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'Women In In They Fought Like Demons'

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It has been said that there was somewhere between 400 to 750 female soldiers in the Civil War. “The fact that women were willing to risk injury, illness, maiming and even death to escape the kind of lives that were available to them at the time, tells you something about just how limited their choices were,” said Elizabeth Leonard of Colby College, an american historian specialized in studying american women and the Civil War era (Schulte). Women fighting in the Civil War was baffling to those living during the time period, however, recent historians have argued that women who fought in the Civil War shared the same motivations as males, for love and for economic reasons. Many people would imagine women during the Civil War acted as nurses, and stayed at home to take care of their families while waiting for their husbands to come back. However, this typical gender role does not tell the story of some women during the Civil War. In …show more content…
“Women lived in germ-ridden camps, languished in appalling prisons, and died miserably, but honorably, for their country and their cause just as men did,” said historians DeAnne Blanton and Lauren M. Cook, authors of In They Fought Like Demons: Women Soldiers in the Civil War (Blanton).
Many women who fought in the war wanted to fight alongside their loved ones. These women were ready to exchange the risk of imprisonment for the chance to be with their loved ones in the war. On the contrary to what one would believe, the chance of women being discovered is fairly small. War uniforms during that time were heavy, fitted clothing which concealed their body shape. The most common way women were discovered was after being wounded in battle and sent to a hospital. Many

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