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Ss Tipton Journey

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On June 17th, in the year 1787 the SS Tipton set sailed from West Africa toward North America. This journey began five days after I was torn apart from my family. My two brothers and I were each taken from our homes by a couple light skin folk and they locked us away until the ship came to fetch us and take us to this foreign land. We sailed on the Atlantic ocean for almost three weeks. These few weeks felt like an eternity in hell. There were nearly 600 people crammed onto the Tipton. I was separated from my brothers as soon as we boarded the ship, I tried to fight to get to them but I was too weak to break my captors grasp. I cried for multiple nights, yearning for my family. Even though I was surrounded by multiple people, I had never felt more alone in my life.
We were given little to no food and very little water on the ship. Many people died from starvation, dehydration, diseases, and even from suicide. I constantly heard the splashing of the bodies that the sailors would dump into the sea. Every night I would have nightmares that I was …show more content…
It was much nicer here than at home. The buildings here were a lot nicer than the ones in Africa. This place might look nice, but it could never compete with home. Home is where I grew up, home is where mom and dad is, home is where I should be with my family. My heart grew heavy just at the thought of home. I tried to take my mind off of home and onto something else, like where were these white men taking us? I began to listen to the people around me, the word ‘auction’ kept popping up. What are these men going to do to us? Sell us?
The white men began to take us into one of the nearby buildings. Once inside they lined us up on some platforms in front of a large crowd of white people. I was not quite sure what happened from there, but I ended up going home with a white man after he handed over some small green papers to a

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