, lowering the drinking age, would have a profound effect on my life as a college student. I feel that 21 is an appropriate age to allow drinking to become legal. It seems as though the drinking age does not stop minors from drinking or even consuming large amounts of alcohol, but in my opinion it does affect where and how students engage in drinking. Therefore, not only affecting my live, but the lives of individuals everywhere. According to MADD, maintaining the minimal legal drinking age at 21 saves lives, prevents injuries, and protects still developing brains. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism proves that alcohol does indeed have a profound effect on the brain. There are many short-term difficulties with speech, vision, and memory when alcohol is brought into our bodies; but there are also many long-term deficits that occur to the brain when a person drinks over a long period of time too early in life. These long-term deficits remain even once those consuming alcohol become fully sober. The human brain continually...
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...alcohol during driving. Due to drunken driving almost 17,274 people were killed in 1995 (PBS, 2002). Moreover almost one million people are injured due to alcoholic driving (PBS, 2002). Alcohol is the major cause of accidents and more deaths are likely to occur due to use of alcohol during driving as compared to instances where alcohol was not used. Alcohol when take in absorbs quickly throughout the body fluids and affect physical ability of a person. It affects the vision and reduces peripheral vision. During driving a person has to be more active and attentive but alcohol can make sleepy and confused. It is hard to track visual search and number monitoring during driving. Alcohol affects the brain greatly so you lose control over your speech and walk and ability to think and memorize is also weaker. At 0.08 BAC level a person loses his judgments, the muscles became poor in coordination and it is hard to memorize things and he loses speed control (MADD, 2014). The increase in blood alcohol content is directly proportional to accidents. When the level of alcohol increased in blood then chances of accidents get higher. In America 82 million people drive and they are...
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...Abstract The human brain is perhaps the most complex of organs, boasting between 50-100 billion nerve cells or neurons that constantly interact with each other. These neurons carry messages through electrochemical processes; meaning, chemicals in our body (charged sodium, potassium and chloride ions) moves in and out of these cells and establish an electrical current. On-going psychological research is therefore so critical to understating brain function to understand human behaviour and to obtain methods to help negative behaviour. Discuss why on-going psychological research is so critical to understanding brain functioning On – going psychological research is critical in the understating brain function because our brain controls our body temperature, blood pressure, heart rate and breathing. Our brain handles our physical movement when walking, talking, standing or sitting. The brain is so crucial because it controls all our senses (seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting and touching). It even lets us think, dream, reason and experience emotions. Psychological research is critical because they know that our body affect our behaviour, cognition, perception etc. Different moods and certain reactions that we do governed by certain neurotransmitters that depends on the brain so that it will be of use. They know that the brain is the command centre of our whole body so whatever its state or nature is very important to understanding behaviour and mental processes. Longstanding...
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...In 1932, Adolf ran against 84-year-old Paul von Hindenburg for the presidency of Germany. Hindenburg ended up winning both rounds of election, with an overall 53% (Hitler had 36%), but gave the chancellor spot to Adolf to promote political balance. At this point, things start to change dramatically in Germany, such as the form of government changing to a de facto legal dictatorship, and basic rights suspended. These basic rights included disarming citizens, constant control and regulation of the population, and the restriction of negative speech against the government and military. By 1933, not only was the Nazi party the only legal political party in Germany, but Germany also had removed itself from the League of Nations. The next year, the German military collectively killed Paul von Hindenburg, and the cabinet of the German government changed it to where the chancellor would be the head of the country. With this promotion, Adolf became the Commander of the Armed Forces. Also with this promotion, Adolf began his strive for a utopian society, starting no drinking and anti-smoking campaigns throughout the country, as well as veganism. Following this, Adolf and his Nazi regime start to create regulations, mainly against Jews. On April 1, 1933, Adolf implemented a national boycott of...
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...Houston Community College Homework 1-5 Presented To: Lloyd W. Gaddis By Yushana Ford Government 2305 8:00A.M- 9:30A.M Mon/Wed 09/20/2015 Chapter 1: The More Things Change…The More They Stay the Same 1. Analyze current problems and issues in American Government by applying Historical perspectives: -History Repeats Itself +A new Communication medium paves the way to Electoral Victory- Meaning the internet and social media have revolutionized American politics. Campaign advertising is the use of an advertising campaign through the media to influence political debate and ultimately voters. Political advertising has changed drastically over the last several decades. Harry S. Truman was proud of his accomplishment of shaking approximately 500,000 hands but his accomplishment was soon pale compared to the next presidential election with the advent of television, war hero and presidential candidate D.W Eisenhower created commercials to get votes and so on and it different with different elections and different decades. +The Power of Incumbency- It is usually used in reference to elections where races can often be defined as being between an incumbent and non-incumbents. Incumbents have easier access to campaign finance and government resources that can be indirectly used to boost a campaign. Incumbency is any elected official who is already in office and seeking re-election. 2. Explain the Philosophical underpinnings of American Political System through...
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...was the last time anyone would see him conscious ever again. When the police officers caught up to Freddie and his companion, they gave up without a fight and 6 police officers collectively put him in the back of their van. Freddie Gray was put into the back of the van at full health, completely fine and able to function properly. When he was taken from the van however, he was not able to breathe nor talk. He was sent to Shock Trauma where he died a week later. Racially motivated violence has been an issue ever since America gained its independence from the British in 1776. North and South Carolina refused to sign the Declaration until the clause of abolishing slavery was removed. Samuel Adams eventually gave in, making slavery perfectly legal. Flash forward about 100 years where the civil war commences, pitting brother against brother because the...
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...2010, Issue 1, Volume 1 The Student Journal for Media Literacy Education is published twice each year, and includes articles by undergraduate college students studying media literacy. Social Media Impact and Implications on Society By Nick Pernisco, SJMLE Editor In the past five years, social media websites have become ubiquitous, giving young people a new way to interact with each other and communicate with the world. This new form of communication depends on usercreated content, not mass produced messages coming from large media companies. But as with other media before it, social media's rise to prominence has experienced some very serious growing pains. Companies like Facebook, MySpace, and Twitter have struggled to balance an inviting interactive environment with the ultimate pursuit of profits. Thanks to these sites, our expectations of the web, as well as society, have changed. This issue of the Student Journal for Media Literacy Education aims to explore some of the issues related to social media, and a generation fully engaged in this interactive world. The main focus is popular social media sites such as Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, Wikipedia, YouTube, and LinkedIn, but other social networking sites are explored as well. All articles in the Journal have been written by college students in Santa Monica College’s Reading The Media course in Spring 2010, under my supervision. The students selected from a list of topic related to current issues in social media...
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...minimum wage to help support their families. Syrian refugees as young as three years of age are illegally involved in child labor by farmers and by companies. Many of those children work more than forty-four hours a week; working in restaurants, supermarkets, and even selling items on the street. The legal working age in Jordan and in many other countries in the middle-east is sixteen. According to BBC, in the year 2014, approximately two hundred thirteen companies were closed down in Jordan because the companies were found exploiting children. A large percentage of those children, approximately 65% of those children being exploited were Syrian refugees. Many of the Syrian refugee children living in the middle-east could not attend school due to shortage of teachers, books, and rooms. According to (theweek/articles), the Syrian ministry of education lost approximately twenty percent teachers, and eighteen percent counselors. Fortunately a small amount of Syrian refugee children did get to receive their education at a child friendly space (CFS) near Zaatari refugee camp in Jordan. There the children learned basic education and were able to talk about their traumatic experiences. Most of the children enrolled in the program have endured psychosocial trauma. According to (theweek/articles), “these children are showing signs of deep psychological trauma: PTSD, shyness, anxiety, agitation, speech impediments, and even more startling symptoms”. Many of the public schools in the middle-east...
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...DRUGS AND ALCOHOL Introduction The use and misuse of alcohol and other non-prescription drugs is one of the more controversial issues in our society, and often a source of conflict between generations and between sections of society. It’s not the purpose of this page – or of the NTU student counselling service – to tell people how to behave or to seek to label them as alcohol or drug abusers. However alcohol and other drugs are powerful substances with a potential to harm users; we would encourage people to take care of themselves when considering using them and to avoid taking any risks which they might regret later. No universal classifications ignore the fact that significant alcohol and drug use is an accepted part of many social groups. What is seen as risky or inappropriate behaviour by one group is accepted as normal by another. Use of drink and drugs can be classified as – 1. Abstinent – no use is made 2. Controlled – people have made a conscious decision have evaluated the risks and can stop if they want. 3. Impulsive – use is unpredictable and can lead to unexpected accidents and harm. However this is not continual or dependent use. 4. Habitual – the use of alcohol or drugs have become a significant and important part of the person’s lifestyle. Stopping would not be easy. 5. Dependent – there is a high degree of physical and psychological addiction. Alcohol and drug use disrupts or rules the person’s life. Stopping is not possible without considerable support...
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...CONTENTS I . CHAPTER 1 Acknowledgement……………………………………………………………………1 Introduction…………………………………………………………………………….2 Objectives of the Study……………………………………………………………....3 Significance of the Study…………………………………………………………….4 Statement of the Problem……………………………………………………………5 Advantages and Disadvantages of Early Pregnancy…………………………...6 Definition of Terms………………………………………………………………… 7-8 II . CHAPTER 2 Review of Related Literature…………………………………………………….9-10 III. CHAPTER 3 Research Methodology………………………………………………………….11-13 * Research Instruments * Research Procedure * Research Design IV . CHAPTER 4 Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation Data…………………………….14-23 * July 11 World Population Day * Their health and their future * The changing social context * Education Information * Latest Survey Result (Teenage Report) * Knowledge of Contraceptive V . CHAPTER 5 Summary, Conclusion, Recommendation & Bibliography………………24-26 CURRICULUM VITAE……………………………………………………………27-35 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The researchers would like to thank this following people who make this research possible: Mr. Arvin Maturan Genovate, for giving us the opportunity to make this research Mrs. Suarez, Mrs....
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...The Hunger Games: Action-film feminism is catching fire Lisa Schwarzbaum Burning up Jennifer Lawrence’s Katniss Everdeen is both strong and vulnerable – a new kind of action heroine who has powered The Hunger Games: Catching fire to a $158m US debut. (Lionsgate) Jennifer Lawrence’s Katniss Everdeen is a new type of female action film icon, and moviegoers should be very excited about that, writes Lisa Schwarzbaum. As Catching Fire ignites on movie screens around the world, this is what we know about the 21st Century heroine called Katniss Everdeen: she is strong but also soft. She is brave but she has doubts. She is a phenomenal fictional creation, yet is real enough that moviegoers can draw inspiration from her values, her resourcefulness, and her very human inner conflicts. And she is played by Jennifer Lawrence, who appears not only to be handling her current duties as Hollywood’s finest model of well-adjusted millennial female stardom but doing so with charm. Everdeen and Lawrence: golden girls both. Personified in Lawrence’s lithe movements and cool, focused gaze, Katniss is a brave, resourceful and independent-minded fighter; but she is also a troubled and vulnerably guilt-ridden human being. Nina Jacobson, the producer of the Hunger Games film franchise, puts it this way: “She is a singular heroine in that the burden of survival weighs on her. She has a ton of survivor’s guilt. And she keeps surviving.” Girl on fire It is strange that behaving like a well-adjusted...
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...Nike Dilemma: Still waiting for them to "do it"! Another corporate giant having its fare share of controversies over the years is Nike. Nike employs approximately 26,000 people worldwide. In addition, approximately 650,000 workers are employed in Nike contracted factories around the globe. More than 75% of these work in Asia, predominantly in China, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, Korea and Malaysia (Nike 2006). In 1998 Nike came under fire for the sweatshop conditions of the workers in the Nike factories in China and other third world countries. The evidence showed that the workers were regularly subject to physical punishment and sexual abuse and exposed to dangerous chemicals. (Nike Accused of Lying About Asian Factories 1998). Sub standard working facilities, bare minimum wages and risks to health of labourers mark NIKE factories in Asia. The firm was also accused of practicing child labour in Pakistan. So the question now is, why did it happen, and more importantly, has anything been done since to correct it. So why did it happen? Well that is quite clear. The reason why most firms outsource their activities to lesser developed countries is to exploit cheaper labour and production costs. Nike has a brand reputation worldwide, and in-fact is a market leader in the sales of athletic shoes. The constant focus is to formulate ways and strategies to reduce production costs, and one way of that is fewer wages to the workers. The high unemployment levels in the third world countries...
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...research is meant to explore the multifaceted aspect of marijuana, cigarette trends, and the correlation between their recent waves of popularity. We will explore the historical facts of past tobacco trends to the present marijuana movement including widely held attitudes and beliefs about both substances. The thesis of this research will be to explore the differences between marijuana and cigarettes and social stigmas. Including the shift in popularity between tobacco and marijuana the MJ activist group known as NORML supporting the legalization of cannabis, while anti tobacco organizations have increased to ban cigarette smoke in public places. This research will conceptualize the meanings behind the negative stigmas associated with drugs legal and illegal influence. The problem is a double standard between the political views of marijuana and cigarettes. The political perspectives seem to be focused on public stigmas about the substance(s) rather than deciding drug laws based on medical science. Marijuana and tobacco have a shared relationship in the type of substance use. Framing theory will be used to explore four correlations in the aspects of: (1) Marijuana short and long term effects, (2) medical pros and cons, (3) recreational use and political standpoints, and (4) the social stigma. The hypothesis of this research is that there is a negative stigma attached to Marijuana (MJ) and not cigarettes because it is...
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...compulsive drug seeking and use, despite harmful consequences to the drug addict and those around them. Drug addiction is a brain disease because the abuse of drugs leads to changes in the structure and function of the brain. Although it is true that for most people the initial decision to take drugs is voluntary, over time the changes in the brain caused by repeated drug abuse can affect a person's self-control and ability to make sound decisions, and at the same time create an intense impulse to take drugs. Signs of Substance Use - Topic Overview Signs of Substance Use Guide * Topic Overview * Health Tools * Related Information * Credits The following are some obvious signs that a person may be smokingcigarettes, drinking alcohol, or using other substances. This is not a complete list of signs to look for. If you suspect a particular drug or drugs, get more information on signs of use for those substances. For more information, see Teen Alcohol and Drug Abuse. Cigarettes * A distinctive smell on the breath and clothing * Cigarettes and lighter in his or her possession * Cigarette butts outside a bedroom window or in other odd places around the home Alcohol * Alcoholic beverages missing from the home storage cabinet * Alcohol or mouthwash (used to cover up alcohol) breath orhangover symptoms (nausea, vomiting, or headache), if recently used Marijuana * Sweet smell on clothing or bloodshot eyes, if recently used, and frequent use...
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...2.3 Effects of Different Types of Drugs Review There are several types of drugs. Never drive a motor vehicle after taking a substance which alters the central nervous system. This includes over-the-counter, prescription, and of course, illegal drugs. The following categories of drugs have known side effects that include impaired attention, reaction time, and vision: * Antihistamines * Pain Relievers * Tranquilizers * Hallucinogens * Stimulants * Narcotics It is very dangerous to combine alcohol and other drugs. Synergism occurs when the effect of one drug is enhanced by the presence of another drug. A multiplying rather than additive effect may occur. It takes more ounces of beer than whiskey to become impaired, but people tend to drink more beer (total ounces) than whiskey. Regarding the servings of assorted alcohol beverages, they all have differing amounts of alcohol. Beer actually has more alcohol than whiskey and coolers are even stronger. There are also an infinite number of ways to mix alcoholic beverages so a drink by drink comparison can only be made when size and alcohol content of the drinks involved are known. Alcohol is a toxic substance. The use of alcohol has no benefit to the body or society. Abuse or excessive consumption of alcohol or other drugs affects the physiology of the body in many ways. If a body becomes accustomed to the presence of alcohol continuously, a physical dependence develops and changes in...
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