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Ssa Pros And Cons

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The SSI offers support for children and people with disabilities, low income and limited resources, and the elderly. It is a nationwide program that provides monthly cash payments based on resources available to the family and family income. It was the first government program to provide cash benefits for the benefit of children with disabilities. However, this program is a resource for a small portion of low-income children with disabilities and their families because of their eligibility requirements. The article SSI is administered by the Social Security Administration (SSA) and they determine if a child is disabled by a physical or mental impairment or a combination of impairments that hinder and cause severe functional limitations. They qualify a child for Medicaid health care benefits and ensure a referral to Title V if the child requires special health care needs programs. Families can be eligible if their child has a presumptive disability, meaning that there is a strong likelihood the child will be classified as disabled. The application process takes several months which frustrates families of disabled children and there are limits on the amount of total assets a family …show more content…
SSI payment varies within states because some states supplement the federal benefit rate with state funds. The program provides disabled children access to the health services they would otherwise not be able to afford. The Family Opportunity Act gives states the opportunity to provide Medicaid coverage to children with special health care needs who don’t qualify for SSI because of their family income and/or resources. Under this act, states are able to expand Medicaid coverage to children up to eighteen years of age with family incomes up to 300% of the federal poverty level who meet the SSI disability standard but whose family income exceeds current eligibility

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